Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Visit to Tacoma Quilt Show - 8/25/12

On Saturday I went with some of our quilt group (Myron's Girls) and others in the area to attend the Tacoma Quilt Show. Pacific Regent. We all took a trip on Discovery Tours to help with not worrying about driving up there and finding a parting spot. It worked great! compared to the last time we went in a group with 2 or 3 cars. Parking is hard to find at times up there. Even when you go to the Spaghetti Factory to eat! lol

It was a long day, but worth it. I found there were more artsy quilts then there used to be, but some of really pretty and WOW factors. Others I often wonder why they even bother, but that is me and only me (so don't try to tell me why - I don't go there.)

I was amazed how this feather was so close to being real.

A wonderful way to remember the past.


Love wildlife.

I really like the colors.

Horses are wonderful and this quilt moved me a little in the WOW factor.

More than pretty.

I liked the concept of this quilt. It is a lot like a quilt I would love to do for my heritage. I have way too many ideas of what I want, just haven't been able to put it in a quilt.

This quilt amazed me!

This one was like looking at a beautiful painting.

This was the side we could see, the other side is identical with it being night time. It's amazing how they did it.

Love this.

So, you see, well worth going to. There was so much there! It was amazing and wonderful to see. More then expected. It's not the old time quilts that it was 20 years ago. It's the quilts that were started 20 years ago that people couldn't decide if they liked them or not. I'm a little disappointed that quilts now are "rare edge" type quilts that need to be machine sewn. Very few quilts where handmade and hand quilted. When I say "handmade" I'm saying done by hand, not machine. I'm still the old fashion quilter who believes in handmade quilts.

I don't have the desire to do the "artsy fartsy" quilts but I d admire those that do. I know ANY quilt takes time and energy to do. What you do, is what you enjoy and have fun doing, I admire that. What I do, I do for myself or my family and I enjoy that. Quilts are there to be enjoyed and I did enjoy the show.

It got me thinking and wanting to get a few quilts done before too long. I'm hoping to be able to lift more so I can pull out the Hawaiian quilt and finish with the quilting.

Enjoy the photos I sent and have fun Happy Quilting....

Back to Crafts

After a few weeks of being out of "circulation" I'm finally back to working on my stuff.  While we were in Las Vegas, NV,  took along 2 skeins of yarn, to work on. I picked a quick and easy pattern, and started it on the trip at the airport. There I got a few rows done, and while in the motel room, I was able to get a few more rows done. By the time we came back - on the airplane - I found a mistake that was all the way down on the 3rd row. So, while on the plane, I was taking out several rows. I was able to get a few more rows put back in before we landed. So, I started to work on getting it done. 

I found the WSU colors just before we went on the trip to Las Vegas. I started it with my future son-in-law in mind. Now the wedding is off, so I don't know who is going to get. I may give it to my daughter or my son since both went to WSU. 

This week has been busy with family. My two brothers came up from Las Vegas and McAlsiter, OK, to go fishing. We were able to spend time together, which was a blessing. We even helped my parents get some more stuff off the property and into a shed. Things are going pretty good. Now hubby and son need to go and get the rest and move it to the shed. Then all they need to do is clean and have it ready for show. 

I was able to pull out a few of my blocks from the Affairs of the Heart. I decided I better get some more embroidery done on it, so that I won't have to worry about it when it comes time to put the quilt together. 

I got all my embroidery done on this block and started working on the other - 

I have a few more areas to work on and I'm about half way done. 

We (Myron's Girls) and other quilting friends from this area went on a Discovery Tours group to the Tacoma Quilt Show. I took a ton of photos and will post those shortly. I want to post those on their own. 

Things are getting better, emotions are coming back to normal. Since my gallbladder was removed, I haven't wanted to do much of anything, but today is a better day, I worked on genealogy, got a couple more rows on the afghan and finally posted on here. 

Things are looking up and I'm getting back to being Happy Quilting.....

Thursday, August 16, 2012


We went to Las Vegas last week. It worked out great. Then on Tuesday I had my gallbladder out. So, I''m in pain. I did start an afghan while on the plane. On the way home, I ended up taking out 3/4 of what I put in. When I find a mistake, I have to take it out.

Got a lot done, and have been trying to get some more done. Since I'm in more pain then I expected, and today is only Thursday. Hopefully get back on my feet in the next couple days. I'll keep you posted.

In the meantime, wishing I was Happy Quilting....

Monday, August 6, 2012

Falling behind

Guess I'm falling behind on my blogging. Never fails, but at times wonder if it's because it's summer time and I tend not to work on quilt related stuff or if I'm too lazy to write.

I have been taking photo's of the flowers in the yard.

And having fun with the camera this year.

About the time I wrote the last blog, our "Haven't Missed A Stitch" group with the Applique Society, finished the quilt that we were entering into Quilter's Junction's "ugly fabric" contest. We made it down to the last week before it was due. So, I have to say the group was really good about getting it done. One of the other gals in the group quilted the quilt and even I liked how it turned out. There are so many different applique techniques, that the quilt is well done.

Sorry, but it was up on the wall way too high for me. We did win a prize, but not sure what it is, and won't know till I get back. (Cil Brown designed the quilt)

So, after hanging that quilt, I came home and quilted on my quilt for a couple days before it got hot around here.

I finished quilting the corner and started on the next side. I worked in the flowers, but did not quilt to the boarder yet.

This is where I'm working on the flowers before I start echoing again.

This is a photo of the finished corner.

I have also been working on my Affairs of the Heart blocks. I worked on two of the blocks - doing the embroidery. I'm down to 6 more block before I can call it done. I'm getting there. I took one block I was working on to the doctors, and the doctor was telling me how he liked the colors and wanted to know if I picked my own colors. I was so surprised by his questions, that I seemed more like an idiot then usual.

While my daughter was here, we went to the Mariner's baseball game - WE WON! That was a great feeling. We had a great family day.

With this wacky family of mine - but they are wonderful!

This is from the high point at the Stadium. We were under the timer straight ahead. Hubby got great seats!

We always take a walk before and during the game to get some exercise - and we check out the Seattle Skyline.

A view worth looking at. - OH, and we got stuck in traffic on the way home. It took us 2 hours to get from Seattle to Tacoma - usually a 30 minute drive.  It was by Boeing field. Found out after we got home there was a shooting and one car hit another, etc, with all lanes blocked for hours. 

We even had a visit from my daughter's cat, Fredrick. Gun shy but a lot of fun.

But then Charlie girl, was not happy about it and spent more of her time outside with her noise out of joint.

So, as you can see, I've been having a busy summer. We are heading off to Las Vegas today, and will be back later this week. I'm not taking quilting stuff with me, but I am taking a ball of yarn and a crochet hook to see if I can start an afghan for a Christmas gift. I may have a few things for Christmas this year yet.

I will be going in for surgery for my gallbladder in the middle of the month, so I'm sure my down time will be doing applique - at least I'm hoping....lol Still need to do the block for the challenge when the two groups get together on the 23rd.

So, in the meantime and I going to try and be Happy Quilting...at least when I can. I did get a few stitches in on the quilt downstairs last night.

Enjoy and Happy Quilting.....

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...