Tuesday, September 2, 2014

From BadTo Worst

One bad day all around. Started out with a headache, took a couple pills and went back to bed. Finally getting up to go to the quilt group meeting. Remembering it was potluck day. I pulled out some apples and made apple crisp. After it finally comes out of the oven, I get ready to go. Oh, but guess what!? My wallet was in Patricks truck. I then grab everything and headed out to the church for our meeting. We had our meeting, ate lunch . No one ate my crisp, because someone brought a bigger batch. I  also realized I forgot my fabric for my block.  Now I have both apple pie and apple crisp! Had to run to Patricks work and get my wallet, then go to Walmaart for dog treats. Hum, talk about Walmart......took foreverrrrrr to cash out. Next was safeway and the gas station.

I did get more done on the cross stitch.

Because my computer is stuck checking files, I'm stuck writing this on my tablet. Can't even get the photo to rotate.

Now my tablet is out of energy............can't wait to be Happy Quilting....again!!!

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