Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Not the Best Day in 2014!

My evening last night was cutting all those pieces that go to the blocks I wanted to have prepared. We watched the Olympics while I cut out the pieces. I bagged the pieces with each of the blocks, and have them ready to work on.

Just before cutting the pieces of fabrics, I thought I would look on my computer for "Quilter's Blogs" and "Quilt Blogs." I was amazed at how many of them there are BUT most of them are more for selling fabrics, or advertising. I'm looking for blogs that are "readable" and enjoyable. I want to read about other quilters. I do miss those old chat sites where you can log in and chat with other quilters. I was a member of those chat sites years ago, and when life took over, I quit going into them. When I was able to get back into quilting, I couldn't find those websites again. Guess that's why I like the "Just US Quilters" on Facebook. It's a group of women and men that quilt, share ideas, and talk about what they are doing.

So, if you see a GOOD Quilter's Blog, that is fun to read and check out, let me know. I don't want to visit blogs that sell fabrics, patterns, or kits. I'm looking for a blog similar to this blog, telling views what fun they had that day OR even how bad the day is. Those are what I consider "personal" and fun blogs.

Last night I couldn't sleep again. So, at 2 am I was up appliqueing on block #34 of "The Affairs of the Heart" block.

This is what I did last night and at 2 am this morning. I was surprised at how quickly this block is going.

I moved to the couch so Patrick could get some sleep, since I couldn't. By the time I fell asleep, he was getting up. So, I headed back to my bed, got an hour of sleep before waking up and coughing again. Called the doctors office and found I had to go to Urgent Care because my doctor couldn't get me in till Tuesday next week. Headed to the Urgent Care, and sat for over 1 1/2 hours to be seen. When I got in there (finally), I was told I have an ear infection and a sinus infection. Three prescriptions latter, I made it back home by 1 pm.

Called my folks to tell them what was up, and found out my mother is in the Emergency Room with stomach pains. They are doing a lot of tests on her and dad said she's in great spirits. Just in pain. She couldn't sleep last night either. So, now I'm waiting to see what the test results are for her. What a wonderful day!! ugh

This is what I got done while waiting to be seen in the doctors office. Not bad.

Now for Sharon's block that I didn't get a good picture of.

While I'm taking the rest of the day off, and waiting on mom, I'm hoping to be feeling better soon.

I wish you all a great day and hope your Happy Quilting!

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