Sunday, March 6, 2016

A Working Sunday....

This morning I was up early - no surprise there. I enjoy the peace and quiet in the mornings when Patrick is still sleeping. I played as usually - got it out of my system - then worked on the Cat Nap quilt top.

I got quiet a bit done. I was working on it and decided I was going to make a goal for this week. My goal is to have this and the eagle done this week. I need to get this done for the shop and the eagle done for when Donna gets back. Both of these are going to get done! I need to quite jumping from one thing to the other. I do like the way this is coming along. I should have it done this week. I seriously need to have it done by Thursday when I have the quilt meeting.

This is what it was like this morning! While I was appliqueing, it poured! It was only about 5 mins.
First time trying this out, so not sure if it will work.

We went and helped mom and dad move their old furniture into a storage unit for my brother. He'll pick them up when he comes in July. Then we all went out to eat. We got one game of gin in and then headed to the bowling alley.

We arrived and were told the team we were bowling pre-bowled. That was't the end of that - because one of the lanes broke down, so we had to bowl on the one lane. I did bowl a 210 and 171. Just as we were going to bowl the third game, someone hit a power pole just a block away from the bowling alley. That means, power OUT. We pulled out the our flashlights from our cell phones and put all our stuff away. To make things a little more interesting - we were bowling to try and win the quarter. It was between us and two other teams. We won two games, and the others only got one game done before the power was's a wait and see what we will be doing! We were a 1/2 game out too. UGH.

Got home and started getting this ready, when I found a message from BDIEG (Brazilian embroidery) saying I can accept the scholarship to Seminar if I want it. I said, "heck yes!" So, I get a discount for going to the Seminar (retreat) in June. I'm happy now! I just hope I get the classes I signed up for! At least something good came out of this day!....actually more then usual, the bad would be that I lost the game today. Life is good. We're all Happy Quilting!

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