Saturday, January 9, 2016

Saturdays Are Not My Days To Do Much

Today I was up early. Enjoyed the time to myself before Patrick got up. Then it was off again.

We headed to the casino. They had a new area open so we checked out the new games. We tend to do better with our old favorites.

After that we came home and rearranged the living room. We put the Christmas decorations away. Cleaned up the dust. Moved the plants around again. Then we moved all the furniture. It's a small living room and it's a little smaller in feel right now. That's okay. I needed the room to change to make me feel like I don't have to move (buy a new house!). I'm so used to moving every two to three years - or at least we did when I was growing up. Now I just get antsy to move. If we rearrange things in the house, then I'm okay for another couple years. I will say though, I am ready to move again. I don't like having to move, but I do like moving to another house. We really need to downsize.

The sunset today was awesome!

These were taken from our deck. I love it this time of year. I can see for a few miles. When the leaves are full, I don't get to see the scenic view as much.

It's still a little cold here. Tomorrow is our travel league bowling tomorrow. So, I'm bowling twice tomorrow. Just hope I can figure out what I need to do to bowl better. Best part is that bowling is here in Centralia, so I don't have to travel for an hour to get to the other bowling alleys. This way I can at least get some stuff done tomorrow between bowling.

Tonight I'm going to work on the cross stitch. I've been enjoying that. I need to pull out my light box and get my firecracker block ready for embroider once I get the applique done. I need to baste on the bow, and that seems to be my "slow down." I'll get there. Each one needs done and as long as I work on one, that's a good thing. Keeping Happy Quilting!

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Lazy Day - All Day

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