Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

This is to wish all of you who are mothers (or fathers who took the roll of mothers) a Happy Mother's Day.

Today was wonderful! My daughter called to wish me a Happy Mother's Day. She was working but still got time on her break to call. It was great. I enjoy talking to her lately and look forward to her chats. I do miss her.

My husband and my son took me out to breakfast. Afterward we went to Tenino and went for a 14 mile bike ride. That was the first ride I've been on since last year...and I could have died! I didn't though and actually enjoyed myself. I felt bad for those two because I was holding them up. NOTHING is worse then watching these people on bikes that pass me like I'm sitting still. Makes me wonder if it would be faster if I just walk. Oh, well, I made it, all 14 miles worth. Stopped three times going from Tenino to Rainer, and twice from Rainer to Tenino. Can't complain, I have seriously done a lot worse!

Got home, and even my husband was feeling it! So, while he worked in the yard, I sat on the deck and quilted. I'm really getting the echoing done! I'm so thrilled with how fast it is going. I'm hoping to get to the next quarter section this week. Since (Lord help me), there are no plans for this week other thank having a friend over and going to the TAS meeting in Sequim on my Birthday. I'm ready and willing. I need to get the quilt top done for my bowling friend, so I can get moving on my quilting and other projects. Wish me luck and let's see what I ACTUALLY get done.

Looking forward to this week and happy Quilting...

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