Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas to All!

Christmas Day was wonderful. Katt called and woke her dad up at 8 am. We chatted with her for awhile. We then went to Phil and Emily's for Christmas with them. Had a blast. Even Zeva (dog) had a good time. It was funny though, both Emily and I gave each other scissors!

We came home and my parents came over. We had Christmas again. Mom gave Patrick a quilt. I hid it in the back room yesterday, so he didn't know there was a bigger package waiting for him.

I took this with the tablet and it didn't do a good job of focusing. He kept moving and this tablet doesn't seem to stop the fuss.

Mom and I went downstairs and cut some squares for her quilt she's going to make. We cut out 2 1/2" squares from the solid fabrics. I got the binding cut out and ironed it in half. We then came upstairs and I quilted on my mother-in-laws quilt while mom worked on the binding. After supper, we played games, and then worked on the quilt again.

Mom fell asleep. She did get a lot of the binding done! I think she has half the binding sewed on by hand. I didn't go that far with the quilting. I did get the third corner quilted. So, I'm over half way. I need to finish this off this weekend. I'm sorry I didn't get it done by Christmas as that was my goal. Can't seem to make my goals. Ugh.

I did get this corner done. I'm about 1/4th of the way on this border. I really do want to have this done by the end of this year. It will be very disappointed if I can't get this done!

Yesterday, we went to the casino and enjoyed a night out. We wanted to do something other than just sitting around. We then went and checked out all the lights around Centralia and Chehalis. There are some really nice houses with lots of lights.

Still working on my shoulder. Had PT yesterday and took him and his family a Scandinavian Almond Bread. We did pretty good this year with not getting candy, till mom and dad came over. Then we got more chocolates. I love chocolate, but really don't need it. lol

I hope each and everyone of you had a wonderful visit with family and friends.  That's what Christmas is all about. I had a great year! I loved looking for things for friends and family! I'm blessed to have a wonderful family! My you be blessed as well!

Looking forward to having this quilt done and still being Happy Quilting!

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