Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!!

As I sit and write this, I'm catching up on some Christmas movies I missed earlier. The funny part is - it's snowing. We didn't get snow for Christmas, but we are getting it now.

I have been quilting on my Hawaiian quilt the past 3 nights, and it's coming along great. I will post photos when I get back from Las Vegas (another story to tell). I've had to rethink where to quilt, because I was getting ahead of myself. So, I'm back on track and things are going great.

I have been working on the Baltimore Liberty quilt blocks as well. I have learned a lot with the back basting technique and find I am liking it!  It seems to make the stems go so much faster. It does take time to baste it, but with small pieces it does help a lot. I am taking photos as I go, so will post those after the first of the year.

Okay, I will be gone till the 8th. My son will be here, so no worries, and wonderful neighbors that know what is going on in the neighborhood.

I am going to see my brother and his family. We are going to celebrate his retirement from the Air Force. He spent at least 22 years in the Air Force. He will also be starting a new job as a pilot - his love of flying. We are all proud and wish him all our love.

We will be spending time with my parents, as they are going with us. We will also be with my Uncle and Aunt. Should be wonderful.

I'm hoping to hit a few quilt shops and will let you know what I end up with! lol

One of my quilts it at the Vashion Island Art Museum with  few of the TAS quilters quilts. If you ever get the chance to go - please do and let me know how it goes.

In the meantime....I'm Happy Quilting.....

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Winter comes and goes

Looks like I can post photos again. lol

Winter hit yesterday and the day before for a short time. Now it's raining and good weather for quilting and other stuff.

The last week I have been trying to decide whether it was worth paying $2 a month for photos. I actually decided I would. Then just now I was able to post photos. Go figure.

Okay the last week, I have been working on the afghan that was originally started for my daughter's ex-fiance. I couldn't think of anyone to give it to, until I was thinking of my father. My father is a sweet heart, the best out there. He would do anything for anyone. Since he moved out of the house on 10 acres and gave up his Black Angus cows, it's getting harder to figure out what to give him for Christmas. He is half Norwegian and loves to eat (and it shows), so decided food was out. He doesn't farm anymore, so tools are out. He doesn't use gift cards because he forgets he has them and they go to waste. So, the more I thought, the more complicated it got. As I was working on this afghan I decided it would work for him. He can keep warm when he sits in front of the TV or just wants to relax.

The 10 single crochet stitches were "hooked" together. It gave it a knit stitch look. I did this to all the chain stitches to finish up the afghan. It really turned out great. I will take a photo of it later, as it is completed.

In the meantime, I had to put the Hawaiian quilt on hold. At least I finished another project, and that is one more out of the way.

I did get closer to working on the corner of the quilt -

Each step gets me closer to being done, and I REALLY want to have it done by April when we have our TAS retreat.

I've been working on the Baltimore Liberty quilt top. I've also been pretty good about keeping up in the journal as well. I have been known to go back a couple days and update the journal though.

This block is the fireworks block from P3's Baltimore Liberty. I have been doing the back basting and find it works great for small pieces. I am going to replace the read in the block because I cut them off too close to the seam, plus I found I really don't like the red I used. I need a better read.

This block is the liberty bell block and shouldn't take long at all. I've got more of the firecrackers done too. I still haven't found the right "bell" brown yet. I'm still looking. I did buy some green for the stems and leaves, as you can never have too much green.

I'm worrying about my son as well. He's still unemployed. He has been thinking about changing his career and being a police officer. That's okay, but I just pray he gets a job. He's trying so hard, and so far nothing....I do remember those days and it's the pits. You get your hopes up and then they get dashed, then you try again and again nothing. I know there is a reason and I know things will happen that are meant to be, but dang.

Okay, we are going to Las Vegas for my brother's retirement celebration. So for a week from the 1st to the 8th, I'll be taking my applique with me for something to do on those "down times." I'm actually looking forward to being with my brother the first of the year.

Hopefully I'll have more photos and get a few more things done - and try not to play so much on the computer - then I can post them here in the next week.

In the meantime - I'll try and get quilting in to be Happy Quilting...

If I don't post before Christmas - MERRY CHRISTMAS - and may you be Happy Quilting....

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Holiday season

Well, it's the holiday season and I'm happy to say, for the first time in years, I've actually made a few gifts this year.

This week I decided I needed to finish the afghan I was making for my daughter's ex-fiance. I'm going to try and get it done before Christmas.Who knows who will get it, but I don't need another unfinished project to add to all my UFO's. (Unfinished Objects)

We had our first Christmas Party with Myron's Girls quilt group. I was the first one to pick a gift and was able to wait to see what everyone else had. THAT WAS A FIRST FOR ME. I'm usually the second or third and then I see what everyone else has. I came home with a cute sewing basket that fits in your hand.

I'm trying to figure out why I can't post photos on here. It tells me I have 0% used of the 1GB in photos. But then it wants me to buy more space. ugh. I may yet.

I did get a few more stitches in on all three blocks I'm working on. I need to place more pieces on all three blocks. I'm going to work on putting them on the blocks so I can work on them some more. The firecracker block for the Baltimore Liberty quilt is getting about half done. I'm hoping to finish that one by the end of the month.

Haven't Missed a Stitch group is going to be having their Christmas Party/Potluck on the 13th, and I'm looking forward to that. We have a lot of gifts to give out. We should be getting ready for a free years subscription to give out as well. Looking forward to my Thursday group. Thinking I'm gong to give Myron's Girls a break. Getting tired of catering to them so mom can sew too.

Okay, I'm going to work on the photo issue for this blog. Hope everyone is doing well, and you have a Merry Christmas, if I don't post before then.

Happy Holiday's and Happy Quilting.....

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...