Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Bad News, But Not That Bad

Today was my day for Physical Therapy. After getting filled in on Flo, and winning one game of cribbage, I headed to moms.

While at mom's I marked the border of the quilt for her to quilt. She was quilting while I was at Physical Therapy.

Now the bad news, my right shoulder is not improving, and I've also got the tendinitis in my elbow. I have the possibility of a "frozen shoulder." I can't reach behind my back. So, I found out, even though I'm left handed, I have been using my right hand way too much. I realized I was reaching and moving things with my right hand more than using my left hand. Why, I have no clue. But I do know I grew up in a right handed house. So, in talking with my physical therapist, I found out that using my fingers to quilt have not been helping the issue. He knows I want to get the quilt done by Christmas, and his comment was that once it's done I need to take a break to get my arm back in shape. I also use my fingers to type on my blog, and play games.

With that being said, I am going to back off on my blog by not writing on her every day. I will post what I have done and how things are going, but it won't be every day. I will try to get a post in at least every 3rd days. Every little bit helps - as I'm told. If I can get this back to normal, I can get back to the daily postings. I've got one more visit with the therapist and a doctors appointment a week from Monday. Chances are I'm going to get a shot in my shoulder to easy the swelling. I won't know till then what my next step will be. I'm going to continue with the exercises and I'm going to back off on quilting for a short time, after the quilt is done for mom. At least my mother is helping, she has the quilt till Friday. I'm going to try and finish it up this weekend if she has all the border done for me. Mom quilts fast, so I know it will be farther along then it is now.

A friend is coming over tomorrow, and not sure what I'm going to do. I will try to do behave and hope to be back (soon) HAPPY QUILTING!

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