Thursday, March 31, 2016

Another Day of Fun

I don't know if I'd really call it fun, but was having trouble with a title. Never was good at titles.

Today started out with another walk Afterwards came home and took everything out of the frig and cleaned it.

I even changed the shelves around. I didn't like the way it was before, and I love that this one can have shelves move to where they work for me. I washed it twice a year job.

While I was washing the frig, the sun was out. So, I went and opened up the house to get fresh air!

This was my view while I was washing out the frig.

I wanted to work on the Brazilian embroidery piece I got from my son and his wife. I finished up the leaves. I'm really liking the way it's coming along.

The smaller circles are for roses. I'm having fun with the bullions (sp). I have a couple more rows to do before it's done. I did get another row done. It's pretty. I love the colors Phil picked out.

I did get another walk in today. When we got back we checked out the hole that was growing in Ruth's yard. She called Lewis County to check it out. Would you believe they just filled it in?! It's a drainage area, and they filled in the hole. They did that last year as well. But this year it got another hole about a few feet from the first one. Of course they filled them both this time. The old hole was sinking too. Guess no one wants to do the job right....go figure. Makes me wonder what Lewis County Public Works does when things go wrong.

I appliqued some of the wing down today. I'll probably work on it here in a few minutes. I like how easy it is to applique it down.

Tomorrow is our group at moms. She's leaving early because she's judging somewhere. Think it's at the Grange, but not sure. She's judged quilts for over 35 years now.

Happy Quilting!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

A Little Bit Of This And That

This morning I woke with a headache. That was 3:45 am! I took pain killers and went back to bed....didn't get any more sleep though. After Patrick got up, I got up. We walked another 2.5 miles. Ruth and I had a good visit and got caught up on her Easter.

Came home and worked on the rest of the letters I didn't get done yesterday. I even got the Avery program to make labels. Word didn't have the labels I needed, so went to there website and was thrilled to find this program. I made labels for both the family reunion and for us. Texted my two brothers and let them know the letters were going out tomorrow. Since our family is putting this on, I got the fun part of putting the letters together.

Once that was done, I went downstairs and pulled out the eagle pieces I started the other day.

I decided to start on the wings.

I am doing the technique I learned on Rebecca Campbell's class. I used the glue stick to get the edges down.

Once that was done, I pinned the top and bottom of the wings together so I can applique them down.

Now both of the wings are ready to be appliqued together. I'm going to work on that - hopefully - tomorrow or Friday. We have quilting at moms on Friday.

After all that was finished, I worked on the registration forms that came in for TAS. I also received an email from P3 Designs say she will send a donation. I received 4 answers out of 6 that I sent out. They are going to help us with donations. I got a call from the gal doing the shops for donations, and she hasn't started yet. She just finished up the letter to take to the shops. I hope we get some help from them, but if not, I at least got some donations coming in. I just wish she would have worked on this in January.

Okay, once all that was done, I tried to get one of my pogo games done. Then I pulled out my Brazilian embroidery - just before supper.

I added two more leaves on it. I wanted to work on this today but got so busy with other stuff that I didn't make it. I'm hoping to get some done tomorrow as well.

We went bowling and it looks like I'm improving over what I was doing. I bowled a 540 series, with a 201 game. I'm getting back to normal..I hope.

Life is good, I'm busy and enjoying what comes along. Best wishes and Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Enjoyed the Day to Myself...and Sunny!

Today I was able to sleep an extra half hour. I wanted to sleep more, but then my brain decided to think of stuff I needed to do. Never fails. Once I wake up, I'm thinking of what needs to be done.

I finished the laundry and played this morning. I even worked on the computer to earn some money. Then after that, I couldn't seem to get in the mood to work on anything. I thought about finishing the bowls downstairs, but it was just a thought.

I did get a few more things done on the cross stitch. I also had to take out some of my work. I have two colors that blend together quite a bit. It was hard to figure out if I had the right color or not. I did finish up the cat, and filled in a few areas that were missing. I'm having a little concern of going to the next page of my pattern. I always get worried that I'll miss the stitch and then end up taking out half my work. So far, I haven't had that problem. I'm working on the left side and hoping that will direct me to the top half of this design. I can't wait to get to the outline of this!

While I was grilling hamburgers, I went a took some photos of the plants out there.

This is the first tulip so far. More will be coming soon.

This is an interesting daffodil. I was surprised how it was so different from the rest.

Good news, the grapes are growing.

I was working on getting donations for our TAS Annual Meeting today. I found out the gal that said she would do the donations, hasn't even started yet and the meeting is May 3rd. So, I sent a couple of emails, and I'm happy to say, I got at least two donations! When they come in, I'll share with everyone what we have! I'm hoping a couple more will come in.

On top of that, Patrick brought me the letters that need to go out to my family for the family reunion. I'm getting ready to mail those out as well. I need to put them all in the envelopes and have them ready to mail tomorrow. Once I do that, then I will wait a week before posting it on the family page in Facebook. That way they will get a copy to give to other family members. It's amazing how many members don't know how to send me their addresses. lol

I received my email today saying I got the classes I wanted at the Brazilian embroidery seminar. I'm so happy I got all the classes I wanted! I'm taking "A Northwest Bird Feeder," "Dragon Fruit Cactus Flowers," "Tranquility," "Ruth's Farewell," and "Bird Stitching Help Session." I'm happy to be getting those. Those were the ones I really like out of all the choices we had. Now I have to get the floss to go with the class. My supply list is long, so I'm betting I'm going to be spending $200 just on floss! But that's usually how it works, if not embroidery, then with quilting fabric.

Next I'm going to work on the letters and then get back to the cross stitch. Tomorrow I will try to go downstairs and be Happy Quilting!

Monday, March 28, 2016

One Quick Day!

Today started out without a walk. I got my stuff ready for my Brazilian Embroidery group meeting. I got on the computer before I had to leave. I wanted to get a few things done before heading out.

Arrived at our meeting. We were making scissor fobs for the seminar in June. The scissor fobs we got done look great and are a little longer than some. We are working on 125. We were able to get 37 done, once we figured out who was doing what. It went great. I didn't think of taking photos. We will be doing more next time as well. The fun part is that we will be making  a few extras for those of us that are going to seminar and we will be making at least one each.

This piece hasn't gotten anything added to it. I may work on it this week. Hard to say.

Today was just one of those days. I got home, ate lunch, worked on the bookkeeping. I do our BFF group, the water, and our checkbook. Once I got that all done, I was working on the laundry as well. I walked down and got the mail for our neighbors that are gone. Picked up our mail and entered the registration information on the TAS meeting in May. Once that was done, had to get supper going. After I put the steak on the grill - realized Patrick was going to the City Council meeting and was going to be late. That poor steak cooked too long. It was good, but more like how mom likes her steak - well done.

I cleaned up and then worked on my pogo games to get my badge. Still need to work on the one. Patrick said, "8 o'clock" which usually means time to do my exercises.  Took a break, did the exercises and wanted to post my blog. UGH.

No idea where the day went. I didn't get much done on the cross stitch - so no "new" photo. I'll do that later. Hard to believe I didn't even get to work on my amazon account!

Okay, tomorrow is another day! Hopefully it's Happy Quilting!!

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter!

Today is Easter Sunday - May you have a great Easter!

No copy-write intended
Found this on the internet! Just had to post it.

Today started out early. I wanted to try and sleep in, but wasn't so lucky! I played some games before finally showering at 11 am. Patrick was beginning to wonder if I was going to be in my PJ's all day. Love taking my time getting moving on the weekends.

Patrick BBQ'd ribs. We had a good meal! I even baked some shortbread for our strawberry short cake.

We watched two Elvis movies this afternoon, which gave me time to work on the cross stitch. I did figure out that my two pinks got mixed up. I'm doing the flowers in dark pink when they were light pink with dark pink as the shading. I'm okay with the switch. I just hope it will look okay when I do the outlining. I will find out when this is all done. I do like the way it shows in the photo, so can't complain. Really don't want to go and take out all those flowers I did already.

We went bowling tonight and I'm betting back to normal - 170, 183 (tied with Patrick) and 199. We took 3 games.

Got home and fixed whipping cream for the strawberry short cakes. We fixed up a bowl and just eat that. It was really good! Now I'm full - and I did a 'No-No" by eating past 6:30 pm but oh well, it was a special occasion.

Tomorrow is Brazilian embroidery. We will be working on scissor fobs. I'm excited about working on those. We are making them for Seminar in June. I'm excited about going to Seminar! I think I got the classes I wanted. I haven't heard yet. I will have to buy a LOT of threads though. Saving my money to pay for all the supplies I'm going to need.

Happy Quilting!

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Keeping Busy for a Saturday!

Woke early this morning. We headed to the casino and played for awhile. Then came home. I mopped the floor and vacuumed before heading out to meet my brother and parents for dad's Birthday celebration. We waited for my sister-in-law and then headed north to the Falls Terrace Restaurant. It was expensive! They raised the prices and the menu changed. It was good food, but very expensive.

We came back to my parents and played card games.

Last night I worked in this area.

I was able to get a lot more stitches in. This is only the bottom half of the design. I'm going to have to work at getting the top part done. I'm hoping I don't get off track and have to take out what I put in. Sometimes when there is little connection from the top and bottom halves it's easy to get off track.

I'm still working on my baskets when I get the chance. I want to start the eagle for my dad next too. I've been thinking about how I am going to get started.

May we all be Happy Quilting!

Friday, March 25, 2016

Keeping Busy.....Finished a New Project Already!

This morning was up bright and early. We walked our 2.4 miles. I got back in the house and thought about what I was going to do. I worked on the computer for awhile.

Then headed downstairs to work on my "bag" for my lightbox. I didn't have a pattern. I just thought about what I needed to do and went from there.

I took the protective sheet downstairs to get an idea of what I wanted to make.

I had some fabric that has been in my "stash" for several years. I haven't been able to find fabrics that would go with it, so I even thought about giving it away. I liked it, so it just sat in my stash. I decided this would be perfect for it. I then went through my other fabrics to find a piece that would work with it - not actually go with it, but be close. To my surprise I found one. I had to add a strip to it, because the original fabric wasn't wide enough.

I got started on it, till it was time to go walking again. We walked another 1.8 miles. We both hit 10,000 steps in the beginning of our walk. Came home and went back downstairs.

I thought about what I would need for a handle. I wasn't sure if I had interfacing or something that would work for the handle. I found some interfacing - didn't realize I had so much! I cut a long strip and pinned the two strips together. I then ironed it, and folded it in half to make it strong.

Once I had that done, I could go back to the bag. I had sewed the ends together before I worked on the handle. I was trying to decide if I wanted to do a binding on the top edges. I decided to sew them "front sides together" and turn it. I didn't do the sides. I decided I would bind the sides.

At this point I had the binding sewed on. I also put the strap on. After I did that I realized I didn't size it up to make sure they were evenly put on. I think I did pretty good considering I didn't measure or get too detailed over it.

This is it, FINISHED!  I was surprised at how easy it was and quick. I put the batting in it that I bought yesterday. I was really happy with it. I do think I should have made it a little wider though. I wasn't able to put the corner pieces that were in the box, in the bag. I need to make something for the power cord. I may just look for something I can zip up and put in this bag with it. My lightbox is 17 x 24" so I had to make a big bag. That was easy. I tend to do better on my own then using a pattern. I really should learn to measure more! BUT then when I do measure I'm always off and it's too small.

Last night I worked on my cross stitch.

I worked on the border green. Then I also worked on the green leaves on the right side. I also worked on some of the flower on the left. It's getting better. The photo shows the dirt mark that was on the roller. Good thing I wash my stuff when I'm done!

Tomorrow brother Patrick is in town with his wife. We will be spending time with them. Plus I think dad wants to celebrate his 83rd Birthday tomorrow with the family. Tomorrow is my daughter-in-laws Birthday! We will drop off her gift tomorrow. Would love to spend it with her. Not sure what tomorrow will bring.

So, I'm still running strong! Happy Quilting!

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Relaxing...When I Could.....

This morning was a very early morning. I was up at 6:15 am so I could get ready and walk with Ruth. I had a doctors appointment, so I had to be ready to to leave after our walk. We walked 2.5 miles this morning and I was off.

I made it to the doctors about 5 mins before I was due. A shock came when they called me right in. Even another big shock was when the doctor came in right away as well. So, now I have to keep a record of my back pains...ugh. Then I headed over to the pharmacy for my medications. One of them wasn't approved yet, so I talked with the gal and got everything worked out. No medications came home with me, which was fine with me.

Headed to the quilt group meeting. We had a potluck going on. I didn't have anything to take since I was at the doctors. When I arrived I said I would go and get meat if we needed it. While I was there, I picked up the bolt of fabric! I also bought some batting hat I need for the bag I'm going to make for my lightbox.

It will work out great! I think that is a good background.

While I was there, I tried to work on my block. I got more done at the doctors office then I did at the meeting.

I have most of them done, then I need to figure out the center of the flower. I'm thinking orange but not sure.

I did go and get some meat for our potluck. There was mostly salads. They were really good though! Most of the members called it good at about 1:00 pm. I left about 1:30 pm. I came home and relaxed for awhile. I really didn't do much. I worked a little on my Amazon account to make some money.

After supper cleaned up and now I'm putting the blogs up to date. I'm hoping to get some cross stitch in tonight. I'll be working on the block later - tomorrow. I want to finish another one of the blocks.

All in all, it was a busy day...not much got done....but it was a good day......Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Sorry Missed A Day....

Yesterday was one of those days that I was going from the time I got up till the time I went to bed. It was my day with Art at the Red Wing Casino in Yelm. After I got home I was off again. Didn't get any projects done.

Today started out with walking 2.83 miles. Ruth was doing pretty good today. We talked about yesterday and how her family is doing.

Got home and worked on some computer work. Got laundry in today as well.

I worked on the cross stitch this afternoon. I want to get this going. Got a few more stitches in. Filled in some areas that were missing some crosses. I have more that needs to be done, then I can start working on the upper part.

I also worked on the registration for our TAS meeting in May. I have been working on the registration.

I also got the list of family members in our send them a letter for the family reunion. I got the job of sending out letters for the family reunion. I'm working on fixing a few addresses and then I'll get them out as well.

Tomorrow is another busy day. I'm off to the doctors, then off to the quilt group potluck. I need to stop and pick something up before I go there. I'm also going to pick up the bolt of fabric that I ordered and has arrived. I'll enjoy being Happy Quilting!

Monday, March 21, 2016

Getting Set Up for the Next Project

This morning I went to pick up Ruth for walking. When I arrived she didn't look 100% herself and said she couldn't walk. Come to find out, her son, Jim, passed away this morning. He was fighting lung cancer. She did get to see him Saturday. She changed her mind while I was there and we took a short walk. 1.85 miles. We talked about all kinds of things. Got her mind off it and away from the phone. Told her if she needed to get away from the phone, she could bring her crocheting up to my place. One of her friends came over in the afternoon to be with her. I offered but she said she would be fine. She's a strong lady!

After getting home, I started laundry and I worked on the computer. In the afternoon I brought out the lightbox.

I copied the eagle pattern I just finished. The original is on freezer paper. As I was copying it, I realized I didn't have enough paper to do the whole thing. I cut the paper in half and marked it. Then I decided I needed to do another one on freezer paper to do the technique that Rebecca Campbell uses. I want to try it and see if it will make it a little easier. I want to do the wings first and then put them on the fabric.

Rebecca Campbell's book arrived today! I love the flowers that she used. I was thinking jut now that it will be a good pattern to give out to the group for my friendship blocks. I didn't have anything in mind when it came to the friendship blocks. I love this quilt! I'm going to find some bright background color and have them work on bright colors.

I ironed the pieces onto the fabric. This one is going to be dad's QOV quilt. I found fabrics I'm happy with. I will need some help from Donna as to what to do after this. I want to have the wording from a letter that Jeannie Austin used in her quilt. I think it's perfect. As for what else I will add, I don't know. I will think on that. I do a lot of applique but know I will have pieced blocks in there too.

I think tonight I will work on my cross stitch. It's be awhile since I have been working on that, and it looks lonely over there.

I bought a needle minder from Amazon and it wasn't what I expected. I think I'm going to return it. I don't care for it.

Other than that, I'm still Happy Quilting.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Finished the Eagle Block!

Today I was up early and ready to enjoy my time. I spent the morning enjoying games and working on the computer.

I got started on the laundry. I even washed my bag that was getting really dirty. There was a spot that didn't come out in the wash, but that's okay, I may try to get it out later. Now my bag is a lot cleaner then it was.

I finished the leaves last night and worked on the eye of my eagle today.

It takes up the bed!

Took several angles of it for photos.

I sent Donna a text with the photo and told her I would drop it off Tuesday. I like the way it turned out. I have a few things that I can change on the next one. Dad wanted to see it before I took it to Donna. He said he wanted me to make him one for a flag in his garage. Not making one for the garage, but will make one for him through QOV. I will work on his quilt next. He won't know it's for him.

After I finished the eagle and while cleaning my bag - I found this block that needed to have the leaves on it. So, I appliqued the leaves and can now count #19 of the Bountiful Baskets done.

Next was to applique the petal of this block down, since it as tacked down and ready to applique. I got 3 petals done. So, I'm getting there! Not sure what I'm going to finish up next, but I'm getting to the small things to finish lately. My mind seems lost since I finished the eagle.

We had bowling tonight and I bowled a 527 - with a 207 game, so that should tell you how bad the other two games were.

Tomorrow I'll be working on my laundry and then I will see what I need to get ready to work on. I may TRY to get some quilting done while I'm at it. That is wishful thinking of being Happy Quilting!

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Patrick is Back...And So Is Busy Saturdays

Hard to believe, but Patrick was up before me this morning. He was ready to go to the casino. We spent the morning at the casino.

We stopped off at mom and dads to pick up the tickets for the Barber Shop Quartet. We stopped at the store for a few things and headed to the concert. Mom and dad couldn't make it because mom was still sick. Patrick and I enjoyed the performance. It turned out great.

So, today I haven't done much in the way of applique or projects.

I got the flower done as well as one and a half of the leaves. I have two more leaves to put on and then I will work on the eye. Depending on tomorrow, depends on what I can get done. So far it's good. I'm almost going to be sad when it's done. I've taken so long to get it done. Almost like one of my kids. lol

I will work on the next one as soon as this is done. I have the fabrics and stuff I want to do for the next one. I have a lot of ideas for the next one.

One thing leads to lets see what I actually do....when I'm done with this one?.....there is a LONG list of stuff I've got started that need we will see.....Happy Quilting!

Friday, March 18, 2016

A Day of Shopping!

Today I actually slept till 9 am.  Probably because I was up till midnight getting Patrick from Portland Airport. That means I didn't make it to walking today.

I worked on this last night while waiting on Patrick.

I also finished up this eagle head. I need to get the eyes on and then it will be done. I am working on the flower and leaves. Once that is done, the block is done. I will work on my block like this one for my dad next. I have a different background for his. I'm hoping to get started on that and I'm thinking of using the technique I used on the head. I did use an interfacing that worked out pretty good. The beak is "puffy" and looks cool. lol

Today was a shopping day - not a shopping day for quilting. I bought some clothes. I hate shopping for clothes but I needed them and we had a card for 20% off my entire order. So, I saved a good $40.

I'm still working on my projects....I need to finish the bowls downstairs, and the coasters. OH! Patrick said we needed some new coasters as well. I laughed because I knew that was what he would say. I have some batting cut for 3 sets. My list is getting done, slowly...and I need to get back to quilting! I need a lot of time! But then when I have time, I can't seem to work on stuff because my mind is off somewhere else as well. That's what makes it Happy Quilting!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Hello Sunshine!

Today was a good day for a walk. Got in 2.5 miles this morning. I'm so close to having 10,000 step right now! And I didn't walk in the afternoon!

I enjoyed the morning to myself. Not what I would like to get used to, but I did get some cleaning done. Between vacuuming, laundry, and mopping floors, I did watch two really good movies on TCM. Since it's St. Patrick's Day - there were a lot of good movies about the Irish.

I wanted to try the technique that Becky Campbell uses for her applique. I found it takes the same amount of time as it does back basting. I love both techniques. I am going to try and use this one more often though. I like the fact that I could put the pieces together (applique them down) and place it, THEN applique it down. I did add an interface to the back of these. I wanted to make sure the brown didn't come through. Then I remembered, this interface washing out. So, I don't know if that will help or hurt the design. Time will tell.

I have appliqued the beak on and am working on the head. I like the way it's going. The head is stiff and the back is not, but I'm working it. I like the way it is going. Can't complain! It will take practice to get the curves to look better, but my curves right now are about the same, so I can't complain too much. Once this is done, I can do the eyes. I also need to finish the flower and leaves. I did those as needle turn, which won't take long.

Sunshine today!! I'm so excited about the sun coming out!

Had to make a trip around the house to take photos! Blooms are starting up!!

That's the sun!! I love this photo...looks like it's in the house with a light behind it. NOPE, this is natural!

Waiting to see if Patrick will be home tonight or tomorrow. Just got my phone and noticed his text. He's on his way...sure did miss him. Can't wait to see him! Need to get moving.

Life is good! I'm still enjoying learning, playing, and working on my applique! Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

A Day With Mom

This morning I was up and ready to go walking. I didn't sleep very well at all, so I'm a little tired right now. That could be a good thing!

After our walk this morning I got ready and went to mom and dads. Mom hasn't been feeling good for over a week, so when I got there, she didn't look good. She is getting better, but was worn out. So, we didn't do any kits like she wanted to. We didn't even get a quilt set up for her because she just wasn't in the mood. We ended up watching my AQS class I ordered. It's Becky Campbell's applique. I love the technique she was using and I am going to try it! Mom thought her way was faster. But then mom is fast no matter what she does. I liked the class by Becky and am going to try it out with her pattern. After awhile I did get bored, so about 3:00 pm decided I better come home and then go bowling. I went to the store to get some food and came home. Stayed home for a short time before heading out to bowling.

Bowling wasn't my best, but I was consistent. I averaged a 154. Not my best, but a heck of a lot better then what I have been doing. I averaged 3 splits a game.

Mom and I picked out the head color for my eagle.

I finished the rod part last night.

I basted the flower and one of 4 leaves done. I didn't have a chance to work on the eagle today. I'm hoping to be able to work on it tomorrow and Friday. Hard to say, since Patrick is coming home tomorrow. I'm going to clean up and get ready to go get him.

I will update my book on my QOV projects and get moving on being Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

So Much For TRYING To Plan My Day!

Today started out as usual, except I didn't get to walk. I was all ready to go out and walk at 7:15 am, till I went for my coat - Rain yet again. We changed it to 9 am, nope, still rain. We were able to get our walk in, but it was at 1 pm this afternoon. We did a short walk.

I did some laundry, cleaned up the kitchen, and worked on the computer. All that in-between going to help the neighbor up off the floor and helping Ruth with her computer. Good thing I wasn't going anywhere today...I think.

The afternoon, I got my tea and headed downstairs.

Decided it was time to clean up my mess! I was tired of going down there to find this mess.

So, I picked stuff up and put it away, throw away papers I didn't need anymore, and folded the fabrics to put away.

And of course I got side tracked!! I figured I better get working on the coasters and thread catchers for the TAS Annual Meeting in May. I have to make 4 sets of coasters and 4 thread catchers. I decided to use the Japanese fabrics that were on the counter.

I cut and sewed 2 sets of coasters together. Now I'm half way there! This is the colors that I used. The blue in the front is the background fabric of both of the coasters. I will figure out what I'm going to use for the other two later. I even started sewing the lines on the bowls I had set to work on as well. I didn't finish those. I did cut 2 more thread catchers. I had 2 of them done already, so all I have to do now for all 4 of those is sew up the sides and put the buttons on the flaps.

By the time I was done doing all that, I had the room looking a heck of a lot better than it was. The BIG question now is How Long Will It Last?! I tend to pile up the stuff on my counter!

I found my fabric for my father's quilt I need to work on after this eagle is done.

The body of the eagle is down. I have the head to put on, as well as a flower and leaves to go next to the arrows. I'll work on that tonight.

I worked on the pole knob last night. It was about 11 pm when I decided to call it a night. It's funny how I tend to stay up when Patrick isn't around. I do miss Charlie at times like this. Dirty Persian came to my door, so I gave him/her some milk. He was still at my steps when I was cleaning up after supper. Might get that cat to like me yet! lol

I did get a lot done today...just not what I was hoping for. I enjoyed being back downstairs working on my stuff. I posted my finishes on Instagram.

Was watching "Celtic Thunder Legacy" just now. That was an awesome show! I enjoy the Celtic music.

I filled out my form for the TAS board votes. I was surprised to find two of the gals I quit the board with are back on it. Thinking we should have just stayed on it, if that's what they were going to do. No worries. Glad to see them there and will support them. May try to get back on the board again in a year or two - if they are still running.

Just tired to see a show but now I see all there is out there is the Campaign garbage. Funny how they determine who wins before the Western states can even vote. Don't know why the West even votes when the Eastern states are the ones the determine who wins. Oh, well, I still vote every election.

Heading back to the eagle. Want to finish it and get it to Donna - yea, I know, been saying that for two week. May get there yet! Happy Quilting!

Running All Over The Place!

This morning, Patrick went golfing. I ended up cleaning up the house a bit. Since he was gone, it was easier to do.  About the time he retur...