Sunday, June 24, 2012

A Week of Fun

This week has been busy as usual. More things then I can to think about, but I was able to get some quilting and applique in. I'm starting to get more done, and enjoying it as I go.

Recently I joined three yahoo groups that are applique groups. I really enjoy seeing what everyone is doing and I love seeing the work. I'm not as talented as most, but I did learn a lot from Nancy Chong. She has wonderful tips and knows what she's doing. I tend to combine different techniques as I go. It's what works at the time.

This is the first block in the BOM (block of the Month) that I joined. There are 5 patterns so far, and I finished two this week - told you I've been working on applique!

This is the second block in the BOM. I have been using my scraps to do this. These are the blocks I was talking about that I decided to change the overall design to make the quilt a little bigger. I have a Jeannie Austin pattern that I am going to use in the middle of the quilt. I want to see what the borders are going to look like so I can figure out what changes I will need. I'm actually looking forward to doing this. The next three blocks are going to get started soon.

I started another block that Myron's Girls are working on. Can't wait to show you when it is finished!

Today, I decided to work downstairs in my quilt room. So, I cleaned it up, finished folding and ironing the handkerchief's that my grandmother's had. In doing that - I found something that surprised the heck out of me -

Doesn't look like much does it? Guess what!

This is a tree - in red, green and pink. Hard to see with my photo - but this is the part that surprised me the most -

Initials - S T.  That is Sarah True, my great great grandmother. I knew there were things she made, but very few of them  - if any - have any markings telling me she made them. I have 4 generations of crocheted dollies that I can't tell which one made them. We have tatted items and that would be either Sarah or her daughter, Minnie True Matheson Reeder, my great grandmother.

So, while I was down there, I was checking out my completed block wall.

After finishing the ironing, I sat down and quilted on the butterfly quilt that was given to me while I was with the Rainy Daze Quilt Guild in SW Washington. It was a "past" president gift. I have a hard time quilting in the center where the pieced butterfly is. There are so many small pieces that it makes it hard to put a good small quilt stitch in it.

I decided to cross hatch in the blue area. Not sure what the blue area is, but think it's the sky. I wanted to do something in that area and felt the cross hatch stitch would change up the quilting design. It seems to be working.

It was good to sit down and get some quilting into this quilt. It has been awhile since I had the chance to sit and quilt down there. I don't want to quilt on the Hawaiian during the summer, so hopefully I can get this one closer to being done as well.

I will try to get more done this week. I have 3 different blocks to work on. I did get one of the Affairs of the Heart quilt blocks started this week. Which means I have 4 different blocks that need to be worked on. Guess I better quite playing on the computer and do more applique work!! lol

I am thinking about buying a bolt of black fabric for the butterfly hankies. Still thinking....who knows how long it will take me to actually applique the butterflies onto a quilt top.

As I think and play, I will be working on applique and, in the meantime...Happy Quilting.

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