Tuesday, March 10, 2015

It Was A Good Day!

Today I was a little late getting up. Felt good to have a good night sleep. Patrick left this morning, and I fell back asleep. The next thing I knew it was 8:40 am. That is a first for me in over 3 years! I rarely sleep that late. I'm up by 8 am on my worst days.

I played cribbage again today. I skunk Art twice and he skunked me once. Hard to believe we were skunking each other when that rarely happens.

Next was time to go to the Mt. St. Helen's quilt group at the museum. It was a small group today, but it was fun to sit and work on my basket. I was thrilled to see I could get as much done as I did.

I just need to finish the last petal and then I need to figure out how I want to do the center piece. I'm not sure if I can get the round parts done right, but will try. Back basting helps a lot! I may go ahead and back baste it, then let it sit for a few days before doing the applique. I started to back baste another basket for one of the other gals in the group. She was wondering how she was going to do the baskets, and she's a beginner. I showed her how the back basting works and how much I really like it when it comes to small pieces. She said she was going to try that. I think she'll be happy doing it that way, because as a beginner, it get hard to do the freezer paper or even the overlay. She said she tried to do the freezer paper was it wasn't working right. Told her it takes practice, but with small pieces, it does get harder to do.

I did work on the afghan last night. My shoulder doesn't like it when I keep working on it, because I do crochet right handed. (Grandma couldn't teach me left handed so she put me in her lap and taught me right handed) So, I think I will take the night off with the afghan, and work on the two basket blocks I need to have done this month. Then I can get back to the basket blocks that I can take with me to work on at meeting. I figured out the flowers for the basket blocks for friends. One is for Betty from this group and the other is for the Thursday applique group. I'll have to iron the Thursday block, because I pulled it out the other day, and it was folded. lol - never fails.

Good news, I'm going in tomorrow to see about my shoulder. They called me today to tell me they had a cancellation, and I can get in tomorrow afternoon. I'm thrilled. The only problem I have, is IF I do need surgery, it will have to be after dad's and after the first part of April because our bowling partners for Wed are gone till then. Patrick and I would have to forfeit our games if I have to go for surgery before they get back. UGH, UGH, UGH. Told Patrick I still want him to go to the doctors with dad on Monday.

Now I'm off to working on my blocks and enjoying being Happy Quilting!

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