Monday, October 31, 2011

New Week

Last Thursday and Friday were busy days. I got my stuff for the two TAS groups I'm in ready. I found using a scrapbook plastic tote works great. I must have 6 of them. I put my unfinished projects in them. But when you have over 15 unfinished projects, it's time to weed down the projects.

I took the BOM projects I've been working on with me. On Thursday I took pictures and sent a few of those up to The Applique Society's (TAS) president. Since this is a new group I help get started, I've been in charge of the organization of paperwork and dues. We had about 14 members of 22 show up at the quilt shop. Everyone works on their own projects and shares what they have going on. Mom had 10 of the 12 cat applique blocks she's working on done.

                                         SWWRDQG Block of the month, 2002

Friday was one of those days. Got up early to vacuum and clean the carpet. Then I went to the TAS group at mom's house. I took what I was working on on Thursday. A couple of the gals in that group finished more projects, and showed them. I passed out the chenille   stuff we ordered that had arrived. I'm looking forward to using it on my block for stems. I helped get the table set for all the quilters to eat lunch. Then I had to hurry up and close up my stuff to get back for our furniture to arrive. Arrived home just as they were turning the corner to deliver the furniture. Worked some more on cleaning the carpet before hubby got back from work. Then we headed off to bowling. 

Saturday and Sunday are kind of a blur. I did try to quilt on the Hawaiian quilt top on Saturday, but Charlie wasn't having any of that. Hubby threatened to remove Charlie so I could. Told him she was fine. But she did find a spot on my legs that she didn't want to move from. So, I had the quilt and the cat on top of me. Talk about getting warm, good thing the weather was on the cool side. Sunday I went downstairs to quilt on the Butterfly quilt that's on a frame. I got 15 minutes in on quilting when hubby brought me Charlie - "Are you missing someone?," was the reply. So, we put her on the quilt at the other end. That lasted a short time when I felt her nose push up against me finger. She wanted attention - again. I gave her TLC for awhile, quilted a few more stitches when my parents arrived to go out to eat.

So, that was the extent of my quilting over the past 4 days. Can't seem to win lately. 

This morning I went back to the eye doctor to get my glasses worked on. The bi-focal was off and not "crisp," so they are making it stronger for me since I do a lot of hand work. Don't know when I'll get them back, but it only took a couple days last time. 

My plans? Good question. Laundry is a bit behind, so working on that. I am going to try and get some quilting done since Charlie seems to like the sun (what there is of it) out on the deck. As long as she stays out there, I should be able to get a lot more quilting done. Let's hope. I'm going to try though.... 

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