Saturday, December 28, 2013

In The Mood To Clean!

This morning I actually did some surveys before doing any "games." Hard to believe!

Last night I was able to get the center flower done, so the block is done of applique. This is the first finished block of the Baltimore Liberty quilt. I need to do another flower like this one the bell, and then that one will be done with applique as well.

I used the freezer paper method on the flower. It turned out better than I thought. I did cut the seam allowance too skinny, but it worked out. I will try and remember to give myself extra seam allowance when I do the one on the bell.

I had to put the block on my "guilt wall" so I could get a better photo. As you can see, I have more blocks that I need to do for the two quilts on my guilt wall. lol

While I was down there, I felt too crowded and too unorganized.

As you can see, this was the mess I had to deal with. I started with the table and started clearing stuff off it. Amazing how that table seems to get everything that needs to be downstairs. Doesn't have to be my stuff, just anything that needs to be put away down there. UGH.

I went through and put my fabric away, also tried to decide what I would do with the blocks that were on the table.

I decided to clean out the box where I keep projects I'm working on. I have 7 boxes that I have full of different projects. This one is the Affairs of the Heart quilt - that seriously needs to be finished, I just need about 4 blocks and then it's done, other than the border. I really, really, need to get this done!  At least I put them all together in the box and have it ready to work on.

I also found a few more projects that needed to be put in boxes. As I was moving stuff from one box to another, I found this project that our Friday group had the "bright idea" to do. I have the book and pattern for this huge quilt that has a scenic view for the center piece. The flowers going around the center with pieced blocks. This is one of those projects that may never get done! Too much work and not really something I'm interested in. I am going to figure out what I'll do with the 6 blocks I have done. Time will tell what will happen with this one.

After figuring out where I needed to put a few things, moving from one box to another., I found this one. My mother in law started this project and sent it to me. I decided I would finish it for her. It's hand pieced. I have 12 blocks done, but the quilt needs to be bigger, so I'm thinking I need to make another 13 blocks. It's the Honey Cone block, I believe. It's one of her favorite patterns. I need to make a tear drop pattern so I can applique them on. I have all the fabric and all I need to do is piece the blocks. Again, another project that needs attention.

I found my "stationary box" that I had when we lived in Pullman. I opened it to find this! I forgot I had started this quilt for my daughter when she was 2 years old. She will be 25 in March!

The fabrics were from a "round robin" that I did back in the 1980's. I always looked forward to the mail! I would get a package of fabrics that had my pattern cut out. I could work on it while Katt and Phill where in bed or even when they played in the living room with me. I miss those packages I would get in the mail. I met a lot of wonderful quilters that way! Still write to a couple of the from time to time.

I put everything I needed in the box, so I could find all the pieces. As they came in, they went into the box. Since I couldn't decide on a backing, I took a sheet and cut the tops so that I could applique them on. I didn't have to worry about seams. It worked out great, and sheets seem to last longer than fabric.

I brought the box upstairs and put it in my Applique Society bag I bought at the Tacoma Quilt show. I love that bag!

After doing all that, this is the end result of my quilt room. My table is cleared, my sewing machine is cleared and my projects have found boxes for the order I wish to do them in. Hopefully I can finish a few of these projects this coming year. Should be interesting. Let's see what actually happens.

Have you ever wondered how so may pins wind up on the floor?? I could not believe how many pins have been sticking out of the carpet! I must have had half my pins in the carpet. Good news is that I didn't step on them, but I did rescue a few before the vacuum decided to take charge of them. You'd think I played target practice with the pins and the carpet!

I would love to have the stuff under the table go away, but most of that is the quilt group stuff I keep. Another box is full of letters that my mother gave me that is genealogy. Another project I need to get back to.

Old Jeans are on the old piano chair that way my great grandmothers. I need to figure out what I can do with those. If anyone has an idea, feel free to send me an email! Would love to hear what ideas you may have.

I did find a few blocks that were embroidered, that needs to be put together, but was more surprised to find spots on them, and was guessing it could be mold. Amazing how that seems so show up in places I keep clean. I did clean up the cobwebs that where down there. At least there wasn't a spider hanging around,  I'd jump like a fish! Hate finding spiders!

Okay, that's what life was like today at my house. Hope you all have a great day. In the meantime I'm hoping to be Happy Quilting!

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