Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year!

Guess I'm a day behind on posting.

Walked to the sunrise today. It's pretty cool to see the colors coming up in the morning.

Walking in the mornings we sometimes get a "visitor" that has to say hi.

She's a sweetie, and she loves attention. We were talking about how much she's grown. She was a kitten when we first came across her. Think she belongs to a "care givers" home.

Today was one of those days, I decided to take a break from scraps. I'll try and get back to it this weekend. I'm going to be quilting at mom's house tomorrow. 

Actually, I did do some work today. I went through all my Applique Society papers and got them boxed up to go to Virginia. She had called and asked for everything I had that was given to me. Actually, nothing was given to me, so that was part of my problem. I even boxed up my own folder that I was keeping for TAS.  I'm sending her all the stuff for the 2015 give away quilt as well. Maybe this is what I needed to let TAS go. I'm even sending her my thumb drive that has all my stuff in it. I did a procedure page for the internet stuff I do. Wonder if that's part of the reason I didn't do any quilt related stuff this afternoon. 

Yesterday, I worked with the scraps, and got more work done on them. That's still in my camera, so will try and post those tomorrow. I'm getting a lot done, and it's amazing how much the cleaning has helped me feel better about going down there to work on quilt related stuff. I'm getting more excited about doing more too. 

I know you can't see them, but we had deer in the yard yesterday. They went into the neighbors field when we came out to go to my parents for supper. I do have photos of them in my camera, and will post those later.

I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year! Best wishes and hope to your Happy Quilting!

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All Day At Garage Sale

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