Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!!

As I sit and write this, I'm catching up on some Christmas movies I missed earlier. The funny part is - it's snowing. We didn't get snow for Christmas, but we are getting it now.

I have been quilting on my Hawaiian quilt the past 3 nights, and it's coming along great. I will post photos when I get back from Las Vegas (another story to tell). I've had to rethink where to quilt, because I was getting ahead of myself. So, I'm back on track and things are going great.

I have been working on the Baltimore Liberty quilt blocks as well. I have learned a lot with the back basting technique and find I am liking it!  It seems to make the stems go so much faster. It does take time to baste it, but with small pieces it does help a lot. I am taking photos as I go, so will post those after the first of the year.

Okay, I will be gone till the 8th. My son will be here, so no worries, and wonderful neighbors that know what is going on in the neighborhood.

I am going to see my brother and his family. We are going to celebrate his retirement from the Air Force. He spent at least 22 years in the Air Force. He will also be starting a new job as a pilot - his love of flying. We are all proud and wish him all our love.

We will be spending time with my parents, as they are going with us. We will also be with my Uncle and Aunt. Should be wonderful.

I'm hoping to hit a few quilt shops and will let you know what I end up with! lol

One of my quilts it at the Vashion Island Art Museum with  few of the TAS quilters quilts. If you ever get the chance to go - please do and let me know how it goes.

In the meantime....I'm Happy Quilting.....

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