Monday, November 17, 2014

Cold Weather bring Colds and Flu

Well, here we go again. With cold weather, and a hubby who gets a cold, guess how I felt today. I had thought I would get away from getting the cold, but after a week of Patrick blowing his noise, coughing, and just not sounding good, it didn't happen! I felt like crap this morning and canceled walk. I did get laundry going all day, played some games, and just watched TV. No cribbage because Art's wife, Flo, has been going through chemo therapy and doesn't need me blowing my noise and coughing.

I did get some quilting done - but not much. I will try to get more done tonight and go to bed early. I have to take Art to Olympia tomorrow for his appointment. Since Flo is under the "weather" so to speak, I'm taking him to his appointment. He lost the sight in his right eye, so he doesn't like to drive on the freeway.

Charlie has been giving me attitude today. She was mad at me today and spent most of the day outside. That was fine with me. Now she has to be on my lap! Guess she doesn't get enough attention.

While I was going through some old post cards and photos, I found this a while back. I think that would be fun to make a quilt with those kind of flower I can see a good flower out of that. I will do a pattern with those here pretty soon. I've been wanting to do some designing lately. Decided I'm going to design the Christmas block for the group.

This is another one that would be fun to use for designing. I will see what I can do with this one. I think it will be fun to do something like this.

I'm thinking of patterns, and frustrated that there are not more applique patterns out there. I don't understand why designer have to charge $75 for a quilt pattern these days. It's not like they won't make money on their patterns if they charge $12. Just because your popular, doesn't mean I'm going to pay $600 for a kit or even $30 or more for a pattern. I believe in making money, but come on!, do you have to make it less affordable for those that don't have the money. Don't get me wrong, I have the money, but won't pay that price. And they wonder why quilters share patterns!

Off my soap box and back to getting some quilting done. The more I quilt, the more I'm Happy Quilting!

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