Monday, October 8, 2012

Quilting and falling behind on blogging

I realized it has been awhile since I posted anything on here, so today I'm going to get back on track.
The last couple weeks have been busy in more ways then one.

Those "wonderful" shipping boxes under my quilt cutting table have been opened and I have gotten 2 1/2 of them cleared out. I've found another family member in my genealogy and I have even mailed out some photos that belong to another branch of the family. At the same time, I found my great grandmother's friend's family so I can send them photo's we have. Life is busy but things are getting done.

As you can see, I was being watched and she follows me everywhere now. lol

I would go out on a nice day and sit on the swing. It felt good to get some quilting done, and the summer breeze was great.

The more I got done, the more I realized I wasn't getting the area near the border done. So, I decided to get the area near the board quilted so I could add that to my "half" done. If I didn't do them, it wouldn't b "half" but a quarter done.

I've been spending at least 1-2 hours a night watching television and quilting. I'm not worried about the echoing, and I'm really pleased with how it's coming out.

Each stitch is getting me closer and closer to finishing. This quilt is looking wonderful. I am pleased so far with the way it's coming out. I need to go back and do the same to the other boarder area where I quilted before. (sorry hard to explain)

This was completed two nights ago.

This is where I was yesterday. Since it was Sunday, I am even closer to having this area completed.

Yesterday I took the Zucchini on the counter from the garden, and started working on making Zucchini relish. I'm going to try and finish that up today. I'm also working on the tomatoes that I stewed yesterday to make BBQ sauce.

Salsa is my next project of food. LOL I'm making all kinds of things from the garden. We had ton of tomatoes! Gave away 2 buckets of tomatoes to the neighbors and still had enough to make my sauce from.

Thursday and Friday is quilting days. So, I'm going to find something to work on. lol

OH, I did get another bag done, will take a photo of it and post that as well. I also finished another Affairs of the Heart quilt blocks. Now I am down to 5 left. I need to cut the blocks out.

For the record, my gallbladder was removed about 7 weeks ago and I'm doing great. It helped more than I expected.

I am sorry to report a dear friend of my mother's - LouAnn White, d a massive stroke and is in the nursing home to re-coop. She is paralyzed on the right side and is not able to do much. She won't be able to quilt for a long time, but our prayers are with her in this trying time.

In the meantime, I'll be busy and Happy Quilting.....

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