Saturday, December 14, 2013

Holiday Season has arrived!

We have come to the Holiday Season! And NO, I'm not ready!! I still need to get my rear in gear and get my Christmas cards out. Guess that will be another thing I'll work on tomorrow.

So much has happened over the past three days, that I'm going to post the stuff from Thursday and Friday, then post tomorrow about today. Hard to believe I actually have stuff to post on the blog. lol

Thursday morning started out with a good walk and a beautiful morning. 

Mount Saint Helen's is in the background. It's awesome to see the Mountain in the morning walks.

I even got a photo in from the middle of Jackson Hwy earlier in the morning. I love the view and the colors that come from the morning breeze. These are true colors that I think about when I think about quilting. Love the colors.

Thursday was our quilt group meeting, and we had our Christmas party at Deanna's house. It was so much fun having the party at one of our members house. We all had a blast! I even won a couple of the 6 piece bowl set that we earned from Coke reward points. We put all the bowls up individually to be won. Three of us won two a piece.

You can see us all having fun with the gift giving! We exchanged gifts, and played the "white elephant game."

After shopping all day on Friday, I came home and sat down to quilt. I started working on the corner leaves and stems. 

The corner has been coming along wonderfully, and it's going pretty quickly. I'm thrilled at how fast it's coming along.

This is where I finished last night. As you can see, I'm making way. 

I was called by the gal that replaced me in TAS, and was asked if I would do the internet stuff for TAS. I find it very interesting to know most of the Board members are not computer savvy, and it does explain why they have been out of touch for so long. I told her I would be happy to help her out and do the facebook and twitter stuff. I'm on the computer enough, it won't make a difference. 

Today was a lot of fun as well, but will post that tomorrow. In the mean time, I hope you all are Happy Quilting.....

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Running All Over The Place!

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