Today started out walking 2.25 miles. I enjoyed a good walk this morning.
Got everything ready and headed to our Brazilian embroidery group - BFF. We had some visitors from the "BELLS" group. They came all the way from Renton. We had a great visit! They brought some embroidery patterns and books from a major BE teacher who's health is not good. We picked through the stuff and donated to the Seminar's Scholarship fund.
These are some of the patterns I got.
I loved the women in these two patterns. I just had to get it.
Fell in love with the white peacock and got that pattern as well. That was all I bought. I didn't want to get too much because I really need to finish other stuff first. I have to keep myself in check with one project at a time. I seriously don't want to get into trouble with doing more than one project at a I do with quilting!
This is what I was able to get done today. I'm glad I enlarged the pattern. It was just a little too small for me. I like this pattern.
I will be working on the Cat Nap tonight. I need to get moving with it. Tomorrow is QOV meeting day. I don't know if I'll go. I tend to go 2 out of 3 meeting. I'm not done with the eagle and Donna won't be there. Not sure what I would do other than go to the meeting. Plus tomorrow it's supposed to be rainy and windy.
After our meeting today, we went to "Berry Fields" restaurant to have lunch. I like their food, but it's expensive to eat there. I had a 1/2 sandwich and it cost me $10. Had a salad as a side with it, but still.
Okay, now I'm off to try and get moving on the stuff I didn't get to today. May we all be Happy Quilting!
This is a blog that shows my quilting, Brazilian embroidery, cross stitch, beading and more. It's a daily blog that shows how busy I can be with too many projects and how lazy I can get at times. Even boring at times. It was originally for my children who where miles away. Now, it's just a blog.
Monday, February 29, 2016
Sunday, February 28, 2016
An Awesome Weekend of Quilting!
This morning I was up and playing - my usual thing on the weekends. Enjoyed the peace and quiet while Patrick slept! (smiling)
In the afternoon, I heated up the fireplace downstairs. John Wayne's movie "The Quiet Man" was on and I love that movie! Put it on downstairs and Patrick joined me while I quilted.
First things first. I had to roll the quilt! I was so thrilled to be able to roll this. I took off the "claps" at the ends and took a photo before I rolled it.
I worked on the left side and quilted this area. Once can see the center on the right to see how much I rolled it. Still not done with the center - BUT I'M CLOSE!! I'm getting excited about all this!
I was finishing up the small square area. I also worked on the green area on the left. I started on the green area on the top left. It's coming along great. I should be able to get that done tomorrow and then I can finally claim to have the center done. I was looking at the rolls and I'm close to the bottom! There was about 1 1/2 rolls on the back bars. That means I'm really close to getting this quilt done! After 4 years on this frame it will be great to finally get it done. I worked on the butterflies in the upper photo. I found it didn't take too much thinking to decide on the patterns for those. It was a lot easier than I thought thinking of a design for the next butterfly.
I worked on the 2 fabric applique a little last night. I really didn't do much on there, so didn't take a photo of it.
I found myself trying to figure out why my photos where coming out on the yellow when I was taking photos downstairs. It was driving me crazy, so I pulled out my filters. THEN I realized I took off the filter that works for downstairs. I put the filter back on. I have two filters on it right now. Drove me nuts, because I thought I had the filter on it, but they were coming in yellow! Guess I need to pay more attention to what I'm doing with my camera!
Bowling tonight was a little better. I got a 507 series, not the best but I was consistent tonight. I missed some easy spares but I was doing better on my bowling. I'll keep working on it and hopefully get back to those 200 games. We won all 4 games tonight.
I was reading Karen's post at the bowling alley tonight and couldn't believe what I read! She will be away from blogging and sewing for a while because of her eye! I wish her all the best and hope her eye heals quickly!
I was checking out TAS' facebook page and one of the gals is doing the "Love Letters" quilt. I just love that quilt! She's doing awesome and now I think I'm going to add that to my "wish list." Yep! Another thing to add to my wish list! UGH.....oh, well....Happy Quilting!
In the afternoon, I heated up the fireplace downstairs. John Wayne's movie "The Quiet Man" was on and I love that movie! Put it on downstairs and Patrick joined me while I quilted.
First things first. I had to roll the quilt! I was so thrilled to be able to roll this. I took off the "claps" at the ends and took a photo before I rolled it.
I worked on the left side and quilted this area. Once can see the center on the right to see how much I rolled it. Still not done with the center - BUT I'M CLOSE!! I'm getting excited about all this!
I was finishing up the small square area. I also worked on the green area on the left. I started on the green area on the top left. It's coming along great. I should be able to get that done tomorrow and then I can finally claim to have the center done. I was looking at the rolls and I'm close to the bottom! There was about 1 1/2 rolls on the back bars. That means I'm really close to getting this quilt done! After 4 years on this frame it will be great to finally get it done. I worked on the butterflies in the upper photo. I found it didn't take too much thinking to decide on the patterns for those. It was a lot easier than I thought thinking of a design for the next butterfly.
I worked on the 2 fabric applique a little last night. I really didn't do much on there, so didn't take a photo of it.
I found myself trying to figure out why my photos where coming out on the yellow when I was taking photos downstairs. It was driving me crazy, so I pulled out my filters. THEN I realized I took off the filter that works for downstairs. I put the filter back on. I have two filters on it right now. Drove me nuts, because I thought I had the filter on it, but they were coming in yellow! Guess I need to pay more attention to what I'm doing with my camera!
Bowling tonight was a little better. I got a 507 series, not the best but I was consistent tonight. I missed some easy spares but I was doing better on my bowling. I'll keep working on it and hopefully get back to those 200 games. We won all 4 games tonight.
I was reading Karen's post at the bowling alley tonight and couldn't believe what I read! She will be away from blogging and sewing for a while because of her eye! I wish her all the best and hope her eye heals quickly!
I was checking out TAS' facebook page and one of the gals is doing the "Love Letters" quilt. I just love that quilt! She's doing awesome and now I think I'm going to add that to my "wish list." Yep! Another thing to add to my wish list! UGH.....oh, well....Happy Quilting!
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Quilting Among Other Things
Today was different for me! I actually slept till 9:30 am - I haven't done that since I was a teenager!
I enjoyed some time playing games and working on the computer. Watching a John Wayne movie also.
In the afternoon I went downstairs and worked.
I basted down the flag pole end.
Pinned the body on the eagle because I basted it and accidentally cut the salvage as part of the body. I cut out another piece and pinned it from the other side. I'll baste it down later. I picked out a good white fabric for the head. It's coming along great.
Then I sat down for a couple hours and quilted.
Just a little farther to go and the center will be done! I've actually got the center part done, I just need to work on the border of the center and then will call it done. I'm thrilled!
I have this area done and now it's ready to roll. I worked on this side to get it to where I can roll it. When I was about there, Patrick wanted to go out to eat, so we did. I'll roll it tomorrow before we go bowling.
I haven't decided what I'm going to do with the next butterflies. I've been trying to keep them different, but after awhile I can't remember what the others look like. It is funny how I can't seem to figure out another design...I'm getting there.
I need to work on the Cat Nap and will do that tonight. I also need to finish the eagle but since Donna will be gone to retreat for about a week and a half, it can wait a little longer. Plus I really want to get back to the cross stitch.
Time goes least I have been keeping a notebook on the newer projects. The butterfly doesn't have that going. I have a book on all the stuff I'm doing for the QOV as well as the newer quilt projects. I found a couple new patterns I have that I really want to get started, but I'm waiting....waiting...waiting. Hopefully time will come soon for me to work on it.
Happy Quilting!
I enjoyed some time playing games and working on the computer. Watching a John Wayne movie also.
In the afternoon I went downstairs and worked.
I basted down the flag pole end.
Pinned the body on the eagle because I basted it and accidentally cut the salvage as part of the body. I cut out another piece and pinned it from the other side. I'll baste it down later. I picked out a good white fabric for the head. It's coming along great.
Then I sat down for a couple hours and quilted.
Just a little farther to go and the center will be done! I've actually got the center part done, I just need to work on the border of the center and then will call it done. I'm thrilled!
I have this area done and now it's ready to roll. I worked on this side to get it to where I can roll it. When I was about there, Patrick wanted to go out to eat, so we did. I'll roll it tomorrow before we go bowling.
I haven't decided what I'm going to do with the next butterflies. I've been trying to keep them different, but after awhile I can't remember what the others look like. It is funny how I can't seem to figure out another design...I'm getting there.
I need to work on the Cat Nap and will do that tonight. I also need to finish the eagle but since Donna will be gone to retreat for about a week and a half, it can wait a little longer. Plus I really want to get back to the cross stitch.
Time goes least I have been keeping a notebook on the newer projects. The butterfly doesn't have that going. I have a book on all the stuff I'm doing for the QOV as well as the newer quilt projects. I found a couple new patterns I have that I really want to get started, but I'm waiting....waiting...waiting. Hopefully time will come soon for me to work on it.
Happy Quilting!
Friday, February 26, 2016
A Visit With Jeannie Austin!
Today I was up and walking with Ruth. We got in 2 miles. I'm getting better at getting more steps in.
I went over to the quilt show at the Christian School in Centralia. Had a great time and visited with Jeannie Austin. Showed her what I was doing on the eagle block. She loves the colors I used for the wings.
I'm working on the post, then I can get the body of the eagle done. I'm hoping to have it done here pretty soon so Donna can get a quilt put together with all those stars.
This is the latest quilt mom finished. It looks prettier up close. It turned out great.
This is Jeannie Austin's quilt - both of them actually.
I love the eagle in the middle and am planning on doing that in one of my quilts.
While we were at the quilt show, Donna found this book of 1911-15 newspaper patterns. The ones on the top where applique. It cost me $30 but got mom to go in with me on it. I went through the patterns when I got home! The best part is most of them are embroidery patterns that I can use in my Brazilian embroidery! This is going to be fun!
One of the other quilters was telling me her Aunt saved a lot of these and she has those. She said she will gladly give them to me. I told her I'm a history buff. I love to see what they did years ago. This is going to be fun! I can think of a ton of designs to make! This will get me to do designing yet!
Tonight is going to be working on the eagle. Unless I change my mind and work on the Cat Nap. I do need to get that done as well. Asked Patrick if he has plans for the weekend. So far, no, but I do think we will be going to the movies. I do want to get back down there and quilt again this weekend.
Time will tell...time sure does go fast....I have tons of things I want to do...I'm getting there SLOWLY.
I was checking on the classes and stuff at "Seminar" for Brazilian embroidery and it's going to cost me about $700. UGH BUT I think it will be worth it. We'll talk about it on Monday at our meeting. I am taking a couple afternoon or morning off, to work on what I'm learning. I need to SAVE my money so I can have some extra to buy stuff
Okay, it's time to get my exercises in for the day. Excited about getting back to Happy Quilting!
I went over to the quilt show at the Christian School in Centralia. Had a great time and visited with Jeannie Austin. Showed her what I was doing on the eagle block. She loves the colors I used for the wings.
I'm working on the post, then I can get the body of the eagle done. I'm hoping to have it done here pretty soon so Donna can get a quilt put together with all those stars.
This is the latest quilt mom finished. It looks prettier up close. It turned out great.
This is Jeannie Austin's quilt - both of them actually.
I love the eagle in the middle and am planning on doing that in one of my quilts.
While we were at the quilt show, Donna found this book of 1911-15 newspaper patterns. The ones on the top where applique. It cost me $30 but got mom to go in with me on it. I went through the patterns when I got home! The best part is most of them are embroidery patterns that I can use in my Brazilian embroidery! This is going to be fun!
One of the other quilters was telling me her Aunt saved a lot of these and she has those. She said she will gladly give them to me. I told her I'm a history buff. I love to see what they did years ago. This is going to be fun! I can think of a ton of designs to make! This will get me to do designing yet!
Tonight is going to be working on the eagle. Unless I change my mind and work on the Cat Nap. I do need to get that done as well. Asked Patrick if he has plans for the weekend. So far, no, but I do think we will be going to the movies. I do want to get back down there and quilt again this weekend.
Time will tell...time sure does go fast....I have tons of things I want to do...I'm getting there SLOWLY.
I was checking on the classes and stuff at "Seminar" for Brazilian embroidery and it's going to cost me about $700. UGH BUT I think it will be worth it. We'll talk about it on Monday at our meeting. I am taking a couple afternoon or morning off, to work on what I'm learning. I need to SAVE my money so I can have some extra to buy stuff
Okay, it's time to get my exercises in for the day. Excited about getting back to Happy Quilting!
Thursday, February 25, 2016
A Great Day With Friends
Today I was up and ready to go early. We walked early so Ruth could go to her meeting. Funny part was, I was ready early and she wasn't there to walk. Walked down and got her.
Before heading out to our group meeting, I basted down the flag piece, just in case I worked on it at the meeting.
I also finished up the basting on this quilt top. I worked on it before I left and when I got to the meeting. Once I had it done, I was ready to applique it. I was trying to decide what I wanted to work on, the eagle or the "'Cat Nap" quilt. Since I already had the "Cat Nap" out, decided I would just go ahead and work on it. We had a great laugh today at the meeting. It felt good to laugh with friends!
I was able to get this much done while at the meeting. One can see the paw and the ear. I do like the contrast on this quilt. It works good. I'm so glad I waited before working on it with that other color I had at first. I was thrilled at how much I did get done.
I came home around 3 pm. I had to stop off at the store and pick up some food for tonight. I got the grill going....
since it was a nice day. Then it died on me! So, I worked at it. We had good food.
I also walked around the back yard to see what all was growing.
Not sure what this is, since I can't tell one flower from another. This is purple if I remember right.
Tulips are coming up! Can't wait to see what we have out there since Patrick planted more last year.
Was enjoying the trees in the yard as well. lol
Roses are starting up! Can't wait to see what we get.
I worked on Mturk as well. That does take time and I do enjoy doing it. It's a small way to earn money. Not that I'm worried about that.
Tonight I will try and get some more done on the Cat Nap OR I may try and get more of the eagle done so I can go see Jeannie with some progress tomorrow! Eagle it may just be! I haven't showed Patrick the cat quilt yet. He likes seeing me cut the fabric away.
I'm looking forward to checking out the quilt show tomorrow. I know it will be awesome! This quilt show has over 200 quilts and the best part is 80% of the quilts are all hand quilted. I just love seeing hand quilted quilts.
We have set up March for my classes. I will be teach a night class and a day class for the 2 Fabric Applique. This class I'm letting everyone bring their own patterns and their own fabrics. If anyone is interested - contact Rita at Whalen Quilt Works, Centrallia. WA. I'm looking forward to it! It will be FUN! Come join me!
I still haven't made it downstairs to quilt. I'm hoping to get down there again this weekend. I really need to get past the center and get my rear in gear and finish it up! OH! In reading my great grandmother's diary I found a mention of finishing up a quilt! She finished the quilt one day, and finished the binding on the quilt the next day! I just wish she told me what quilt she made! I would have made one in her honor....oh, well.
Happy Quilting!
Before heading out to our group meeting, I basted down the flag piece, just in case I worked on it at the meeting.
I also finished up the basting on this quilt top. I worked on it before I left and when I got to the meeting. Once I had it done, I was ready to applique it. I was trying to decide what I wanted to work on, the eagle or the "'Cat Nap" quilt. Since I already had the "Cat Nap" out, decided I would just go ahead and work on it. We had a great laugh today at the meeting. It felt good to laugh with friends!
I was able to get this much done while at the meeting. One can see the paw and the ear. I do like the contrast on this quilt. It works good. I'm so glad I waited before working on it with that other color I had at first. I was thrilled at how much I did get done.
I came home around 3 pm. I had to stop off at the store and pick up some food for tonight. I got the grill going....
since it was a nice day. Then it died on me! So, I worked at it. We had good food.
I also walked around the back yard to see what all was growing.
Not sure what this is, since I can't tell one flower from another. This is purple if I remember right.
Tulips are coming up! Can't wait to see what we have out there since Patrick planted more last year.
Was enjoying the trees in the yard as well. lol
Roses are starting up! Can't wait to see what we get.
I worked on Mturk as well. That does take time and I do enjoy doing it. It's a small way to earn money. Not that I'm worried about that.
Tonight I will try and get some more done on the Cat Nap OR I may try and get more of the eagle done so I can go see Jeannie with some progress tomorrow! Eagle it may just be! I haven't showed Patrick the cat quilt yet. He likes seeing me cut the fabric away.
I'm looking forward to checking out the quilt show tomorrow. I know it will be awesome! This quilt show has over 200 quilts and the best part is 80% of the quilts are all hand quilted. I just love seeing hand quilted quilts.
We have set up March for my classes. I will be teach a night class and a day class for the 2 Fabric Applique. This class I'm letting everyone bring their own patterns and their own fabrics. If anyone is interested - contact Rita at Whalen Quilt Works, Centrallia. WA. I'm looking forward to it! It will be FUN! Come join me!
I still haven't made it downstairs to quilt. I'm hoping to get down there again this weekend. I really need to get past the center and get my rear in gear and finish it up! OH! In reading my great grandmother's diary I found a mention of finishing up a quilt! She finished the quilt one day, and finished the binding on the quilt the next day! I just wish she told me what quilt she made! I would have made one in her honor....oh, well.
Happy Quilting!
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Today Was A Good Day...Even If It Wasn't Quilting!
Today I was up and ready to go walking with Ruth. So good to have her back! We actually got in two walks today and I'm way over my 10,000 steps. Funny how I can't even get 7,000 steps when she's not around!
I worked on genealogy this morning. I read some of my great grandmother's diary last night and wanted to check on the people she was talking about. I found out she was living with her White family. At the same time she visited her Moorhead family as well. She didn't say much, other than going from one family member to another. Her diary was written in 1894. She didn't live much longer than that. She died at the age of 24, of "lock jaw." I've got more to read. She said she got her "wedding cake receipt" in her diary, and I think I remember seeing that recipe at one time. If I find it again, I just may make it.
After working on the genealogy, I worked on making some money on Mturk. It was amazing how much time goes by when I'm working on both the genealogy and my Mturk.
It's day 4 and I'm not done with basting the "Cat Nap." It is close but not quiet there. I have quilting tomorrow and I'm hoping to finish the basting and get started on getting the applique started.
Went bowling tonight. Got a 506 series. Getting back up there again. It's taking too much time trying to get my "groove" on again.
I did give mom my Hawaiian quilt to put in the quilt show this weekend. I will be going to see Jeannie Austin on Friday. I'm excited to see her again! I have to take my eagle with me, and I've got to get moving and getting more stuff done on that block before I take it to her Friday. Let's see what tomorrow will bring...Happy Quilting!
I worked on genealogy this morning. I read some of my great grandmother's diary last night and wanted to check on the people she was talking about. I found out she was living with her White family. At the same time she visited her Moorhead family as well. She didn't say much, other than going from one family member to another. Her diary was written in 1894. She didn't live much longer than that. She died at the age of 24, of "lock jaw." I've got more to read. She said she got her "wedding cake receipt" in her diary, and I think I remember seeing that recipe at one time. If I find it again, I just may make it.
After working on the genealogy, I worked on making some money on Mturk. It was amazing how much time goes by when I'm working on both the genealogy and my Mturk.
It's day 4 and I'm not done with basting the "Cat Nap." It is close but not quiet there. I have quilting tomorrow and I'm hoping to finish the basting and get started on getting the applique started.
Went bowling tonight. Got a 506 series. Getting back up there again. It's taking too much time trying to get my "groove" on again.
I did give mom my Hawaiian quilt to put in the quilt show this weekend. I will be going to see Jeannie Austin on Friday. I'm excited to see her again! I have to take my eagle with me, and I've got to get moving and getting more stuff done on that block before I take it to her Friday. Let's see what tomorrow will bring...Happy Quilting!
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
Beautiful Day!
This morning was up and running. I went to get Art to take him to the casino in Yelm WA. I arrived early so we could get breakfast. He decided to wait till 10 am to get breakfast at the casino. That was fine with me. Wasn't hungry anyway.
We arrived early, about 8:30 am. I played on the casino money till it was time to meet Art. I was okay with that. Then I went through all the money he gave me to today wasn't one of my better days. I could have used some extra money, but that's fine too. He came back with money - as usual. He said he couldn't figure out how I keep loosing. I can keep telling him, I'm not as lucky as he is. He tells me it's in the way I play. I'll work on it to see if I can get better.
On the way there and back, the sun was out. It was a beautiful day all around. I love the blue skies now as the sun goes down. Usually it's red or orange. Tonight it's a pretty blue.
A year ago today, the roses were starting to come to life.
A year ago today, Charlie followed me around while I took photos.
A year ago today, flowers were blooming.
Today, not so much. Charlie isn't around, blooms haven't happened yet because of the rain, and I haven't checked out the roses yet.
I need to figure out what I'm going to work on tonight. Chances are I'll finish up the basting on the "Cat Nap" quilt top. I would like to be able to get back to the quilt downstairs and finish up the center of that quilt.
I stopped in to see mom and she's already getting ready to quilt on her wall hanging. It's a Hawaiian quilt. This will be the third one for her this year. She's been quilting like mad. She wants me to come over next week and do some kits with the fabrics she has in the cabinets. I'm not sure what kind of kits she wants, but she wants me to help her out. I think I'll talk her into waiting till Patrick goes on his vacation next month. That way I don't have to worry about getting back home right away.
I'm hoping the rest of this week I'll be able to get back to what I've been trying to get done. Time will tell. There isn't a lot of time in one day at times.
So, did I do enough to keep me happy that today was a good day? Yea, I think I did. I helped an older man enjoy his day when he doesn't have a lot of days he really enjoys. I do miss playing cribbage with him, but now his daughter comes around more. Trade off isn't bad for him. I promised 1 day a month to take him to the casino. If today was my last day...would I be okay with that? Probably not, but in another way, yes. I would love to have more done, more to give to my children. More to give to Veterans. In my lifetime will I have done what I wanted? Probably not, but I'm okay with my life. I've had worse days and I've had better days. Each day is a blessing and if I can keep the blessings going, I'm thrilled.
Life is good, and I'm Happy Quilting!
We arrived early, about 8:30 am. I played on the casino money till it was time to meet Art. I was okay with that. Then I went through all the money he gave me to today wasn't one of my better days. I could have used some extra money, but that's fine too. He came back with money - as usual. He said he couldn't figure out how I keep loosing. I can keep telling him, I'm not as lucky as he is. He tells me it's in the way I play. I'll work on it to see if I can get better.
On the way there and back, the sun was out. It was a beautiful day all around. I love the blue skies now as the sun goes down. Usually it's red or orange. Tonight it's a pretty blue.
A year ago today, the roses were starting to come to life.
A year ago today, Charlie followed me around while I took photos.
A year ago today, flowers were blooming.
Today, not so much. Charlie isn't around, blooms haven't happened yet because of the rain, and I haven't checked out the roses yet.
I need to figure out what I'm going to work on tonight. Chances are I'll finish up the basting on the "Cat Nap" quilt top. I would like to be able to get back to the quilt downstairs and finish up the center of that quilt.
I stopped in to see mom and she's already getting ready to quilt on her wall hanging. It's a Hawaiian quilt. This will be the third one for her this year. She's been quilting like mad. She wants me to come over next week and do some kits with the fabrics she has in the cabinets. I'm not sure what kind of kits she wants, but she wants me to help her out. I think I'll talk her into waiting till Patrick goes on his vacation next month. That way I don't have to worry about getting back home right away.
I'm hoping the rest of this week I'll be able to get back to what I've been trying to get done. Time will tell. There isn't a lot of time in one day at times.
So, did I do enough to keep me happy that today was a good day? Yea, I think I did. I helped an older man enjoy his day when he doesn't have a lot of days he really enjoys. I do miss playing cribbage with him, but now his daughter comes around more. Trade off isn't bad for him. I promised 1 day a month to take him to the casino. If today was my last day...would I be okay with that? Probably not, but in another way, yes. I would love to have more done, more to give to my children. More to give to Veterans. In my lifetime will I have done what I wanted? Probably not, but I'm okay with my life. I've had worse days and I've had better days. Each day is a blessing and if I can keep the blessings going, I'm thrilled.
Life is good, and I'm Happy Quilting!
Monday, February 22, 2016
Hello Monday!
I enjoyed my last day of sleeping in a little later than usual. Got up and got moving. I don't think I sat down long today. I did work on some of my games, but I did try to earn some more money too.
I also pulled out my 2 fabric applique and worked on the basting. Yep, I'm still basting it. I think half the problem is - it's not one of my favorite parts of making them. The basting takes a good day.
I have it all marked, so it's just threading my needle and basting. Threading my needle and basting, and threading my needle and basting.
I do have about half of it done. I'll sit down tonight and make myself get it done. I keep getting up and finding other things to do. I did get to sit and enjoy my FAVORITE movie! "Love Letters" on Hallmark channel! I love that movie!!
I had to get letters put together for our water system. Patrick put together a letter and I put them all in envelopes and have them ready to mail. That took a little longer than I was hoping - had to change the phone number on all the letters as Patrick had it wrong.
I was also getting the laundry going today. Need to keep up on it so I don't end up like last week and have to do it all day long.
I haven't been able to get to my quilt....ugh...or my cross stitch. Been trying to keep up on the other stuff that needs to get done.
I may try to get another letter done for "Letter from the Past." I really did enjoy the one from mom's Uncle while he lived in Alaska.
So, for a Monday, it came and went. Not exciting but not boring either.
Because I don't really have anything exciting, check out Kathy's Quilts. I love how she put her quilt blocks on the tree in the snow. I also loved her comment yesterday about how she looks at each day.
I'm quoting her here: "I say to myself: If this was my last day on the planet, would I be proud of the decisions I made, of how I treated the people in my life, , and of how I used my resources, including the most precious resource of all - time?" I love the way she looks at life. I find that I do the same, but I never thought of it in the way she does. Check out her websit.
Enjoy life and have a great day being Happy QUILTING!
I also pulled out my 2 fabric applique and worked on the basting. Yep, I'm still basting it. I think half the problem is - it's not one of my favorite parts of making them. The basting takes a good day.
I have it all marked, so it's just threading my needle and basting. Threading my needle and basting, and threading my needle and basting.
I do have about half of it done. I'll sit down tonight and make myself get it done. I keep getting up and finding other things to do. I did get to sit and enjoy my FAVORITE movie! "Love Letters" on Hallmark channel! I love that movie!!
I had to get letters put together for our water system. Patrick put together a letter and I put them all in envelopes and have them ready to mail. That took a little longer than I was hoping - had to change the phone number on all the letters as Patrick had it wrong.
I was also getting the laundry going today. Need to keep up on it so I don't end up like last week and have to do it all day long.
I haven't been able to get to my quilt....ugh...or my cross stitch. Been trying to keep up on the other stuff that needs to get done.
I may try to get another letter done for "Letter from the Past." I really did enjoy the one from mom's Uncle while he lived in Alaska.
So, for a Monday, it came and went. Not exciting but not boring either.
Because I don't really have anything exciting, check out Kathy's Quilts. I love how she put her quilt blocks on the tree in the snow. I also loved her comment yesterday about how she looks at each day.
I'm quoting her here: "I say to myself: If this was my last day on the planet, would I be proud of the decisions I made, of how I treated the people in my life, , and of how I used my resources, including the most precious resource of all - time?" I love the way she looks at life. I find that I do the same, but I never thought of it in the way she does. Check out her websit.
Enjoy life and have a great day being Happy QUILTING!
Sunday, February 21, 2016
Another Day Slipped Away...
Yet another day has come and gone. I woke early surprise there. I enjoyed the peace and quiet this morning. Had my breakfast and a cup of tea.
After Patrick got up, did some laundry, cleaned up a little and then sat to work on the 2 Fabric Applique Cat Nap pattern. I basted for awhile - till I got tired of it. Then I went into the computer room and worked on my genealogy - actually I copied a couple letters for my "Letters from the Past." Was fascinated by my great Uncle living in Alaska in 1938.
Went bowling - started out good, then went down hill. Had a 500 series. I've had better.
Was constantly busy today, but didn't make it downstairs. Didn't try to make any money today either. Where does the time go?
I enjoyed reading a couple blogs out there while I was waiting to bowl. Will tag them tomorrow on here.
Life is good, I'm still moving and keeping going. May we all be Happy Quilting!
After Patrick got up, did some laundry, cleaned up a little and then sat to work on the 2 Fabric Applique Cat Nap pattern. I basted for awhile - till I got tired of it. Then I went into the computer room and worked on my genealogy - actually I copied a couple letters for my "Letters from the Past." Was fascinated by my great Uncle living in Alaska in 1938.
Went bowling - started out good, then went down hill. Had a 500 series. I've had better.
Was constantly busy today, but didn't make it downstairs. Didn't try to make any money today either. Where does the time go?
I enjoyed reading a couple blogs out there while I was waiting to bowl. Will tag them tomorrow on here.
Life is good, I'm still moving and keeping going. May we all be Happy Quilting!
Saturday, February 20, 2016
So Close to Getting the Center Done!!
This morning I enjoyed an hour to myself. I cooked the oatmeal cinnamon rolls I put together last night.
They turned out perfect! Tasted great! Even texted my son to tell him if he wanted some he better come over soon....didn't happen...his loss.
I started a load of laundry, emptied the dishwasher, and picked up a little. Patrick went outside and worked in the yard. He had a "friend" show up from the neighborhood. His "friend" brought him his burger toy to play with. When I went out, the dog pretty much let me know I wasn't supposed to bother them. It was funny! Patrick had to play with the dog as well as try and get some garden work done.
While he was outside, I went downstairs. I heated up the fireplace so I could keep warm down there.
I rolled the quilt, sat down and figured out I needed to roll hit another 3" before I got started. As one can tell, the center is slowly moving way! I'm so excited about getting done with that center. Once I do that I will be on my way to finishing up this quilt!
As time went by, I realized I was down there a good 4 hours. I tend to work from the left to the right on this center. Guess I'm more comfortable working from the left, since I am left handed.
I quilted the green area on this side. I need to do the left side, but wanted to get the cross hatching done first.
This is where I called it good. I was able to get a LOT done on this center piece, and it's soooo close to being done! I will probably go down again tomorrow and get more done. Patrick was up here watching TV while I was downstairs. We both were watching the same movie, but I think he just wanted to lay down on the couch. I did miss not having company down there, but I did understand why he wanted to lay down. He's still getting over the cold. He finally admitted he has a cold. He is telling me he will be back to normal tomorrow...don't think so!
When I finally called it good on the quilt, I came up here to watch the end of the movie. I pulled out my QOV piece and appliqued part of the flag down. I was able to get the top and start the bottom of the flag. It's coming along great too.
I bought the lighter fabric yesterday at Sisters. I like it better than the one I had. It shows up better. So, I'm going to applique this one and give it to Rita to put in the shop for the class I'm teaching. I don't think I will have it quilted. It will remind me of Charlie. I do miss that girl! I howled for her the other day and realized she wouldn't be coming around.
I marked the quilt top and now I need to baste it. I also marked my Brazilian embroidery piece. Now it's ready to get started on the Brazilian embroidery.
As I was marking my quilt top, Patrick asked what I was "doing now?" I told him I was working on this for my class. He just looked at me funny.
So, now the question is...What am I going to do tonight? Good question. I have the cross stitch that is coming along, I have the 2 Fabric Applique that needs to be basted. What, oh, what am I going to do? Guess it will be what I'm in the mood to do. Which means I'm still Happy Quilting!
They turned out perfect! Tasted great! Even texted my son to tell him if he wanted some he better come over soon....didn't happen...his loss.
I started a load of laundry, emptied the dishwasher, and picked up a little. Patrick went outside and worked in the yard. He had a "friend" show up from the neighborhood. His "friend" brought him his burger toy to play with. When I went out, the dog pretty much let me know I wasn't supposed to bother them. It was funny! Patrick had to play with the dog as well as try and get some garden work done.
While he was outside, I went downstairs. I heated up the fireplace so I could keep warm down there.
I rolled the quilt, sat down and figured out I needed to roll hit another 3" before I got started. As one can tell, the center is slowly moving way! I'm so excited about getting done with that center. Once I do that I will be on my way to finishing up this quilt!
As time went by, I realized I was down there a good 4 hours. I tend to work from the left to the right on this center. Guess I'm more comfortable working from the left, since I am left handed.
I quilted the green area on this side. I need to do the left side, but wanted to get the cross hatching done first.
This is where I called it good. I was able to get a LOT done on this center piece, and it's soooo close to being done! I will probably go down again tomorrow and get more done. Patrick was up here watching TV while I was downstairs. We both were watching the same movie, but I think he just wanted to lay down on the couch. I did miss not having company down there, but I did understand why he wanted to lay down. He's still getting over the cold. He finally admitted he has a cold. He is telling me he will be back to normal tomorrow...don't think so!
When I finally called it good on the quilt, I came up here to watch the end of the movie. I pulled out my QOV piece and appliqued part of the flag down. I was able to get the top and start the bottom of the flag. It's coming along great too.
I bought the lighter fabric yesterday at Sisters. I like it better than the one I had. It shows up better. So, I'm going to applique this one and give it to Rita to put in the shop for the class I'm teaching. I don't think I will have it quilted. It will remind me of Charlie. I do miss that girl! I howled for her the other day and realized she wouldn't be coming around.
I marked the quilt top and now I need to baste it. I also marked my Brazilian embroidery piece. Now it's ready to get started on the Brazilian embroidery.
As I was marking my quilt top, Patrick asked what I was "doing now?" I told him I was working on this for my class. He just looked at me funny.
So, now the question is...What am I going to do tonight? Good question. I have the cross stitch that is coming along, I have the 2 Fabric Applique that needs to be basted. What, oh, what am I going to do? Guess it will be what I'm in the mood to do. Which means I'm still Happy Quilting!
Friday, February 19, 2016
A Day of Applique!
Today started out earlier than normal. I had to get moving. Mom and dad where taking my sister-in-law to Portland to get on the plane. Since they were doing that, I needed to get over there for our quilt meeting.
We had a good time. There were about 9 of us. 5 of us had lunch. We all brought stuff for taco salads. It worked out great. We had plenty of stuff with just the 5 of us. We had a good visit while eating as well.
I finished up on the arrows. Both are done. I was surprised at how quick and easy they were. I was thinking as I was working on them that I needed the blue and red for the flag. I didn't get to the point of needed the red and blue, so it worked out okay. After everyone left mom's I stayed for another hour just in case the guy showed up for the heating unit. He didn't, and I left.
When I got home, I basted the bottom part of the flag. I'm going to have red with white stars for the top of the flag. Once I get that down I can get the post on and then the body. It shouldn't take so long. I just need to sit down and do it.
I'll probably spend the evening working on the cross stitch. I've been getting a lot done on it. I'm actually more excited about starting the Lavendar and Lace pattern. I really want to get that one started. Just like I'm excited about getting the quilt downstairs done so I can put another one on the frame. I have a lot ready to quilt right now, but not there yet.
I did stop off at Sister's quilt shop on my way home. I bought 3 rolls of YLI white thread. I found a site that said YLI is now in Mexico and the thread is really bad. I decided I would get extra quilting thread so I won't have to worry about the crap from Mexico. There were complaints about the thread splitting. Not as good as it used to be.
I'm working on the greens on this side. It's looking pretty good. I like to wait till later to do the outlining. So, once I have all the cross stitch done I can do the outlining. I like outlining because it makes it look so much better plus it shows one if they missed a spot. (which I have been known to do!)
I have family asking about family history again, so I need to get moving on doing the letters again. I've really gotten behind on that part of it as well as the recipes that I have in the cabinet.
Oh, well, there's only so much one can do in a day....Happy Quilting!
We had a good time. There were about 9 of us. 5 of us had lunch. We all brought stuff for taco salads. It worked out great. We had plenty of stuff with just the 5 of us. We had a good visit while eating as well.
I finished up on the arrows. Both are done. I was surprised at how quick and easy they were. I was thinking as I was working on them that I needed the blue and red for the flag. I didn't get to the point of needed the red and blue, so it worked out okay. After everyone left mom's I stayed for another hour just in case the guy showed up for the heating unit. He didn't, and I left.
When I got home, I basted the bottom part of the flag. I'm going to have red with white stars for the top of the flag. Once I get that down I can get the post on and then the body. It shouldn't take so long. I just need to sit down and do it.
I'll probably spend the evening working on the cross stitch. I've been getting a lot done on it. I'm actually more excited about starting the Lavendar and Lace pattern. I really want to get that one started. Just like I'm excited about getting the quilt downstairs done so I can put another one on the frame. I have a lot ready to quilt right now, but not there yet.
I did stop off at Sister's quilt shop on my way home. I bought 3 rolls of YLI white thread. I found a site that said YLI is now in Mexico and the thread is really bad. I decided I would get extra quilting thread so I won't have to worry about the crap from Mexico. There were complaints about the thread splitting. Not as good as it used to be.
I'm working on the greens on this side. It's looking pretty good. I like to wait till later to do the outlining. So, once I have all the cross stitch done I can do the outlining. I like outlining because it makes it look so much better plus it shows one if they missed a spot. (which I have been known to do!)
I have family asking about family history again, so I need to get moving on doing the letters again. I've really gotten behind on that part of it as well as the recipes that I have in the cabinet.
Oh, well, there's only so much one can do in a day....Happy Quilting!
Thursday, February 18, 2016
Today started out pretty good. I enjoyed the morning to myself. I was on the computer at lunch time when Patrick showed up. Poor guy, he's sick. Think he finally decided he better come home and sleep. Tried to talk him into stay home to get some rest, but since he's a guy, that wasn't going to happen.
While he slept on the couch, I went downstairs and quilted!
I actually took a photo of the quilt before I rolled it and figured out I had the "chip" missing in my camera. So, I tip-toed upstairs to get the chip. This is after I rolled the quilt. It's getting so much closer to passing the center.
I worked on the butterfly and got some more "lines" going around the circles. I have this side all ready to roll, but need to finish up the right side.
I did get more of this area done. I've been working on the green area on the outside. It's going pretty good.
Then I worked on the cross hatching area. I also worked on the squares in the border. This is ready for rolling.
I went back to work on the green area again. I will try and roll it again tomorrow. Depends on what time I get back. I did tell Patrick I would love to quilt this weekend if we don't have too much going on. I'm really getting excited about getting past this area.
I am still working on the cross stitch at night. It's coming along. I should be getting to the half way point here pretty soon. I'm still checking things off my list of projects. Just wish I was in the mood to do more. Today I quilted for about 3 1/2 hours and the last half hour I was down there, I just sat and watched the end of the movie. I guess I just got tired of quilting...hard to believe. I'll work on cross stitch tonight and it will be fine.
Tomorrow is quilting at moms. Mom and dad are taking my sister-in-law to the airport, so I'm going to host the group. I'm taking my eagle and Baltimore Liberty block along so I can work on them. Then on the way home, I want to go to the quilt shop here in town for white quilting thread.
All's good, and I'm have a great day....Happy Quilting!
While he slept on the couch, I went downstairs and quilted!
I actually took a photo of the quilt before I rolled it and figured out I had the "chip" missing in my camera. So, I tip-toed upstairs to get the chip. This is after I rolled the quilt. It's getting so much closer to passing the center.
I worked on the butterfly and got some more "lines" going around the circles. I have this side all ready to roll, but need to finish up the right side.
I did get more of this area done. I've been working on the green area on the outside. It's going pretty good.
Then I worked on the cross hatching area. I also worked on the squares in the border. This is ready for rolling.
I went back to work on the green area again. I will try and roll it again tomorrow. Depends on what time I get back. I did tell Patrick I would love to quilt this weekend if we don't have too much going on. I'm really getting excited about getting past this area.
I am still working on the cross stitch at night. It's coming along. I should be getting to the half way point here pretty soon. I'm still checking things off my list of projects. Just wish I was in the mood to do more. Today I quilted for about 3 1/2 hours and the last half hour I was down there, I just sat and watched the end of the movie. I guess I just got tired of quilting...hard to believe. I'll work on cross stitch tonight and it will be fine.
Tomorrow is quilting at moms. Mom and dad are taking my sister-in-law to the airport, so I'm going to host the group. I'm taking my eagle and Baltimore Liberty block along so I can work on them. Then on the way home, I want to go to the quilt shop here in town for white quilting thread.
All's good, and I'm have a great day....Happy Quilting!
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Wednesday Was Just Another Day...
I was up and ready to go early today. I worked on earning more money for a hour or so. Then got ready for the Dentist. I took my applique along to work on while I waited for my turn to come.
I worked on the arrow today. I did get up the one side. I also worked on trimming it so I could get started. I'm going to work on this on Friday at quilt group meeting.
After the dentist appointment I headed over to Copy Depot to get my copies made that I needed. I had two copies made of the cross stitch (Lavender & Lace) pattern. I also got my Brazilian embroidery pattern enlarged because it was way too small! It didn't cost much, and I really did plan on having that done anyway. This way I got it over with.
Tomorrow I will pull out the lightbox and work on my two patterns.
Came home and watched a movie while working on this. I only got about an hour in on this. It's coming along. I have been filling in the areas that I missed. It's looking better.
We bowled tonight and I'm getting a little better. I did get a 505 series. That's a good thing. I've been working on my form and getting back to basics. Patrick was sick today and he still did better than I did! UGH There was a time I was a better bowler than he was!
I'm looking forward to tomorrow....Happy Quilting!
I worked on the arrow today. I did get up the one side. I also worked on trimming it so I could get started. I'm going to work on this on Friday at quilt group meeting.
After the dentist appointment I headed over to Copy Depot to get my copies made that I needed. I had two copies made of the cross stitch (Lavender & Lace) pattern. I also got my Brazilian embroidery pattern enlarged because it was way too small! It didn't cost much, and I really did plan on having that done anyway. This way I got it over with.
Tomorrow I will pull out the lightbox and work on my two patterns.
Came home and watched a movie while working on this. I only got about an hour in on this. It's coming along. I have been filling in the areas that I missed. It's looking better.
We bowled tonight and I'm getting a little better. I did get a 505 series. That's a good thing. I've been working on my form and getting back to basics. Patrick was sick today and he still did better than I did! UGH There was a time I was a better bowler than he was!
I'm looking forward to tomorrow....Happy Quilting!
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
A Day at Home!
This morning I got up just after Patrick left. I played a little while then decided to get some work done on the computer.
I had to do a few things in between working. I was doing laundry, calling for information, and then going down to Ruth's to get a couple cards off for her.
When I did get a good time to myself, I went downstairs to quilt.
I started out with this much done. I realized I needed to get the butterfly done so I can roll the quilt and not worry about not having the butterfly done.
While I was quilting, I noticed the weather was "blah." This was my view. I just love my trees, so I enjoyed the view anyway.
While I was working on the butterfly, I noticed that the wing is a "true scrap" wing. I was surprised to see that, but at the same time, had to smile. I love the purple and it is awesome to see they wanted to give me that fabric.
Once I got the butterfly done, I moved to the other side. As one can see, each of my butterflies are different. Not one of the butterflies are the same. I wanted it to be different. I didn't want to do a quilt that everyone would say, "ah, nice." I wanted a quilt that if I had grandchildren, they could follow the butterfly around on the quilt. It would be something that makes it fun to see what I did. I usually let a quilt talk to me, and that's pretty much what it wanted. Not just the norm of cross hatch or straight lines. Something that is "different" brings out a better quilt.
It's a lot whiter than the photo shows. The lighting down there is yellowish.
Okay, now for the best part! I read this book! It's awesome!! I now want to read more of her books. I was looking on my kindle but the cost is a bit high for me. I don't like paying $10 for a book on ebooks. lol - I'm cheap - give me a book for $1.99 and I'm good. I even love the ones that are free. lol If anyone wants to read a good book, check this book out!
Poor Patrick, he's "sick" and not doing good. I'm thinking he may just be staying home tomorrow. He needs to!
Even though I didn't get a lot done today, I did get a couple hours in on quilting. I know I have other things to do, and I really need to get moving on them. I'm trying to hit one thing at a time.
Tomorrow I have a dental appointment (they called and changed my appointment). I was thinking I would go and get the copies I need to get for my cross stitch and my Brazilian embroidery. That way I will have them. I have to mark the fabric on the BE in order to work on it. I also need to get the cat 2 fabric applique started so that I can take it to the shop for a sample. I'll be teaching that class again in March. I hope I get more people in the class, but not worried about it. I just love being able to share my craft.
Tomorrow will not be a day at home - which I was hoping - but I do remember from the past - NEVER PLAN my day! Good thing I didn't....hahaha. I did plan on cleaning the oven because one of Patrick's potatoes last night blew up in the oven! - too funny! Anyway, I was going to clean the oven because it's got all that burnt in there. I forgot!! So, I need to put a big sticker on the oven to clean it! I'm getting there, one thing at a time. I am loosing my mind some days...not keeping on one thing, but a ton of stuff. I need to keep my mind on one thing and not keep jumping from one thing to the other. I will work on it! So I say....Happy Quilting!!
I had to do a few things in between working. I was doing laundry, calling for information, and then going down to Ruth's to get a couple cards off for her.
When I did get a good time to myself, I went downstairs to quilt.
I started out with this much done. I realized I needed to get the butterfly done so I can roll the quilt and not worry about not having the butterfly done.
While I was quilting, I noticed the weather was "blah." This was my view. I just love my trees, so I enjoyed the view anyway.
While I was working on the butterfly, I noticed that the wing is a "true scrap" wing. I was surprised to see that, but at the same time, had to smile. I love the purple and it is awesome to see they wanted to give me that fabric.
Once I got the butterfly done, I moved to the other side. As one can see, each of my butterflies are different. Not one of the butterflies are the same. I wanted it to be different. I didn't want to do a quilt that everyone would say, "ah, nice." I wanted a quilt that if I had grandchildren, they could follow the butterfly around on the quilt. It would be something that makes it fun to see what I did. I usually let a quilt talk to me, and that's pretty much what it wanted. Not just the norm of cross hatch or straight lines. Something that is "different" brings out a better quilt.
It's a lot whiter than the photo shows. The lighting down there is yellowish.
Okay, now for the best part! I read this book! It's awesome!! I now want to read more of her books. I was looking on my kindle but the cost is a bit high for me. I don't like paying $10 for a book on ebooks. lol - I'm cheap - give me a book for $1.99 and I'm good. I even love the ones that are free. lol If anyone wants to read a good book, check this book out!
Poor Patrick, he's "sick" and not doing good. I'm thinking he may just be staying home tomorrow. He needs to!
Even though I didn't get a lot done today, I did get a couple hours in on quilting. I know I have other things to do, and I really need to get moving on them. I'm trying to hit one thing at a time.
Tomorrow I have a dental appointment (they called and changed my appointment). I was thinking I would go and get the copies I need to get for my cross stitch and my Brazilian embroidery. That way I will have them. I have to mark the fabric on the BE in order to work on it. I also need to get the cat 2 fabric applique started so that I can take it to the shop for a sample. I'll be teaching that class again in March. I hope I get more people in the class, but not worried about it. I just love being able to share my craft.
Tomorrow will not be a day at home - which I was hoping - but I do remember from the past - NEVER PLAN my day! Good thing I didn't....hahaha. I did plan on cleaning the oven because one of Patrick's potatoes last night blew up in the oven! - too funny! Anyway, I was going to clean the oven because it's got all that burnt in there. I forgot!! So, I need to put a big sticker on the oven to clean it! I'm getting there, one thing at a time. I am loosing my mind some days...not keeping on one thing, but a ton of stuff. I need to keep my mind on one thing and not keep jumping from one thing to the other. I will work on it! So I say....Happy Quilting!!
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Presentation Day & Genealogy
This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet. Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...

We were up at 6 am and out the door by 6:45 am. My first appointment was at 8 am. We were early and actually got in early for my next 2 app...
Yesterday - Patrick had a rough night. I was watching him fall back in bed when he got up. I told him I would call 911 and he told me he w...