My Finished Quilts

This page is a work in progress - I'm looking for the photos of quilts I've made to put in here. Keep checking back.

November 2016

 Card Tricks ca. 1990

"Patricks Garden" Hawaiian quilt 2015
My design

Honey Bee Quilt 2014

Inner City ca 1997

Superbowl Soup ca. 2002
 machine quilted 2013

My First Quilt
Double Wedding Ring ca. 1983

My Second quilt - Road to Oklahoma ca. 1985

Ohio Rose - ca 1986

ca. 1994

Kaleidoscope - ca. 1995
Gift to my parents

Kaleidoscope - ca 1996
Gifted to brother-in-law and sister-in-law

Won blocks from Council, ID ca. 1994

Gift to a friend in ca 2010 (hand quilted)

Wall hanging for Step 3 of Master craftsman program.
ca 1995

Baby gift for a friend, ca 1995

Road to OK, ca. 1985

Wedding gift to a friend. ca. 1994

Worked with daughters class - ca. 1984.

Scrap quilt - ca 1997

ca 2003, SWWRDQG Challenge

Made for teaching class - Sept 2015 Hand applique and hand quilted

Block I entered won 1st place.

ca 1988

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