Sunday, June 24, 2012

A Week of Fun

This week has been busy as usual. More things then I can to think about, but I was able to get some quilting and applique in. I'm starting to get more done, and enjoying it as I go.

Recently I joined three yahoo groups that are applique groups. I really enjoy seeing what everyone is doing and I love seeing the work. I'm not as talented as most, but I did learn a lot from Nancy Chong. She has wonderful tips and knows what she's doing. I tend to combine different techniques as I go. It's what works at the time.

This is the first block in the BOM (block of the Month) that I joined. There are 5 patterns so far, and I finished two this week - told you I've been working on applique!

This is the second block in the BOM. I have been using my scraps to do this. These are the blocks I was talking about that I decided to change the overall design to make the quilt a little bigger. I have a Jeannie Austin pattern that I am going to use in the middle of the quilt. I want to see what the borders are going to look like so I can figure out what changes I will need. I'm actually looking forward to doing this. The next three blocks are going to get started soon.

I started another block that Myron's Girls are working on. Can't wait to show you when it is finished!

Today, I decided to work downstairs in my quilt room. So, I cleaned it up, finished folding and ironing the handkerchief's that my grandmother's had. In doing that - I found something that surprised the heck out of me -

Doesn't look like much does it? Guess what!

This is a tree - in red, green and pink. Hard to see with my photo - but this is the part that surprised me the most -

Initials - S T.  That is Sarah True, my great great grandmother. I knew there were things she made, but very few of them  - if any - have any markings telling me she made them. I have 4 generations of crocheted dollies that I can't tell which one made them. We have tatted items and that would be either Sarah or her daughter, Minnie True Matheson Reeder, my great grandmother.

So, while I was down there, I was checking out my completed block wall.

After finishing the ironing, I sat down and quilted on the butterfly quilt that was given to me while I was with the Rainy Daze Quilt Guild in SW Washington. It was a "past" president gift. I have a hard time quilting in the center where the pieced butterfly is. There are so many small pieces that it makes it hard to put a good small quilt stitch in it.

I decided to cross hatch in the blue area. Not sure what the blue area is, but think it's the sky. I wanted to do something in that area and felt the cross hatch stitch would change up the quilting design. It seems to be working.

It was good to sit down and get some quilting into this quilt. It has been awhile since I had the chance to sit and quilt down there. I don't want to quilt on the Hawaiian during the summer, so hopefully I can get this one closer to being done as well.

I will try to get more done this week. I have 3 different blocks to work on. I did get one of the Affairs of the Heart quilt blocks started this week. Which means I have 4 different blocks that need to be worked on. Guess I better quite playing on the computer and do more applique work!! lol

I am thinking about buying a bolt of black fabric for the butterfly hankies. Still thinking....who knows how long it will take me to actually applique the butterflies onto a quilt top.

As I think and play, I will be working on applique and, in the meantime...Happy Quilting.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

An Exciting Find

As many of you know, I not only quilt but I also do genealogy. In my going through notebooks, newsletters, and letters (published on the other blog), I found another notebook that belonged to my grandmother or great grandmother. Not sure which one pasted all the newspaper clipping from KS.

Yes, I said Kansas. My mother's family are from Kansas. So, can you guess what I found? I'll show you -

Actually, this was one I kept - because that blue wedding ring is my first quilt. I also wrote an article for the quilt magazine years ago. I wish I could find that article again. I titled it, "Not like my mother" or something like that. I haven't found my copy of the magazine and wonder if I got rid of it when I as clearing out my magazines.

Okay, now I'll show you what I couldn't believe was put between family genealogy, gardening, and then crafts. Here's some patterns in the Kansas Natoma newspaper. I believe they were from the 1940 or around that time.

This is pretty when it's done.

Fell in love with the quilting stitches on this quilt! I like the article added as well.

Pattern and quilting. I've often wondered where they got their patterns from, and who was behind finding the patterns. I know a lot of women in Kansas were great quilters, my family included, and I know they did a lot of their own patterns. I often wonder if the newspaper asked around for patterns, or if they had someone in the paper do the patterns. I'm thrilled she even saved the applique patterns.

I've always liked this pattern! I've wanted a quilt like this for a long time. Piecing just isn't my thing. But if I do it, I'll hand piece it.

Now I think we are getting closer to the 1960's with the color pictures. I have more patterns I will post tomorrow or Friday, because they are just too much fun not too.

See, this quilt has been around for a long time.

Now you can see why I got a little excited today when working on genealogy.  I love old patterns and like to see the applique ones the most. It's so cool, to see my grandmothers also saved patterns.

More coming. This should keep you interested till I post the rest later.

In the mean time, I started two BOM (Block of the Month) blocks and have them half done. I will take a photo of it tomorrow after my quilt group meeting. I am between doctors appointments, so I'm taking my applique with me. I do like back basting for some things, and it does help keeping the fabric down till you applique it.

Will take photo's by this weekend, and in the mean time.....Happy Hunting and Happy Quilting.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Saturday - Quilt Class

Saturday morning was one of those days, I got excited about the class with Nancy Chong, that I ended up an hour early. lol Never fails, I read the information wrong. I never did pick up the class list so I was going off what others told me.

I was thrilled to see Nancy had lost so much weight! I know Nancy personally and was surprised to see her so thin! She's lost a ton of weight and looks great!

We worked on miniature applique. She was teaching us how to relax when it comes to smaller pieces. I was surprised at how right she was! It is easier to do smaller pieces then it is to do larger pieces. She has some beautiful new designs out there as well. So, if you want to see her new stuff, click on the link to the right.

We got a lot of small samples done. From circles, hearts, and skinny stems. I'm loving the skinny stems!

We all worked on the samples - asked questions, and just had a great time. Poor Cil, she seemed a little lost at times. lol

We all learned something new.

Well worth the class.

So, this morning I got up, played games and then went downstairs. I found the BOM patterns at P3 Designs on Friday. I had joined a couple groups on Yahoo and noticed their was a block of the month from P3 Designs, which is one of my favorite patterns. They are not the easiest patterns since most of her patterns have designs that need to be fused, but I don't care, I modify what I need to get the same affect. So, I printed out the 4 blocks that are ready, and this morning went down and cut fabric to start work on them. I bought background fabric yesterday while at class. I decided I really don't like the size of 41" x 41." I found a Jeannie Austin pattern that is a good center piece. I'm going to change the end design that P3 Designs has when the BOM is over. I'm going to do the blocks and then have them going around Jeannie's pattern. I'm liking the idea, but who knows, I may change my mind.

Now I have the photos, the fabrics, which I'm changing colors, and ready to go. I decided I would try to do the back basting on one or two blocks. I want to see how much time it will take me to finish it compared to doing it the other way. I still will use the needle turn.

I'll let you know how it goes.

I did finish another Affair of the Heart quilt block on Friday while at our group meeting. I need to do the embroidery work on 2 blocks. I'm down to 7 blocks left to work on. So, I"m going to work on two blocks at once.

I'm still quilting at night, so my energy is back to working on my quilts. This way I'll try and stay away from games for awhile or at least less often.  I'm excited about getting some more done.

I'll show you how things are going when I get a block or two done.

Till then, Happy Quilting.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Being Lazy

I guess you can say, I'm being lazy. I haven't done much quilting or applique. I did sign up for a couple yahoo applique clubs, to see if that will get me going again.

I did quilt some last night. Didn't get very far, but every stitch counts toward finishing. I do miss not working on my quilts. I did finish the quilt block for a friend, and since I don't know if she reads this or not, can't post it or say what it is for.

My son gave this bag to his girlfriend as she loves bags. I was thrilled she likes it and she uses it. Made my day, didn't think it was that great of a bag. lol I'm lucky, his girlfriend works on crafts as well. Haven't gotten her to quilt yet, but will work on that too.

Having some medical issues and don't know if that is why I'm being lazy or not. I'm thinking it is, because when your in pain, you just aren't in the mood to do much. Unfortunately, I tend to play on the computer when that happens, and then the day is gone. I have been doing genealogy and I'm finding more information than I found 20 years ago. That gets exciting as well.

Quilting is tomorrow with Myron's Girls and hopefully I will get a few things done. I'm looking forward to it. So, till tomorrow....
Happy Quilting

Must be nice to be a cat!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...