Friday, December 6, 2024

Yesterday - Spend the Day In ER

 Yesterday - 

Patrick had a rough night. I was watching him fall back in bed when he got up. I told him I would call 911 and he told me he was fine and not to bother. I slept when I could. Then at 6 am, I couldn't sleep anymore. So, I went downstairs and called 911 to come get him. I was so nervous having to do that. The arrived in about 10 minutes. Administered IV and then took him to St. Pete's. They told me he will probably be admitted. 

I cleaned and washed the sheets before heading up there. I called Nancy to see if she could go. She had church group that she was having at her place, hosting it. So, I went up on my own. Nancy called to say she could meet me up there. I thanked her and said thank you but when I got up there, I was allowed in the room with Patrick. So, called to let her know I was fine. She called to say she was on her way, and I told her it was okay, I was with him, and she didn't need to come. 

In the meantime, I was chatting with my daughter and son. I let my in-laws know.  So, I sat with Patrick who was asleep most of the time. After they moved him to another area in the ER, I then came home. After 4 hours in the ER, I decided to call it good. 

Stopped and got gas, then came home. Katt arrived around 8:30 pm and we chatted. I played games before and after she came while watching "Shetland" on Britbox. So, I really wasn't in the mood to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

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