Sunday, January 31, 2016

A Good Sunday - Being Productive!

Woke early this morning. Played my games and waited on Patrick to get up. Had to make a trip to Ruth's house. I did get a few steps in but not nearly as much as I should! Maybe bowling tonight will help me out. lol

Patrick likes to watch bowling on TV. While we were watching the Pro's, I was finishing up my QOV quilt. The binding is done, and the quilt is finally done! I have a finished project!

It looks great on the bed!

This was quilted by "9 Chicks Quilting" and she did an awesome job. I appreciate what she did for me. Now I just hope the person getting it will appreciate it as well.

After that was done, I went downstairs and made the pillow case.

I had to remember to do it a little backwards, but it worked out great.

This is the end result. I do like the pillow case. It was done with all the scraps I had from the quilt top. I enjoyed working on it. I took a little bit to get the top right. I had to add some red at the end because it was a little short. Both are in the wash as I write this.

Patrick was watching a show I didn't want to watch, so I went back downstairs.

Don't we love my mess?! This was while working on what to do with the pillow case.

So, while Patrick watched his show, I quilted. I got a good section here done.

I was able to get quite a bit done here too. I'm working from the right to the left. Once I get a good amount done, I will roll it again. I actually enjoyed quilting. This area is so tight to quilt in, that I think I'm going to do minimal work in that area. If I keep this up, I'll be out of this area and then can get moving on getting the quilt finished! I don't know why this area seems to keep me from quilting. BUT this is on my 3 months finish projects! So, I'm going to work on it!


I will post my quilt on Instagram for my finished project. I've been amazed at some of the things others have been finishing! They are working a heck of a lot faster than I am!! Guess I better get moving. 

Tonight we are bowling my "other son" and Phil will be there to root for both of us. How much of a bet Phil cheers Dan on more than us! lol They are brothers who are so close it wouldn't surprise me. 

Life is getting better, still praying for Jana Freeman and her family. Hoping she makes it, but it's not looking good. In the meantime, I keep myself busy and try to keep my mind off of all the sad things going on around me. That means I'm still Happy Quilting!

Saturday, January 30, 2016

A Saturday Different From The Others!

This morning I woke early. Got up and relaxed before Patrick got up. We went grocery shopping instead of the casino. That was a good thing because I didn't want to go to the casino and then come back to go shopping.

After shopping we went to the movies. I really enjoy animated movies! We did the "Panda 3" movie. I liked it. A little different but it was good.

Came home, cleaned up my email. Worked on the QOV binding.

I'm half way done. It's coming along nicely.

Just so one knows what I'm talking about when I say "I do the corners by hand." I mark it and then I hand stitch it. It works out better for me than sewing it done. I should be able to get the pillow case done tomorrow.

I was excited to see my fabric and threads for my next cross stitch design! It cost me a good little penny but I'm excited to work on it!!

Right now I'm going through photos of our last meeting (not this last Thursday but the one before) and need to post it. I'm still waiting to see what happened on the last meeting to post it. When I rely on others it gets hard to get stuff done in a timely manner. That's life!

Looking forward to getting the binding done and enjoying being Happy Quilting!

Friday, January 29, 2016

Need Good News....Tired of Bad News.

Today I enjoyed being able to decide what I want to do and do it. I got up and went over to Donna's to get some blue to make that pillowcase. Then I went to the post office and the bank. I came on back home. I did that all in about an hour. It was nice to see I could go and get back in a good time.

I then pulled out the cookie dough and made cookies.

They turned out awesome! Even Patrick liked them. I must have made 10 dozen! So, I'm going to freeze some. It will be nice to have cookies in the freezer and when I get in the mood, I can go and get them out of the freezer (one at a time!). I think Patrick already ate a good dozen, so may not have as many to put in the freezer as I thought I would.

After that I ended up calling my insurance company about my "procedure" I had to do on the 8th. Come to find out, Patrick's work changed the insurance on us and we now have a deductible. We never did before. Got it all straightened out. Come to find out, the City changed the rules.

Talked to Rose today. She took her cat into the vets yesterday. She found that her cat has some "cists" (spelling) and need to take pills for another ailment. She decided not to spend the money on her cat since she already 12 years old. I agree with her...but then it's not my cat. We chatted and I told her about Charlie and how we let life take it's course, but then Charlie was 20 years old.

I worked on the binding.

I realized when I took this photo it was the beginning of the binding and not where I am on it. No worries, one gets the idea. I'm about half way done. I worked on it all afternoon. I had to take a few stitches out because I was stitching all the way through. I made sure I didn't keep doing that!

I can't wait to get back to adding more stitches on this. I want to get my next cross stitch project in the mail and get going on it! I'm actually excited about working on the next project. I'm getting inspired when I check out Instagram! I've even got inspiration on the quilts. I asked mom to find out what it might cost me to have one of my quilts quilted by a machine quilter. Kathleen Ament is really good. I have a quilt that I did years ago at Nancy Chong and Margaret Miller's retreat.

When Patrick got home we went to McMenamins to a movie and dinner. We had a good time. I thought the movie was better than expected. We got home to a message from mom asking me to call her.

She told me a very dear old friend, Jana Freeman, was in the hospital in Canada under a coma. She's been that way for 21 days. Her family is going up there next week. It would be sooner but they had to get their passports renewed. They were told to get up there because it doesn't look good and she may not make it. She is my age. We were good friends in school and I have been keeping in contact with her through Facebook. This is two days in a row! Mom called me yesterday to tell me a very dear family friend, "Chaplin" Rodgers passed away in Dec. They had just found out. He was 92 years old. We were stationed with him in Japan and when we got to Ft. Meade, Md. I had been in contact with him since we left. He took me in when I needed a place to go for National Bowling. That was over 30 years ago. He called his wife "Rabbit." I can't remember why but everyone knew her as "Rabbit." I told Patrick I didn't want to talk to mom anymore - getting tired of bad news. I've been emotional all day and then to get one more thing on top another! --- UGH

I will continue to do what I do best, play games and craft! I may want to hide for a few days! Oh, crap, that won't happen, tomorrow is Saturday! ........Happy Quilting!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

So, How Was Your Day?!

Today I was able to sleep in. I was surprised at how tired I have been lately. Chances are it's because of the cold I'm still trying to get rid of. It's gone into my sinus' and that's no fun! lol

I played as usual. Then I pulled out my book I finished! It was one of JoAnne Fluke's books. I love the cookies she has in those books! I decided to make one of the cookies in there.

This is sitting till tomorrow when I'll back them. It's "Walnuttoes" that is a lot of chocolate and walnuts. I ran out of walnuts so I cut up some of my slivered almonds to take it's place. I hope it is just as good. Her book tells of how she finds things in her kitchen to replace some recipes ingredients. I just hope it works in my favor too. lol

I went out walking too. I had a small walk. Ran into Toby who drives his dog around the neighborhood. It's so funny. That poor dog is BIG but she's a kick!

I posted this on Instagram. It was a challenge one of the guys had. I was on a timer. It actually is backwards to what I had to do. I did the art in the bottom right first. Most of them put that in the top left. We were timed for each block. The first one was 4 minutes. I figured I did pretty good considering I hadn't done that kind of thing in over 20 years. I did enjoy working on this. Who knows, I may try again later on. May even do something like this in embroidery. lol

I'm working on the binding of the QOV quilt. I found one of my binding pieces is a good 1/2" bigger than the other sides. I'm going to try and see if I can fold over that among and not have to rip it out and do it again. I was debating on this but think I can do it without too much trouble. I do the corners by hand, so I can work it out.

Today was our tAS meeting day. I wasn't in the mood to go. So, I stayed home. I texted a couple people to send me the information on what the day was about. Every one of them was not going either. I won't be going next time either. I have way too much going on in my life, that I decided I would stay home and get more done - or at least make myself believe that. Like today, I really didn't do a lot, but it looks like I did.

Just before Patrick got home I was working on my Mturk (Amazon). I now have 321 things done, but Phil told me a long time ago that 2000 is where I want to be to get better stuff. I'm getting there. Decided this year I would work on them. I did get 3 surveys done today. I'll keep working on it. Thought I would take an hour a day to work on it. We'll see how that goes. I only did $15 worth last year. lol

Now I need to get moving on the binding. Cross stitch will have to wait till it's done. I need to find the labels. I'm going to see Donna in the morning. I need to get some fabric for the pillowcase. Will probably come home and work on that after I get back. She has a doctors appointment up there on Tuesday, so will meet her at the QOV meeting. Not too crazy about going by myself, but I can deal with it. Plus I want to pick some stuff up.

In the meantime - Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Getting There....

Today was another one of those days. I really didn't want to get up this morning. That's okay because Ruth called and woke me up. We chatted about her trip and what I needed to do for her. By the time she was done, I was awake. She left early this morning.

I headed over to Michael's to get some beads. We are having to bring some of our beads and stuff for scissor fobs. Monday is Brazilian embroidery and we are going to see what everyone has for the fobs. I got 40% off and that came in handy. I had to go online to get the coupons.

Then I headed over to Rose's to work on the project she had for us.

Yep, I actually did some sewing on my machine! I had to "quilt" two pieces of fabrics for the hot pads. It didn't take long and I was in the mood. So, I got a lot more done than Rose did. She was getting stuff and seemed to be busy figuring out where she put stuff. I've had those days! It's usually me that goes through that. Then she fell and I left early so she could put a cold pack on her ankle.

Misty just enjoyed the big dog bed. She was having a great sleep. She would come around and meow for petting.

This is what the hot "bowls" look like. I have the flower as the outside and the sun fabric as the inside. I need to make a couple smaller ones. It was quick. I also need to go buy some 100% batting to do the others.

I then came home. I was earlier than usual which turned out okay with me. I set my sewing machine back up and worked on the binding of the QOV quilt.

I decided to use the red for the binding. I could have done blue, but think the red would work great. I now need to get a little more fabric from Donna for the pillowcase. We have a QOV meeting on Tuesday so I'm going to try and have it finished by then. I'm trying to figure out how I want to do the pillowcase. Tomorrow I will be working on the binding and getting it done by the weekend.

Tomorrow is our meeting (TAS) at the quilt shop. I'm really not in the mood to go, so I'm going to stay home. That way I can go see Donna on Friday for a quick visit. I really don't want to bother with getting everything ready and go to the meeting. I've got way too much stuff going on and I've decided I want to have more time at home and not have to run around all the time. Not that I get that much done at home, but I do like my peace and quiet. I still miss my's no fun without her! I'm getting there.

I realized the fabric I have that I used today, was for a background. I have a quilt in mind and my just do it! It's applique, so I can get working on it. OH NO! I'm thinking of a NEW project...quit that!! Oh, heck - Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

What a Day!

Today I was up and ready to go. I had this day for Art. We went to the Red Wing casino. I even did a game for Patrick and brought him home some money. I didn't make money but had a good time. Art won as usual. He's one of the luckiest people I know - other than my two grandmothers. Me, I did okay.

Came home around 3 in the afternoon. Patrick took the afternoon off as well. So, we got caught up on "The Biggest Loser." I do like watching that show.

While I was watching that I was working on my cross stitch.

Between last night and today, I finished the butterfly then worked on the border. I'm now working on the grasshopper. I like the way it's coming. I did notice that the "roll" area is a little dirty. But then when it's sat for a good 6 months, that would make it dirty. I had it in the plastic "case" but that didn't seem to help much. I do like the way it's coming along. At this rate I may have it done for the finish-a-long.

I'm heading over to Rose's tomorrow. I have to take my sewing machine (ugh) as she has something she wants to work on. I cut some fabric 12" x 12" for whatever it is we will be doing. It will be interesting to see what she has. She tends to have an idea for us to work on something and then by the time 4 hours have gone by, we haven't finished one thing. She said she's made some and that it doesn't take long and I'll like them. We'll see how it goes. I'll post whatever it is that we will be doing.

Thursday is TAS meeting day. I'm not sure if I'll go. I hate weeks like this that keep me busy three or more days a week. I LOVE my time to myself. I do need the time with others though. I actually had a good time today. I was playing games on my own. Funny how I did enjoy being by myself. I was in a good mood, so that helped too. Art does his thing and we meet up for lunch. After the keno tournament we come home.

If I can figure out how to "link up" for those of you that follow me, I'll put it out there. I haven't figured out how others have the linking working. I need to do some reading to figure it out. When I do, I'd love to have others link up to my blog.

I want to get working on the binding of the QOV quilt. I did find the corner that the quilter said she had to fix. I can't figure out what I did. I thought I had my corners perfect or close to it. She said I was 3" off. Not sure what she meant. There is still basting stitches there. I will try and applique it down so it doesn't come apart. I'll do that while I'm stitching the binding on.

Again, here I go! Thinking of things I NEED to do and not thinking of what I'm doing. If I keep working on one thing, it will get done. If I keep thinking of other things....who knows....I'm back to being like Donna's dog = "Squirrel!" and off I go being side tracked. That still keeps me Happy Quilting!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Trees are Gone...Looking Good.

Today I started out the day with a walk with Ruth. We had a good walk. Afterwards came home and got some laundry going. I'm still working on the laundry...forgot to keep it

I did go out around the house to take photos of the trees that were being worked on. 

This was one of the trees that got trimmed. 

The second tree was dead so they took it out. So now this one is standing alone. 

We HAD four big trees in this area. 

This is what's left of that area. I do miss it! I loved having the trees there. They were like fence. I knew I had neighbors but they didn't seem that close before. Now it's seeing them RIGHT there. Oh, ll. 

This tree is gone too. This one I don't mind seeing gone. We had cut it down twice before. Wonder how quick this will come back. lol Patrick said he will get some root killer, but don't know how fast he'll do that. It may grow back by the time he thinks of it. 

At least I still have these trees in my front yard. 

And these trees on the other side of the yard. I do love my tree. They really don't look good right now because of the winter. When summer comes it's going to be really pretty. 

I pulled out the ships quilt and worked on it today. I watched another murder mystery on TV and was able to put in a good 2 hours on this. 

Got the sashing, sails, and the white area done. I need to work on the ship and water. Then I can move to the other side. 

Then I took an hour and worked on the cross stitch. It's coming along nicely. I figured if I split my time between the two, I'd get that much farther along. Who knows. I did go downstairs and cut the binding strips for the QOV quilt. I will probably do that on Wednesday when I get home. I am going to Rose's to work on something she has in mind. 

Tomorrow I'm off to the casino with Art. Looking forward to it. Haven't seen him in awhile. I do miss not going over to play cribbage. It will be fun tomorrow. 

I'm hoping to get more done this week. It's another one of those busy weeks. We have our Thursday TAS group and I'm not sure if I will go or not. I've lost a little interest in going lately. Who knows, I'll probably go. Happy Quilting!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Wasn't Home Yesterday.........

Yesterday was one of those days when we left early for the casino then headed to mom's to go out to eat. We went from the casino to Tacoma all in one day. It was a busy day. We celebrated Patrick's Birthday at the Spaghetti Factory. The old building was closed and we ended up going to the new place for the Old Spaghetti Factory in Tacoma. The traffic wasn't much fun either way.

Today I woke really early. Wasn't to thrilled I couldn't sleep.

Just got back from bowling - not so good today - and will finish this up. I will say I didn't get my 500 series and don't know how but we won 3 games. I dropped 2 pins on my average...not too thrilled but really didn't feel good bowling.

Most of the day we were hearing the chain saw going. Our neighbor asked if we would let him take down one of our trees that was causing problems with the roof of the duplex. He also said he would take out the dead tree that was between the others. Patrick said that would be fine since he was paying for it. We would pay some for the tree by the garden. It was dropping leaves that was causing problems in their yard too. The funny part is that tree was taken down at least 2 times since we have been living here. This will be the third. Patrick is going to get some root killer so it doesn't come back. He really didn't like that tree much. As they were cutting one of the other trees, they found the one tree that I wanted to stay was diseased. That meant it was going down too. Patrick talked to the guy and they decided the oak in the back needed to be trimmed, so that would be done as well. We had a dead tree next to a good tree, and he is now taking out the dead tree so the other one can live. Our place seems bare! I miss those trees! But it's better than having the trees fall on the neighbors house or our garage. There are two tiny trees where the others came down. Hopefully they grow fast! I'll take photos after they are all done.

This morning I worked on the cross stitch again.

I had this much done last night.

I finished up the bottom border and worked on the butterfly. I really didn't spend a lot of time on it. When Patrick started watching bowling, I went to the computer room and worked on family history. I added more information on both sides of the family. I also found that my gr-grandfather's sister died in WI. I didn't realize they all moved to WI. They lived in Peru, NY and then moved to WI. I also figured out there are more to that family then I have listed. I don't know how I'm going to figure out who the first wife was. It's going to take some work, but I'm hoping to be able to do that yet.

I went downstairs to see what I'm going to do about the binding on the QOV quilt. I may do red and blue strips. I don't think I have enough of either color to do it as one color. I am just cut it and see what happens. I need to figure out what to do about the pillow case. I'll have to text Donna and see if she could get me more blue and red to make one.

After all that work - about 3 hours worth - I came back out to work more on the cross stitch. Before I knew it, it was time to leave for bowling.

I'm beat! So calling this good and saying have a great night! Happy Quilting!

Friday, January 22, 2016

Getting Better...Need To Be Better By Tomorrow!

Today was a good day. I've been sleeping in our bed the last couple nights. So, you can say I have quit snoring! lol

I decided I was tired of being in the house, so called Ruth to go walking. When I walked down to her house it started raining. We decided to do a short walk back up and walk the cul-du-sac. By the time we reach my house the rain was coming down again. She told me, "Get in the house before you get sicker!" lol At least I got my walk. My ears are "blooping" and can't wait to get my hearing back. Otherwise, I'm good.

I finished Bev's block last night. I added the white to the eye to give it "life."

It turned out okay, not quite what I was wanting. The flowers are the piece of fabric I was given to work with. When I laid the fabric down on it, it worked. When I put it together, it didn't work. At least not the way I wanted it to. 

When I got back from walking I found a box at our door. It was the QOV quilt! I was so happy to see it back! 

Kathy Westphal did the work. 9 Chicks Quilting is what she goes by. This link is a Facebook link. Not sure if she has a website. I know she is on Instagram too. It turned out pretty good. I'm happy with it. 

Tomorrow is Patrick's Birthday celebration with the family. We'll go out to eat. It's not till Monday, but we do the nearest weekend to have family get together's on Birthdays. I started making the "Winter Wonder Log" that I've had the recipe for years. It's one of the families favorites and it's so easy to make. I think I posted the recipe a few years ago on here. 

It's basically pistachio instant pudding, 1 cup milk. Mix together, let sit for 5 mins. Add in half a cool whip tub (8 oz). Add pudding mix to the Chocolate Wafer Cookies and stack. Lay the stacks on wax paper. When all the pudding and wafers are done, wrap the roll. Tighten ends. Refrigerate the roll for 2-3 hours (or longer). When ready, take the other half of the cool whip and frost (after you have unwrapped it). You can add chocolate shavings, cherries, or what ever you want to decorate. It's really good. Got the recipe from Bird's Eye. I have the roll in the frig till tomorrow. I'll frost it when we are ready to eat it. 

I've started working on the butterfly. It's coming along pretty good. I am going to finish the left side of the butterfly and then finish up the frog. It's really been a relax to work on this. I was thinking I need to work on the flowers of my Baltimore Liberty block and get that done. Funny how one thing I work on reminds me of what I need to work on next. 

I'll try and get my binding done on the quilt, then I can call that one done. So far this year, I have only finished the block...guess I better get moving! I'm needing to finish something this quarter for the Finish-A-Long.

It's still a little cold and too lazy to go downstairs to work on my quilt....but then I can't complain when those living in KY to DC are having a snow storm. I hope everyone is home and not going out in that mess. I lived in MD 30 years ago. The only time it got that bad was that year when the plane crashed on the bridge between DC and VA. That was either the last year or the year before we left. 

I received my Quilter's Newsletter today. I was thinking if I had the money and the time, I would get a magazine out there that has newer patterns, applique, and fun stories in it. I used to love getting my magazines in the mail. Lately I can't find anything inspiring or fun to read in them any more. 

Looking forward to getting back into walking. Problem....Ruth is leaving for a little while on Wednesday...guess I'll be walking on my own for a little while. I'm hoping to get back downstairs to quilt too.  Happy Quilting!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Getting Close To A Week Of "Sick" UGH

They always say a cold takes 7 days or a week. Take your choice, either way it's the same amount of time and I'm almost to 7 days. Still stuffed up. But hey! I'm getting better and that's what counts.

Today I worked on Mturk again. I'm making some extra money that way.

Afterwards I looked around to see what I felt like working on. I decided I wanted to get Bev's block done. As much as I didn't want to work on it, I didn't want to wait till the last minute either.

I finished up up the petals. Then I had to take the bottom stitches out to put the feet in. Once that was done, I was ready to finish up the bird.

Got the stem done on the background flower. Also finished up the leaves of the other flower. Now I need to put the stem on and then I can sew the circle flower on. I'm getting close to being done. I'm hoping to be done tonight. If I do get it done tonight I'll post it on my Instagram. I realized today I tend to do more blocks for everyone else than myself. I have photos of blocks I completely forgot I made for others. I know there is a couple out there I forgot to take a photo of.

I wish I could say I worked on more than one thing....but that's not the case. Again, this is where I say, each stitch gets me that much closer to finishing what I started.

I still have coasters and thread catchers that I need to be made by next month. I'm not really in the mood to make them right now, so that really doesn't help me get them done.

I called mom and told her I wouldn't be at our quilt group meeting tomorrow. I still don't want to share this. I'm sure I'm okay to go out, but I want to give it one more day.

Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Day 5....Getting Better

Today I woke to Patrick sending me back to bed. I slept pretty good on the couch. I slept a lot later than I have in a very long time. But then ones body tells them to sleep, one better sleep.

I felt a lot better and my voice is starting to come back to normal.

Mom and dad called. They wanted me to know about their doctors wife. She found out the day before Christmas that she was at stage 3 breast cancer. Mom was saying today she's now at stage 4. Doctor Paul is about 5 years younger than me. He graduated a year after my younger brother. Check out his blog - it's all about the process they are going through. They have 4 children. It's sad, but interesting information. If you know anyone that is going through breast cancer, pass the link on.

Okay, now back to my day. I decided today was going to be working on the friendship block. I am getting tired of doing others blocks. I know I said I would but it seems like I'm always stuck on doing them.

I was supposed to have bright colors. It looked good when I put the colors together with the flower color that has to be in the block. Now I'm not so sure. I ended up taking out the top of the head to be able to put the top feather on. I don't know why I put the body on when I had to put the top feather and feet on. I'm going to have to take out part of the bottom to put the feet in.....I must have really been sick not to know that! Ugh.

I've been working up the stem putting the leaves in. The stem will come after they are all on.

I just added the big flower stem. I have the outer part of the stem to applique down. I really want to get this over with so I can get back to my own blocks. I thought if I took the afternoon and worked on this I could at least have a block done. No such luck. Not sure if it will be done tonight or if I'll work on it tomorrow. I really do want to get this completed and returned to Bev so I don't have to worry about it later. Figured if I had it done and returned to Bev I can relax for the next 3 months before another one comes up.

Today I took a break from my cross stitch. I'm looking at it as I type this. I do want to get back to it, just like I want to get back to finishing my Baltimore Liberty block. One step at a time, so I keep telling myself. I haven't been in the mood to go downstairs and work on the other top. One step at a time....I'm getting there.

I need to think of a quilt that I want the gals to do for me when the time comes. I usually end up doing something I don't plan. Maybe it's time to get ahead of the game and plan a quilt that they will help me out with.

There is a really good article in "Country" magazine about quilt blocks that were found in a garage sale and ended up back in the town where they were put together in 1934. I was enjoying the reading, but the rest of the article is missing or somewhere I couldn't find. I did enjoy the read though. lol

Getting back to working on my stuff. I'm excited to get my order in the mail as well. I was surprised to find out one of my orders from Amazon won't be here till Feb 2-17. I ordered it around the 5th of the month.....couldn't believe I read the delivery date wrong. The other funny part is that the bar that says it's on the way is half way....and stopped for a good week. Makes me wonder why the order is taking so long. Mysteries are fun to figure out!

Have a great day....Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Another Day......Still Under The Weather!

Last night I went to the couch so Patrick could get up when the alarm went off. It wasn't the best place to sleep but I was able to get some sleep. Woke more often then I wanted to. Think I woke myself up with the snoring! lol

I didn't feel as good as I hoped today. I climbed back in bed after Patrick left. I slept for another hour and a half. Then I sat and played. I didn't feel like doing much. I did put some pork ribs in the crock pot and let them cook all day. That way I didn't have to worry about supper. I fixed noodles for Patrick and had myself a salad with the ribs.

I did get some work in this afternoon.

The bottom is coming along nicely. I'm parking more. I was also filling in the spots that I had open from what I did before. I still have a few more to fill in. It's coming along great. I watched another movie and pretty much got up for a drink....and went back to work. I didn't feel like doing anything and that was pretty close to what I did...nothing. Unless you count my cross stitch.

I was working on my genealogy before writing this post. I was sorry to see the cousin I was trying to get connected with for almost 20 years, has died. She passed away during the time we were in contact. It explains why I didn't get any more replies. I remember dads Uncle trying to get a hold of her as well. Neither one of us got an answer. Now after all these years, I know why.

I was thinking I might quilt on the ship quilt tonight. It might keep me warm. I have been getting a little colder lately. I'm really missing Charlie about now. She would be keeping me warm on my lap.

I've been working on my family history again. It's going pretty good. I've found a few of them in Canada. I was able to get the information I was looking for. I got an email awhile back that said my WFT (World Family Tree) program will no longer be updated after 2017. I won't be able to hook into ancestry with the information I put in it. I'm really not happy about that. I love using my program and would rather have the information at my finger tips and not based on whether the site is up and running.

OH! Got my McCall's Quilting magazine today. No, not renewing it. Anyway, I saw a pattern in there that I saw on a couple blogs. One was the circle quilt - which Karen's Quilts has been working on. She talked about doing a circle quilt with another blogger who started the idea of doing a circle a day for a year. Karen is doing it with her. In the beginning she also showed how she was making "half circles" and putting them together. I was laughing at seeing that in the magazine. Karen has been doing that for about 3 months now.  There was another quilt in there that I saw that is similar to what my cousin, Donna is doing. So, when it comes down to it, magazines are having a hard time finding "new" things.

Time to get back to my projects. I hope everyone has been getting a lot done lately. I'm hoping to get more done in the next few days. Guess being sick has it's advantages. I was lucky though because my "sick" is a stuffed turkey in my head. I'm lucky enough not to have to far. Now I'm headed in the "TMI" stage, and will quiet while I'm ahead.

May we all be Happy Quilting!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Not One of My Better Days....Still Not Feeling Well....

Today I slept in later than I usually do. Poor Patrick, he went to the couch again last night.

I pretty much worked on laundry and enjoyed a couple movies while working on my cross stitch. I was going to work on the ship quilt today. Changed my mind.

I got more of the flower done on the right side.

Finishing up the flower on the left side. I've been working on the framing as well.

The frog is almost done. I have some more to work on and then it will be done. I'm enjoying how I can see what I'm doing. It's coming along so fast and I'm happy with the way it is looking. I am going to finish up the flowers in the center and then I'll finish up the bottom. I have found that I love doing the row by row. It's not looking as bad on the back as I thought it would. It works. I've been getting more done faster and the best part is I don't have to try and figure out what color I missed or where I left one "x" out. The more I get into this, the more I want to get it done.

I was a little disappointed that I couldn't have waited a week with this cold. I didn't get to go to my Brazilian embroidery group. I would have loved to have been there! I will just have to get better so I can get back to the group. I'm thrilled to find out the one gal in our group that has cancer, is coming back. She was going through treatment and wasn't able to make it. She also started up our group. I was helping her out. Now she's back and I will miss not sending out the messages. But I'm excited to have her back!

I'm still thinking of my crafts and I'm still working...even when I feel like ***t. Still smiling and still getting there...Happy Quilting!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Down With A Cold! UGH

Today I woke feeling awful! Patrick had moved to the couch to let me get some sleep. He didn't want to have to wake me up every time I was snoring or breathing heavy. I took some medication last night so I could sleep but kept waking up. I think I was waking myself up!

Came in the living room and told Patrick to go sleep for awhile in the bed. Poor guy had the couch and that couch isn't very comfortable. Don't know if he will do it again tonight but we will see. I sent a message to my BE group and told them I would not be sharing this cold! I really don't want to go out with this crud!

So, I spend the day in my chair. I played games and worked on my projects.

I basted on 4 of the star flowers on the Baltimore Liberty quilt block.

I worked on the leaves of the friendship block for Bev.

I didn't want to work on the leaves. So, I moved over and started working on the bird. I got the beak and body done. Now I need to do the rest of the feathers for it. 

I basted and appliqued these down. I feel good that I actually did some applique work today, even when I was not feeling up to it.

I have plenty more to do. I have been getting there. I have also been working on my cross stitch. It's coming along great. I may do that this evening.....

Patrick is off bowling. Didn't want to share this with anyone, so I stayed home. I get a text from time to time telling me what he's doing as far as score. I did get my first text telling me who we were bowling. Kinda glad I'm not bowling because the team he's bowling isn't very nice to me. I go to enjoy bowling but there is always a team or two that don't "play nice."

So, I'm going to get dressed in my PJ's and sit here watching TV and cross stitching. If I get tired, I may just go to bed before Patrick gets home.

Each stitch helps. As long as I can put a stitch or two in whatever it is I'm working on, I'm moving along great. One stitch at a time...Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...