Sunday, March 23, 2025

Did What I Said I Would Do

Today was one of those days where I could get stuff done. I cleaned up first. Had to get laundry going and clean the kitty box. Then I headed downstairs. 

I pulled out fabrics for the patterns we have to make quilts for QOV. I needed larger pieces of fabric, but that's okay, I worked with what we had. Patrick came down and he helped me out. He pulled a lot of the fabrics to go with the patterns. 

 By the time we were done, we had 6 quilt patterns with the fabrics. It's now ready for 6 quilt tops for anyone that wants to make them. The top one we did 3 times because it can be done so many different ways. 

Came back upstairs and got to work on my genealogy. I wanted to go through my MATHESON family that's in the email, but instead I went to my MOORHEAD family tree. I found them in findagrave where findagrave took over their care. I pulled my great grandparents out and put them in my care. I was surprised at how many were there. The person who had them hadn't been on in over a year, so they pulled them from him. He actually had a lot of information on the family and I wish I could contact him for more. Usually when they aren't on findagrave like that, chances are they also passed away. Time will tell. I hope he comes looking for me when he gets back on. 

When I could finally sit down and play my games, I couldn't get into the game I wanted to play. So, I'm in Seeker's Note. I may get that one done, but I haven't been on in a while so I think I needed more time and that was my own fault. 

I told Patrick today was going to be a day I could work on my stuff. I wanted to do the kits as well as get back to my genealogy. I wanted to get as much laundry as I could done. So, today, all in all, I did what I said I would do. 

Now it's just time to call it a day. I don't know if I can actually say I was Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Genealogy And A Movie

 This morning, I had planned to work on quilt patterns and genealogy. Patrick said we could go to the movies at 2 pm, so I needed to get moving for the movies. 

I entered the information that Bryan sent to me this last week. I knew he would be calling me. 

I have probably entered about 50 to 100 names today. Filled in more information and then decided to get back on ancestry to get more documents to prove what I have. 

We the headed to the movies. We were watching "Snow White" and it was great! I loved the movie! It is worth seeing again. Then again, I LOVE Disney movies. It was well worth going to! One of the better ones this year that I have been to. 

Came home and after supper, got back on the computer and entered more. Then Bryan called and we entered more information and checked some stuff online. He was asking about some family members, and I was looking for them. After he got off, I went to my email and started checking the family members that were transferred to me. I wanted to check the information before deleting the email. I need to make sure I update what isn't there and check to see what I don't have on them. It works both ways. I was able to delete about 7 of them. I have a lot more to go. MATHESON is the family I'm working on right now. Since I now have ancestry back up and running, I will be working on different families as well. I'm not going to let the rest get away from me. Patrick's family needs more attention as well. I think ancestry has more information than they did a couple years ago. I do love having the and as well. I can check on family records, which I really want to do. 

I also printed out free patterns for QOV and will get the fabrics together for those quilts. I plan to spend a little time tomorrow and getting them done. Then I will check with mom to see which ones she wants to cut the patterns for. I have plenty for kits now. But that still doesn't count as being Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Friday, March 21, 2025

Casino Day

This morning, Patrick wanted to head to the casino. So, I got ready and we were out the door by 10 am. The casino had a crowd because of the contest with slot machines. It was a little frustrating because the gal calling everyone to the machines was LOUD. We couldn't talk when she was announcing. We played on the usual machines. Only 2 of them was "hitting." 

We were ready to leave, with our tails between our legs for losing, when I told Patrick I really wanted to play the bull machine that we usually play but hadn't. We weren't on it 5 minutes and I won $500. Then we played more. I even got all the "bonus'" on that machine which had it at 10X the amount. Of course, I had to hit the $15 one. But $150 isn't bad either. We then moved to the dragon machine that is similar and won there as well. We ended up $500 ahead by the time we left. I did talk Patrick into getting a card. I had it in my name since we both play together. We racked up points. He decided he didn't mind that after all when he found out how much money was on the card by the time we left. I just wanted it for food, where we only pay 50% of the food. Always the saver!

Came home around 5 pm and watched our shows. 

Debbie did stop by, and we cut her backing and batting for her quilt. Then we cut another set for the quilt top the gals did at sew days. I was showing her the box down there of fabric from Theresa's family. I understand there will be more. I need to send a thank you to them. 

Tomorrow, I need to work on the family history, so I will plan on it. I hope my thumb will let me type, because it's a little uncomfortable right now typing this. Which really isn't Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Life Gets Funnier And Funnier!

This morning, we were up and relaxing till we needed to leave for Olympia. Patrick had his oncology appointment, and I was going to visit urgent care for my thumb and ear. Before we left, I had to make an appointment to the OBGYN for the hpv-16. Another TEST!! UGH!

We arrived in Olympia about a half hour earlier than needed because I thought urgent care would be packed. Patrick didn't think it would be in the middle of the day. I headed to urgent care with Patrick following. They were awesome! The guy at the desk didn't make a big deal out of wearing a mask. I was called in for an Xray and then was taken to my room. I didn't wait long. The nurse was writing down my doctors name and she walked in. We talked about my ear and then onto my thumb. It's "Trigger Finger" and she referred me to Ortho. They are supposed to call in the next 3 days. The nurse said he would call them if I don't hear from them. What in the world did I do to the universe to be getting all this stuff!! Now I have to see a doctor for my thumb. She looked at my ear and it's fine. Not an infection thank goodness. One more thing going wrong with me this year and I'm going to scream. I thought last year was bad, this year is coming in second right now! 

Came home and rushed over to Debbie's to get 2 quilts and some information on our group. I was hoping there were patterns in there, but not what I was looking for. So, tomorrow I need to go internet searching to find patterns to be able to do the kits for QOV. 

The good news is that Patrick's cancer dropped down some. It's looking good right now. We talked about this, and I think it's because he got his health back to normal so he could fight the cancer. His body didn't like what was going on and he was losing the nutrients he needed to stay healthy. He now knows what to look for and when he is slipping. So, now he can fight the cancer without having to feel so bad and be withdrawn. He's feeling better, back to golfing and wanting to get out. He has one more hurdle to get over and then HOPEFULLY he can get back on track.

In otherwards, Patrick is doing great - Lynn, Not so much! I've been having one thing after another lately. Not how I wanted to live my 60's out! Maybe when we turn 65 our body says, "Oh, goodie! We can fall apart now!" I will be 66 this year and I'm thinking this is supposed to happen when I reach 80, not 66! Then I look at mom and DANG! She's a heck of a lot healthier than I am or even my brothers! Why couldn't I get that gene?!

So, as much as I wanted to be, I was not Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Last Two Days - Nada, Zip

 Yesterday, we took Sue to the airport. She was heading out at 10 am, so we left around 8 am to get her there. She was keeping track of the flights since she goes standby in her uniform. 

After dropping her off, we went to the casino on the way home. Ilani was tight! We did okay in one game, but the rest took it in a short time. We ended up home around 5 pm. Then we watched some TV before calling it a night. I was so tired that I even turned out the lights at 9 pm when I usually go to 11:30 pm. 

This morning, Patrick went golfing, and I stayed home. I enjoyed having the morning to myself and didn't do squat. I thought I should vacuum or do something, so I did laundry, big whoop! 

He came home and we waited a bit before heading to Wally World. Not my favorite store! He had to get some oil for the car. So, we picked up a few more things too. Walmart wasn't as crowded as it normally is, but we ended up behind someone in line that was having trouble with their card. We moved to another station. 

Came home and I played on my tablet. Not in the mood for anything today. I was so tired of running around with Sue, and doing the presentation on Saturday, that I just didn't do squat. It is what it is. I'm pretty much thinking of getting kits together for QOV patterns. The gal that had 2 quilts made for us, gave me an idea. I just need to get some patterns and start putting them together. I ordered some Ziplock bags that will hold the kits. I will have to work on fabrics - as if I don't have any - and may need to iron them. I can get a couple ready and have a couple for mom or Nancy to cut. Then we will have the kits for anyone wanting to do them. Shame I just didn't do it today to be Happy Quilting/Happy Stitching!

Monday, March 17, 2025

BE Meeting Day

Patrick and Sue went for doughnuts, and I headed to our meeting.  I had to stop at the post office first. And of course, I had to get my tea for the meeting. 

Arrived before everyone else. Geralyn and I were there first and chatted. Then Sandy V and Sandy E arrived. We pretty much sat down and chatted. We didn't work on anything! It's been a while since we all have seen each other. We don't know if we will be meeting much for the next month. Sandy is going on a cruise, I think, and Geralyn will be flying back and forth from AZ and then maybe off on a cruise too. Hard to say. Sandy E's job moved over this way and they want her to work on Mondays. So, it's a wait and see. 

After our meeting I headed to moms to pick up some garage sale stuff. Filled my car! Then I stopped at Colleen's and drop them off. She's got most of the stuff marked and labeled. So, next Tuesday, Patrick and I will go and fill the truck and then deliver the stuff on Wednesday to set up. Colleen has a ton. I told her I would not bring anything for her to work on because she has enough stuff going. 

Came home and we sat and watched a couple movies. Sue is leaving tomorrow morning. So, maybe after she leaves, I will be back to being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Enjoying Our Visit With My Sister-In-Law

This morning, everyone was up before me. lol I laid on Patrick for a bit and fell asleep. Poor guy didn't get to go back to sleep. 

We all watched how things are made on the TV. Sue was showing us how to work the Roku. Now we are set. Best part is that we don't have to mess with the tablet or the phones to turn on the shows we want. 

Later we went to Talking Cedar (Distillery) and had supper. I ordered a friend chicken salad, and he even asked me about the dressing. When the order came, it was a Fried Chicken with mash potatoes and veggies. They also messed up Sue's order because she didn't get the cold slaw. I don't care for the gravy they have on the fried chicken. So, I scraped it off and brought home what was left. Patrick didn't care for the soup. It was okay, but not the best. Worst part was it cost $95!!! And they didn't even give me a discount for screwing up my order!!

Came home and watched two "chick flicks" or "rom coms." They were really good. Had the same guy in both of them. 

Now it's bedtime and I didn't do a darn thing! I played on my tablet all evening. Guess I'm having a hard time getting back to what is needed. Which seems to be - NOT - being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Presentation Day

This morning, I was up early. Just couldn't sleep well. I did sleep till about 6 am but after that was useless. 

I headed over to the museum to get our presentation done. We needed to be done by 2 pm for Smiley's Birthday party. Our volunteer ended up doing 10 veterans for the first time. He did an awesome job. 

They were a lot of fun! 

After the presentation, Smiley's party started. They came up early. We didn't even get a chance to remove our tablecloth before they started putting the food down. So, I had to ask Chip if he would get it for us. I didn't stay long, because Patrick and Sue were waiting for me to get back and head up to Shelton area for the BBQ place. I was home by 3 pm. I didn't eat at the party but guess I was hungry because I ate too much at the BBQ place. 

We came home and watched a movie. After that we called it a night. So, another day of not being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Friday, March 14, 2025

Moms For Quilting And Portland Airport

 This morning I picked up coffee for Nancy, tea for mom and myself. Then I headed over to moms. We chatted about a half hour before the rest of the group came. We only had 6 of us. It's getting smaller as time goes on. I didn't do anything. I just sat and chatted with Penny and the rest. We talked about her health since she is going through more heart issues. I can be thankful I don't have half the issues she does with her heart. 

Came home and cleaned up. Had some clothes to fold, as Patrick did the laundry and left that for me. I'm okay with that. He had the house pretty much cleaned up by the time I got home. Then I baked a Blondie Bars with white chocolate and macadamia nuts. 

I had to get certificates for the veterans done. I worked on that and ended up trying to get 2 more veterans to keep Kristi happy. I'm getting tired of it. That was some major work getting 2 more veterans, let alone it is taking 2 quilts that we needed for April. But we got it all done by 8 pm on my way home. 

By 4 pm we were off to pick up Patrick's sister, Susan. It was a fast trip. We were home by 8 pm. Patrick suggested we stop at McD's for supper before we head down there. We did, and it was awful! The food was luke warm. I did the survey to let them know it was awful. I used the app and got 20% off, but still, it wasn't good. Don't think I will get food there again for a while!

Now it's getting ready for tomorrow and then calling it a day. It wasn't my day to be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Trip To Olympia AGAIN

 This morning, I had some time to play my war game. Then we had to leave for Olympia for Patrick's scans. I had to do my blood tests as well. We were up there by 11 am. While Patrick was getting his scans, I was waiting by the pharmacy, where a gal fell down the stairs. They had to wheel her to the Urgent Care unit in a gurney. Think she broke her arm or something. 

We then head over to Xfinity to get the new gateway to update ours since we are having trouble with casting to the TV. We thought about getting a new TV since this one is old. But we will just get a casting part and try again. If that doesn't work, then we will go get a TV. He ordered another one, but we returned it, didn't work. He ordered a second one when we got home, and it will be here tomorrow. 

We stopped at Costco for a few things and looked at TV's. The trouble is the stands for the TV's are at the ends of the TV. Our TV stand is smaller and the stand for this TV is in the middle. Now we have to look for another TV stand that will be able to handle a new TV. - Nothing ever goes right! One step at a time. If the casting part he ordered doesn't work, then we will buy the stand and a TV. I think we will end up buying a new TV anyway, which means we really won't need the casting device, but I'm not going to tell him that. He was having a bit of trouble putting the gateway in as it was. 

Came home and it was already later in the afternoon. I needed to get something done on my game, so ended up playing on the tablet. When I thought about working on something it was already too late. My blood tests came in, and they don't look good. I'm sure my doctor will be getting ahold of me tomorrow.  

My cousin called and we went over our Matheson family. We are working with the Matheson's from NC, and working our way forward. He does have a lot of information. The person on Findagrave was clearing their records to stay with just family members. I gave him/her my family names of Matheson, Elder, Campbell, and True. They must have send me about 50 names already. I'm hoping to get them connect to our tree here soon. That's more work for me again. At least Bryan has been a HUGE help with the family history. I need to get moving on that. 

Debbie called and told me about the meeting. It sounded like it went great. I was glad to hear that. Our presentation is Saturday. My sister-in-law will be here tomorrow night. So, we will be busy all weekend. I'm okay with that as well. I just might not be able to do much stitching. Which won't make me Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Gone Most Of The Day

 This morning, we were up and pretty much ready to go. Patrick wanted to go to the casino today. Before we headed out, we stopped a couple of times to get stuff done. 

Once on the way, it was surprising how much traffic there was. I remember when that much traffic used to be on weekends. Now it's everyday and weekends are a lot worse. 

We got to the casino and played our usual games. Lucky Eagle was "tight" today. Not many winnings happening. We played awhile but ended up losing a lot of money. Which was okay because we are still ahead of the game. But it does suck when the winnings aren't happening to us or the people around us. We then had supper there before coming home. 

Debbie stopped by and picked up a quilt and the box that we carry around for QOV. She's handling our meeting tomorrow. Should be interesting. I am kinda glad I don't have to do it. 

Tomorrow we are going up to Kaiser for blood tests and Patrick's scans. I will probably be having another appointment since my HPV scan came out "abnormal" and I had that last year. I hate that test! It hurt so bad last year. I'm not looking forward to it. Guess I can't win with medical issues! I was hoping it was just Patrick with issue! That's what happens when you get old. I saw my friend in ID had lost his job and can't support him and his wife. She can't work. It's a total mess for him. I feel for them. Those are the times I'm thankful for what I do have. Life can be hard. I also feel for all those government workers that have been fired without review. Things are going to get worse before they get better. UGH!

I played games after supper. I didn't have much time to do anything else. We think our TV is going, but not sure. It could be the monitor for comcast. We will take it up to Olympia and see if we can get another one. We haven't been able to "cast" to the TV lately. Which means BritBox and Netflix are offline and we are paying for it! Oh, well. 

As much as I would love to say I was - I wasn't Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

Did What I Said I Would Do

Today was one of those days where I could get stuff done. I cleaned up first. Had to get laundry going and clean the kitty box. Then I heade...