Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Sending Christmas Cheer!

 This morning, Patrick and I enjoyed being able to sleep in - but I didn't. 

Got to enjoy a bit of time on the tablet and then need to drop of Christmas gifts. We headed to Nancy's first and gave her her gift. Then we went to moms and dropped off her gifts. I was going to go to the mail box, but had the wrong key. I had Nancy's. Too funny. I don't know where mom put her key, so didn't bother. Patrick watered her plants. Then we headed to Phil and Emily's. Patrick and Phil were unloading his gifts from the car. I went in and chatted with Emily. She looks awesome! I had so much fun chatting about our crafts. She told me I needed to put 30 mins a day aside to work on my stuff. I told her I would try. 

Came home and watched a Christmas movie. Both the one today and yesterday, I already saw, but Patrick didn't and I didn't want to ruin it by telling him. We ended up having TV dinner for Patrick and salad for me. We really couldn't think of anything for supper. 

I then pulled out my embroidery and decided to work on that. 

I finished 2 of the moss. I am getting it ready for the lighter color tomorrow. If I work on it tomorrow. 

Patrick's sister called and I worked on the white flowers with the beads on the tip. There were 3 sets of 3 done. I have more to do, but it's a start. I do like doing them. At least it's one more step to being done. The moss above take a lot of time, because there are 3 different stitches to make that effect. I will try and get the red beads done as well. It's coming along and I'm happy with it. Told Emily I was making this for them. It may be for her Birthday at this rate. I was thrilled at how well she was and really enjoyed our chatting. 

So, after giving gifts and stitching, it made for a long-deserved day of Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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Getting Back To Meetings

 This morning, Patrick left for Olympia and I headed to moms for quilting. And yet, I didn't quilt. I arrived early and she needed me to...