Friday, April 27, 2012

Life is Good....

Life is good...busy...but good! 

In case your wondering where I am at this time with my quilt, here is the corner I've been writing about. 

I'm slowly getting this corner quilted. This last week has been so busy, I'm lucky if I had 2 nights that I was able to work on it.

This is the section that is quilted. I think I showed this part earlier. As you can see, I haven't started quilting much in the lower part where the flowers are. I'm going to do those last, I think. We'll see how the corner goes and I may change my mind.

So in the mean time I am quilting this area first. This is the corner area. I figure once I get the purple part quilted, then I can start going around the echoing in the white area. That usually goes quicker than the purple part, only because it's the edge of the corner and it needs to lay flat. If I can quilt it right, I shouldn't have any puckering at all. So far, so good as far as that goes.

Yesterday was Haven't Missed a Stitches meeting. I went at 10:30 am and was surprised to find I was the only one there that early. As time went on, we ended up with 5 of us working on our projects. I forgot about doing the block that needs to be done for the "ughly fabric" contest.

 I had started working on the head of the scarecrow on Monday. I kept putting it off and putting it off because I couldn't figure out what I was going to do about the hands and feet. I wanted it to look like there was hay coming out. Every time I took the block piece out, I would stall or put it away because I just couldn't figure out what I was going to do. As we worked on our projects yesterday, I was humming and haahhing about it. I LOVE GROUPS because Kathy in our group told me of some fabric she has (and showed me) that will work. She's going to bring the fabric and I'm going to fuse it. Then I'm going to cut it out and glue it down. (If you get my drift)  So, once I figured that out, it was so easy to get it done. And I did. I finished it last night knowing I'm going to add the hands and feet a little later.

I worked on my embroidery to add the face, and garden "growing."

Last night I got a call asking me to take my father to the Lazier Client since he wouldn't be able to drive home. Said I would and this morning grabbed my cross stitch project to work on.

By the time I got home today, I had this much more done.

One of these days, I hope to have this done as well. Wish me luck!! ***laughing***

Now, as you can see, I'm still keeping busy with my projects. I'm just a little slow in posting what I'm up to. I'm hoping to have a few more things done before too much longer.

Tonight, we are going to the movies, so no quilting....tomorrow looks like we are going to the dump with more stuff from my parents house, so no quilting then.....My son comes back home tomorrow night, and I need to pick him up, so no quilting then......Sunday looks good so far....we'll have to wait and see....

In the meantime I'm thinking I'm able to be Happy Quilting!

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