Monday, October 14, 2024

Monday Embroidery

This morning Patrick went golfing and I went to embroidery.  I stopped off at the post office to find it closed. I told someone going in and he said, "Oh. Columbus Day." So. I headed to embroidery. 

I worked on my Seattle piece. Decided to add color to my Space Needle.  I think it looks better. Still have a lot to do. 

Tried to stop at Copy Depot but they were closed as well.  So came on home.

Helped Patrick get some butternut squash in the freezer as well as the berry pie I made. Of course Patrick had 2 pieces at lunch. 

I just relaxed after and played games. Life is good.  I finished another potholder as well.

I like how they change depending on how big I make them. That what makes me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Enjoyed A Play Today

This morning we cleaned the house.  

Then I worked on my potholder.  Didn't get very far as we need to head to the play. I had to finish laundry when we got back. First we headed to Phil's, then to Safeway in Centralia.  I wanted the mini croissants. Of course they didn't have any. I will go back to Costco for them. I did get 6, but they are a good $1 a piece. Cheaper at Costco. 

We went to the play, "Arsenic and Old Lace." It was awesome! I kept laughing! It was well done. They did have 3 women play a man's role. It was different but because it was so well done, hard to realize at times.

Dropped mom and Nancy off and came home. Felt good to just set and relax. Which means it was another day of not being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Kept Busy today

Was up early today. I was hoping to sleep in, but no such luck. Never fails.  😄

I got busy this morning by working on my potholder and playing games. And laundry. Need to get caught up. 

Once I had that done, I worked on 2 pies today. Since I had enough dough for 2, decided to make them. 

I walked 6 laps between doing lemon pie and meringue.  The lemon was a little off and runny but I have a couple ideas why. The other is a Merrinberry (sp) pie. 

Then I went and sent emails to veterans letting them know we have them. 

I went back to finishing another potholder.  That makes my day Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, October 11, 2024

Moving Day

This morning Patrick went golfing and I went to Nancy's after my game play. 

It was crowded at Nancy's with 7 of us. I took my crocheting but forgot to take the squash Patrick had ready for me. 

I finished one more potholder and started another.  This one is a little small. 

Came home,  cleaned up the computer room. Looked up ink stamps for our flyers. Put beads away and logged them in my listing's. 

We left for the theater to see " The Wild Robot." Loved it. The theater is getting run down. They didn't have ice for drinks and it's been a year since the dryers worked in the women's bathroom.  Patrick said it wasn't working in the men's room now. They aren't fixing stuff as they break. Makes me think it will close soon at this rate. 

Now catching up on my game. But at least today was Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Quilts of Valor Presentation

Today was our presentation day. It went great. We gave 6 quilts out to 6 veterans that are firefighters.  We even had a visitor that is the leader of Mossyrock.  Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to talk to her.

We had one veteran ask that no photos be taken.  We honored his wishes.

Came home and my washer was in and running.  Patrick did 2 loads of laundry.  😅😅 

It's actually an updated one of the one we had. I loved my washer. Patrick figured we spent 40 cents a load on the older model. 

Like every time we have a presentation,  I take the rest of the day off. Takes a lot out of me. We have another one in 2 weeks. 

So, no, I wasn't Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Getting Ready For My New Washer

Patrick went golfing today. I walked 7 laps on my own, listening to my books on tape.  I enjoyed getting lost in my books. 

I helped Patrick move the dryer out of the laundry room. It turned out easier than I expected.  The washer is heavy. At least we asked them to take the washer away when they come. We only had to move it for easy access.  

The dryer is in the dining room right now.  

I played my games today. 

Then remembered I needed to get the certificates done for tomorrow.  Got word today that 2 of them couldn't make it tomorrow.  These are volunteer firefighters. We will still have 6. 

Had a quilt I needed to finish the label on. At least that helped me to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Back To Boring

 This morning it rained. Patrick worked on the washer and I helped when I could. Then we headed up to Olympia for my doctors appointment which I really didn't need. Went to The Home Depot and bought another washer that will arrive Thursday.  Then came home by 5 pm. Didn't do a thing. Not even tried to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday, October 7, 2024

Embroidery And Beading

 This morning I was up and enjoying a few minutes playing before going to embroidery.  Sandy and I enjoyed a fun day working on our embroidery.  I worked on my Space Needle part. 

O have a few ideas how to improve this. The black darker lines are my embroidery work. The others are my guide lines. 

Sandy was braiding the floss. It's supposed to help with the threads getting tangled. I did add few of mine. I think I will do that with my threads as I add them to the taps. I need to remember to bring my iron next time for Sandy. 

Stopped at Phillip's.  He got me some utilities to replace the black ones that had fire retardant in them. I gave him some mushrooms that Sandy gave me.

I sautéed them and put them in the freezer for when I need them. These are the best mushrooms!

Then I decided to work on the bracelet.  

I found a mistake half way up. I will fix it later.  When I do, I have to be careful and pay attention to the bead colors. Ugh. 

It was fun to be back to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, October 6, 2024

A So- So Day

I was up before Patrick,  but then he was having another bad day. Wonder if he got a cold or something but then he wasn't sniffing or sneezing.  Temperature was normal. He was just not 100%. So most of the day he laid on the couch or slept in the chair off and on. He had football on all day long. 

I listened to my books on tape. Finished one and started another.  I played some but worked on my beading. I finished the second panel of the first set of two. Now I am a third done. 🤣

Then I decided I wanted to do the bracelet that I bought the pattern to. 

I was a little confused till I realized it's even stitches. One I figured that out, I was good to go. I like the colors I picked from my stash. 

While I worried about Patrick,  I was able to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Keeping Busy With Projects

 This morning, got 6 laps with Ron around the neighborhood.  I was in two battles with my game between walking.

Patrick wasn't having a good day, so I pretty much worked on my projects. 

I was able to get three more potholder done.  They went pretty fast. I was even enjoying my book on tape. I have a total of 12 done so far. Guess they will end up as Christmas gifts. 🤣🤣

After finishing those, I pulled my ornament pieces out.

Got this closer to finishing.  It was hard to see the two bead colors at night. They blended in ready close. I will try and finish this one tomorrow. 

A whole day of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, October 4, 2024

Yet Another Day

 Patrick was up early today. They were planning to golfing but the rain got in the way, so they called it off. 

Teri texted me the garage was open for ume to do laundry.  Patrick took the container over with 2 loads. I got started. Bringing the clothes back and dry them in my dryer.  Good thing since it was raining pretty hard. Ended up doing 3 loads. 

I worked on my potholder. 

We went out to eat in Olympia.  I couldn't believe Patrick driving. For the first time he scared the crap out of me!! I asked what was up. He didn't answer much. I told him I was driving us home. You would have thought he was drunk. He had a rough day. Did eat much. I should have called it off since we were talking mom out too. 

Came home and worked more on the potholders. That's Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Monday Embroidery

This morning Patrick went golfing and I went to embroidery.  I stopped off at the post office to find it closed. I told someone going in and...