Friday, August 30, 2013

Getting behind again

Just realized I haven't posted at all this week. I try to post at least once a week, but this last week went by faster than I thought.

I stayed with "grandma" on Thursday and was able to work more on the quilt top that I was working on last week. I was able to get it done in short time.

I was actually surprised at how quick I was able to get it done. I also worked on the binding of the sample quilt that I did when I was machine quilting.

Now I can take this to Virginia and let her know it's done. I'm not real happy with the way it turned out, but she had started it (beginner) and I wasn't able to get it squared with the blocks she did. So, I worked around what she had. I think the borders turned out great. Actually, she didn't have enough fabric to get the borders to the corners so I could do mitered corners. The best way to fix that was to put the squares in the corners. 

On Friday, I went to the APWQ show in Tacoma. I spend most of my time at The Applique Societies booth. We had a great time! I enjoyed it, and I had the gals that were there - go and check out the show, since they rarely get to do that. 

I fell in love with this quilt! I had to send it to my daughter to check out, as we both love cats!

The rest of this week I was binding the two quilts that I machine quilted. I finished the second one today at our groups meeting. I had some help from Nancy and my mother. Most of this week I've been working on the family history. My dad's DNA results came in and it was amazing to find out he was 76% British Isles, 22% Scandinavian - we all thought he would be half and half.

Now I'm going to get back to working on the UFO's that are hanging on my wall! lol

Let's hope this week will be more of me being Happy Quilting.......

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Busy Week

The last few days have had me getting a lot done. I went to the "class" for learning machine quilting on Friday. I worked on getting the binding done on the first quilt project. I still have half of the binding to do on it.

After I sewed on the binding, I pulled out the bag I haven't been working on for the past 4 months. It was one of those things that I kept looking at and thinking I need to do this, but then walked away, not wanting to do it just yet. So, with hubby gone, I sat down and sewed it up! It's now finished. Another UFO done! Yah Hoo!!  BUT then my sewing machine was making noise! I re-threaded it, changed the needle, shut if off and started up up again, and the noise was still there! Now what?!  I wanted to do some sewing! DANG!

On Monday, I "grandma sat" for friends. While I was there, I was able to get moving on the borders of Virginia's quilt top that she asked me to do - a year ago. I finally decided I would get it done. I called the sewing machine shop and was told to bring the sewing machine in. Since I couldn't use mine at Dian's house. She was nice enough to let me use her feather-weight sewing machine.

I was able to get a lot done! I was so thrilled.

I was able to put 2 1/2 borders on. I wish I could have finished it, but they came home sooner than I expected. I left the box over at their house, so I could finish it tomorrow.

This is the first border. I didn't get a photo of the other one.

Today, I went back to Quilter's Junction and decided to try machine quilting again. I found an old quilt top that I put together about 15-20 years ago. It was a "cheater's cloth" that I put a border on. I really like the patriotic theme, so I've kept it over the years. Always found better tops to hand quilt, so I decided this would work out great for machine quilting.

So, I pinned it in place, thought about what I wanted to do. - Not that hard - stars. I did hearts and stars "free" form.

I had fun - and don't look too close, it's not that good!

I did the stars on the edge, and the hearts and stars in the rest of the quilt.

I actually had fun, but I will say, it's not my favorite yet. Plus, I do get tired of sewing on the machine. I would rather hand quilt when it comes down to it. I do like knowing how to machine quilt, so I can be able to do that when I get in a "pinch."

I've got a big schedule the next three days! I'm at Dian's tomorrow, Tacoma's quilt show on Friday (for TAS), and Saturday back at Dian's. I'm looking forward to working the booth at the Tacoma quilt show! My hubby is back on Saturday, but probably won't see him till late that night. The benefit for Willie is on Saturday. He's being operated on tomorrow in Seattle, and I pray his cancer will be removed.

This week has not been good for friends of mine. I got a text today that another friend's father-in-law passed away today. Her mother-in-law has Alzheimer, and I wonder how that will work out now. Plus Dian's mother-in-law has Alzheimer, and it doesn't look good for her either. My prayers go out to both of them.

Yesterday I went down to my sewing table - that was cleaned off - and found my son's goodies on it!

Don't you just love it when family help pile things up on your table?!

Then I looked at my wall, and for the first time in awhile, I thought about getting back to finishing those two tops. Wonder if I will - but hey! I looked at it and thought about it.

So, hopefully tomorrow, I'll be working on the last border, putting on a binding, and Happy Quilting!!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

I took a class!

Since my hubby is off enjoying his family in Michigan, I'm here filling in my time. Friday was the quilt group meeting. I decided I would go to Quilter's Junction to learn how to use the quilting machine! Me, yep, me, learning how to machine quilt. 

So, I did free form quilting. Actually really enjoyed it. My back didn't care for standing the whole time, but I did enjoy quilting for a couple hours. Trouble is after a few hours of quilting, I realized I was getting a little bored. lol

I've started out wondering what in the world am I going to do for patterns. I didn't have any ideas, then I started remembering those art classes we took in school years (and years) ago. Came in handy. lol

Surprisingly, I even came home and sewed the binding. Now I'm hand sewing the other side of the binding and got half of it done yesterday. Today, I didn't get very far. lol - if at all. 

So, my job is to finish this up tomorrow. 

In the mean time, this coming week is loaded. So, hopefully I can get more of my blocks done (Baltimore Liberty). I've actually got more done on the blocks. 

I'm getting closer to doing more quilting projects. I may actually get a few things done this week. So, I guess you can say, I'm Happy Quilting.....

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Another week

Sometimes I don't know where the time goes.

I have been busy working for a friend of mine this last week. I do work for people when they call and need me. I'm not a full time worker, but I do work on occasion.

I did finish the block for Cil in our group. I actually enjoyed the process. I also pulled out my Baltimore Liberty blocks that I had been working on. I just haven't gotten a new photo taken of it yet.

On top of that I have gotten more done on my cross stitch. I'll try and get a photo of it on here as well.

Because of my being the Interim President for The Applique Society, I needed a photo to put into the newsletter. Had my son take photos of me, and since I rarely like my photos, I thought you could see how they turned out.

The best news is I've lost 15 lbs since the 8th of May. So, I didn't mind the photos. I usually run at the thought of photos.

This week is the SWW Fair and our Thursday group is going to be at the fair to promote TAS. Be sure and join us at the fair. We'd love to have you!

I got the Facebook account going for tas and am happy at the response. I'm excited about helping TAS move on. We need to get some fundraising things out there, and we're working on it. TAS seems to take a good part of my attention lately. I'm getting there!

So, now that the blocks are done for the friendship blocks, until more come in, I'm going to pull out those Baltimore Liberty quilt blocks and get moving! At the same time, I'll be Happy Quilting......

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Time to get back on track

I was sitting here thinking I haven't blogged for awhile. Then I realized I needed to quit thinking and do. lol

I received 2 more friendship blocks from my group last week. I'm having fun seeing what all comes in.

It's fun to see what's coming in.

I went around the house to see what flowers we hard out there. I hope to use them one of these days for designing quilts.

My hubby does an awesome job with the yard.

Roses are great too.

So, this week I went over to our friends place to watch her mother. Her mother has Alzheimer. They are also dealing with their son who has cancer. He's in his 40's and young. They are having an Auction night on the 24th. I'm going to watch "grandma" while they attend the auction.

Things are going great with TAS. We've got a lot going on, and I think everyone will be happy with what we have coming. I tend to spend a lot of time on the computer, checking our Facebook account. I like to keep it going, so I tend to be on the computer more often then usual.

I have been working on the cross stitch I pulled out awhile back. I've been getting more done.

I'm excited to see this done now. It's turning out better than I ever thought it would.

I have been working on the friendship block for Cil, and that one is a little more work than I was expecting. I just need to do the embroidery on the face and do a fan or bouquet in her hand. I'll probably work on that tomorrow at our groups meeting. I have to leave early to come back and take our neighbor to his doctors appointment, since his daughter and son-in-law are going to the ocean for the weekend. That is one disadvantage for being home and not working. Next week I will be working for a CPA to help out. She's also going to help me out.

So, as you can see, I'm still busier than I have been in the past. Enjoying what time I do have to myself. I've been "skunked" 9 times so far from my neighbor (different one) that I play cribbage with. Told him I am going to start over with the skunks when we hit 12. Guess he decided he better do that faster, since he's skunked me 4 x's in the last 2 weeks.

Life is good, hope yours is good as well. Looking forward to be Happy Quilting.....

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...