Friday, March 3, 2017

It's Friday

Today started out with Miss Kitty meowing at 6 am. She didn't want to go in the garage last night, so she made sure she was yhere when Patrick was up. He opened the garage so she could go in and let me sleep. I didn't get much more sleep. Sat with Kitty and fell asleep for another 30 mins.

Not sure what was going on because I would sit with Kitty and start getting tired. I wanted to nap all day! While I was busy, she would wait for me on my chair.

I didn't, I pulled out my FFO's (Finally Finished Objects) as well as my WIP's. I did another video with my cross stich stuff. I showed some of my finished works.

After making bread pudding, I was able to sit and work on the trees. It's coming along nicely. Doesn't really need a lot of work.

I really didn't get to my cross stitch today. Hoping to work on it tonight. Happy Stitching!

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