Monday, June 22, 2015

Brazilian Embroidery Meeting

Today started out with a walk, then off to our meeting. Pat Campbell is our "teacher" and coordinator of our meetings. We had a good turn out.

I finished the piece we made in the group. Three or four of us are done. Mom is in the beginning stages of this. Since my plastic holders are in, I can now work on the next piece. Told Patrick I'll wash it up and he can frame it. Then we can give it as a gift or hang it on the wall.

I was lazy the rest of the day, except for laundry. I cut out some 2 1/2" strips for the 9 patches I'm going to do for another quilt. I want to use up the solids I have. I figure I'll do the light and dark colors together. Those are the colors so far for the patches. I will cut more out this week. Tomorrow is quilting with St. Helen's group and then off to see Donna around lunch time. Should be fun. I'm looking forward to it.

it was time to pick blueberries. They are showing up fast. Usually we don't pick them till about July/Aug. But this year they are early. Really good too.I gave some blueberries from last year to Phil to use up. It's amazing how much blueberries I have left over from last year.

I noticed the squash is starting to come out too, while I was berry picking.

I also picked a few strawberries. We had a dessert with blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries. It was really good. Healthy too.

The eggplant is growing pretty good as well. Patrick's garden is doing great! I can't wait to start seeing tomatoes!

I'm about half way done, if not more on this block. I have the ship base and water left to do. Then I can move to the next block. It's going fast when I work on it.

I wanted to add a link to the gal I got my fabric from in England. If your looking for fabrics you can't find, that's the one to get the fabric from.  Marilyn's Patchwork has some really pretty fabric. Cheaper than usual, but the shipping is what gets it up to what we pay. I love what she's got, and she's fast with shipping. Fabric's from England. I noticed she has the Dr. Suess fabric as well. I may have to get that!!

I was reading Karen's blog about her going to the National Quilt Assoc,. quilt show. I wasn't surprised she was disappointed with very little to nothing for hand quilters. I found a lot of quilt shows that don't offer hand quilting supplies. I am like her, it's offending to us hand quilters when machine quilting has taken over the quilt world. Both quilts are beautiful and both quilts need to be recognized. Hand quilting is NOT a dieing art. Most hand quilters a humble and aren't as showy as most. I wait to see what other quilters say about a show before I decide to go or not. I want to see hand work, not machine work.

We are keeping busy, and I'm still find things to finish, and (ouch) start. I'm enjoying my crafts. Happy Quilting.

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