Saturday, December 16, 2017

Concert With Pam Tillis Today!

This morning we were up and ready to go to the casino. We spend a couple hours there, not doing good but not doing too bad.

Then went to Safeway for chips. We decided on chips and dip tomorrow for the game.

Came home and relaxed for a while. We had to leave for the concert at 7 back at the casino.

We were in the 11th row, so it was a good view from where we were.

I didn't get a good picture, because we weren't supposed to take photos. This is without a flash. The concert was dark, so missed out on getting a good photo.

I loved the concert! Well worth going to & would do again!! She talked a little about her dad, but not much. I don't blame her, it's hard. She did a really nice song her father wrote.

Didn't get any stitching done today. Not even quilting. I did quilt last night, so I'm getting some done on the quilt.

Cleaned up some so I can get ready for our stitching group on Monday. I washed our table cloth. Found a stain while I was ironing it, so tried to get the stain our and washed it again. I did get a little more out but not all of it. It's drying now, and I'll iron it tomorrow. We'll have everything ready tomorrow. I need to go down and get some plates and some mugs that are Christmas.

All's good. Life is fun to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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