Thursday, June 25, 2015

Cutting, Quilting, and Applique

Today was a day without walking. I did have to follow our neighbor in his car to get it fixed. I brought him back home.

Then I went downstairs and figured it was time to get more stitches in the quilt.

The lighting in the basement is awful, so a lot of my pictures down there have an ugly yellow color to them. I was able to get around the butterfly today. I have a few more stitches to put in on the center and then I can move out to the open area.

I did get a few more stitches in on the flower. (Even though one can't tell it's a flower)

After about an hour and a half of quilting, I decided I needed to get up and move around.

I pulled out more solid fabrics and started cutting more strips. I did more than this, but didn't realize I had them under the fabrics I was cutting.

This is the bucket of strips. I have the bottom full of four rows. There are at least 10 per row, that is hard to see. That bottom is a light blue, not white. I have been surprised at how much I've cut and how much I have yet to do. I did group a few more colors and will cut them later. I emptied the big bucket of the project I started years ago. It wasn't taking up much room in this bucket. I put the older project in the small container I was using for the solid fabrics. I'm not done yet, so I'm hoping by the time I am, the rest of the solids will fit just fine in the bigger container. If not, I'll figure something out when the time comes.

QOV block

I started the shield last night, and this afternoon, I finished appliqueing this done. I have been working on the flag with the stars. It's going really fast. I wasn't happy with the way the shield came out at the top curve. I took that part out and will redo it. I want it to curve better than it did. No worries, it will look fine either way. I love how quickly it's going. I will work on the other block tonight.

Mom called today and asked me to come over tomorrow. I told her I would. Not sure what I was thinking, but decided I would go over. Not sure how long I'll stay. I'll take some stuff to work on.

The weather is HOT, HOT, HOT, and I'm hating it. I'm not enjoying any of it at all. Can't sleep because of the sun getting up so early, let alone getting hot while I sleep. There is a reason I don't live in AZ or AR, let alone NV. UGH!! Guess we are having this for the next days as well. HELP!! If I had a swimming pool, I'd be living in it. But I am very thankful I have the downstairs!! It's so cool down there. If this keeps up, I'll dessert Patrick and go downstairs at night!

In the meantime, everything else is great. Loving being Happy Quilting!

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