Thursday, June 30, 2016

"No, You DIDN'T?!"....YEA, I did!!

This morning started out with a good walk. Same old same old. Then I came home and played a few games before taking Ruth to the eye doctor. She had her eyes dilated so I had to drive her. Just before we left, I went downstairs and stared cutting for the NEW PROJECT! Yea, I DID! I know, I'm not supposed to start something without finishing 2 things! Ugh...I'm at it again!

I cut some of the cross pieces to work on the English paper piecing. I really don't know the name of this one, but I will figure it out and post it.

I was using the template I bought to cut out the pieces.

I had a good stack of fabric that I can work on while at the doctors waiting room. I wanted to be sure I had something to work on. I really don't like waiting, so this was a good thing for me to work on.

I was able to get a good amount done. I like the way it was going. Really didn't take a lot of work, but it does get a little boring after awhile. So, I pulled out my phone and played games for a little bit. Ruth was in there for a good hour. I kept busy and didn't pay too much attention to everyone comes and going. That office was really busy and I didn't need to show everyone that I was listening in on their business. I just keep to my task at hand.

Then came home and returned mom's call. She wanted to go to the museum and get a plaque for my dad as well as my brothers. The plaque will take about 2 weeks. It will be put in the museum. When my brothers show up, we will take everyone to the museum to see it. Mom even got me a membership to the museum while we were there.

Came home and finished the Brazilian embroidery piece.

I added the beads and finished with the stems that I missed. It turned out really good. I wanted the flowers to come out a little better, but gave up after awhile. I know what I need to do next time. I didn't pull the work tight enough, is what I'm thinking.

Patrick came home with Pizza and it was really good. I was doing pretty good today. Now I'm ready to sit back and work on my cross stitch again. I'll get back to my applique tomorrow. I have a long list of stuff I want to do. I'm trying really hard to work on them all but when it comes down to it, I just need to finish what I started! I need to do one at a time and get them done. The cross stitch will probably be the one thing I will finish this summer. I also saw the quilt downstairs and know I need to get that done too. I wanted to do an afghan for my nephew but I don't think that will happen. I finished one project, but I needed to finish two before I started on that scrap quilt I need to finish three projects before I start another. I'm hoping to do that. I have the birds I started at Seminar to work on, but I really have other stuff to do first.....or so I keep telling myself. At least one project is done. Wish me luck on the next one.

I'm still working on my quilting....but not as much as I should.....Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Day Of Picking Blueberries....

This morning started out delivering all the papers for the water system to all our neighbors. We then went walking down Jackson Hwy and over to the golf course. We were both surprised that when we used to walk it a couple years ago, we thought it was 3 to 4 miles. Today we figured out it was only 2 miles. We get more walking done now then we did then. We actually walked 3 miles today, because we walked around the area we normally walk.

Got home and started picking blueberries.

Picked 8 cups of blueberries in our own back yard. I cleaned them up and put them in the freezer. Then Ruth called for me to come help her with her blueberries. We picked for another hour. We got 3 buckets full for her. I brought home a bucket and cleaned them up as well. Got twice the amount I had for my berries. So, guess one can say I cleaned 24 cups of berries! It took most of the morning and part of the afternoon by the time I was done.

Then sat and watched a Hallmark movie and worked on my Brazilian embroidery work.

Not real happy with the second flower. I will fill in more. I was looking at it and found where I could add more. I started on the third one and it's going along a lot better. I may just call it good. I don't want to rip out another flower because I'm so picky!

I waited till after supper and then made some "tarts" that are rhubarb and blueberry. I hope they taste good. I wanted to do the strawberries but Patrick said since I have so much blueberries, I should just make it with blueberries. They smell good. Hope they taste as good.

Chatted with my cousin today (no not Donna). She's been really good! She got her weight down to 124. She and I were at the same weight a year ago. Guess I better get working! We had a "thing" of loosing together, then life got in the way for both of us. She's got me wanting to get back on the train and behave! I felt awful when I gained that extra 10 lbs! Mostly because of the meds that didn't work!

Oh, well, life is good, I'm happy and can't ask for more than that! (Other then getting my weight off!) (smiling) HAPPY QUILTING!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Another Day Away from Home.

Today was on of my "fast" mornings. I was up and out the door to pick Art up to take him to the Casino. We had a good time. I did come home with some money, so I feel it was a good day.

I got home, got laundry going, and then put supper in the oven.

Since it was 3:00 pm when I got home, I wanted to work on my embroidery. I didn't like the second mum I did last night.

It didn't look right compared to the other one.

So, I took it out! I decided to take it out and work on it again. My threads ran out. Since the new skein is a little different with the dye lot, I decided to mix what I have together.

There is a slight difference and one can see it, but since these last two will have the mix, it will make it look nature because not all mums look the same. Just as long as I do it right this time!!

We have bowling tonight. I need to step it up! I really, really, need to get my average this week.

I'm looking forward to the next three days!! I'll be home!! I don't know what it is about being home all the time, but I'm enjoying the time I can work on my stuff and not having to worry about forgetting something. No quilt meeting this week. No embroidery meetings till the 18th, and Rose won't be here till next week.

If I can get this done, I will put it in a frame and put it in the fair. I'll probably put the first one I did in the fair as well.

Okay, time to get moving! Have bowling to get to! Happy Quilting!!

Monday, June 27, 2016

Brazilian Embroidery meeting today.......

Today I was up and cleaning! I wanted it to look great for my fellow stitches. I even made some Krispy treats for everyone. We had 7 members show up. We didn't have the meeting at the church because Julie and Georgie were not able to come. It was an awesome meeting! We sat out on the deck, relaxed and enjoyed everyone's company. We laughed so hard it hurt! We enjoyed the cool breeze that came across the deck.

I worked on the mums. I started another after everyone left. They all were here till about 1:45 pm which was awesome. Just wish I thought about giving everyone lunch!

I love the way it came out. It's laying a lot better than it did before when I was trying to get them right. I may just try and finish them up this week. Once I get those done, I'll be putting beads on ad then it's done! Then I can start working on one of the pieces from the Seminar.

I then sat down to work on some cross stitch to get caught up on my Instagram. I'm a day behind on posting my works.

Funny how I write this out and then think of things to say after I posted it. Think I can remember what it was when I post again?! NOPE....May need to get tested for memory loss at this rate!

We pulled out my grandmother's and 2nd great grandmother's needle case. Made copies of it for the two sisters to get a pattern for me. They are going to get the pattern and then make a couple to see how they work out. I want one like them! It would be so much fun to have one I can use. I could use theirs but don't want to wear them out.

The weather is awesome! It's about 84 degrees. If it gets any hotter, I'll be hiding in my basement! I may even desert Patrick and sleep down there.

Okay, still can't remember what I missed yesterday. I've been thinking of cutting fabrics for the English Paper Piecing pieces I bought.....I can g a lot ready for when I'm out of the house. I may do it yet! I'm still there....Happy Quilting!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Another Busy Sunday...Sort of.....

Didn't want to get up this morning. That's unusual for me. I did put some rolls in the oven. Had some sweets this morning. Not the best but haven't had them in awhile.

Decided to get some cleaning done. Did laundry and took stuff out on the line. After laundry was going, I headed downstairs.

This is my mess from coming back from Seminar. I just "dumped" everything on my counter. I worked on putting stuff away. The first thing that I did, was pull out Phill's sleeping bag to fix the opening.

LOL! It looks like a butt shot!! It's the bag! Anyway, I sewed this up and there was another spot that was ripping as well, so I sewed that down to. That got one thing off my sewing table that needed to be done. Since I borrowed the sleeping bag, it was only right that I fix it.

This is the kit that Bev had. I decided to take her BOM that she had. These are really cute. There isn't any border fabric but that's fine. I'm not crazy about the strips and plaids.

While Patrick was outside, he tapped my window to show me the deer in the yard. They were worried about momma as she was getting "shuuuu'd" from the neighbor. Momma got in the neighbors yard while the two little ones were still in our yard.

She finally got out of their yard, and took off! lol

She went through that corner to the neighbors house.

After all that fun, I was able to get this cleaned up! Its looking better. I still need to sew up the corners to get the pink bag (in the middle) so it stands up. I will do that later. I just wanted to get my counter at least half way cleaned up.

After we came home from the movies, I found a butterfly around the flowers. I hurried up to get a photo of them! I was surprised I actually got one!! It was flying around like crazy.

I loved seeing it.

I haven't had the chance to sit down and do my crafts today, that's coming up in a little bit. I did do some genealogy. I was finding my 4th gr grandfather married 4 times, but I'm thinking it's a little confusing right now and will work on that.

I'm heading in the direction of Happy Quilting!

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Hello Saturday!

Woke this morning and make blueberry muffins from scratch. I used the recipe out of the "Joy Of Cooking" book. It didn't have enough "sugar" in it. Tasted "blah." It was okay, just not good enough to call home about. Patrick thought they needed sugar, but he still ate 4 of them!

After all that, we went to the new movie, "Find Dori." It was really good. Almost liked it better than the first one. I love Pixar movies! They are a lot of fun!

We headed to the Spaghetti Factory in Tacoma. Traffic was slowing down around the Dome. On the way home, the traffic going north was even worse then it was when we were going up there. So, I was so glad we didn't want to go later.

I kept forgetting to post this block. This is the block I made for the Challenge at the Council, ID quilt show that is this weekend. It will be interesting to know what others did.

After I got home from supper, I printed out this page to do the coloring. This is the next "scrap" quilt. I was trying to see what I wanted to do. I know I just need to make 4 of two colors and 8 of two other colors.

This is what came in the mail yesterday - the pieces for the above printed paper.

Took those packages apart and found a ring to put the pieces on. This way they are close to get to. I can do them as I go.

This is one of the blocks I got back yesterday. This was done by Ethel M. These are all out of Rebecca Campbell's book. I'll post that information again later.

Mom finished this one.

Bev J. finished this one. It has more pieces to be put on it. I'll do that later. I'm working on my block too. These will all be on point. I want a good size quilt out of all of them.

Last night I was able to get more done on this. I like the way it's coming along and they outlining will be great. I may actually get this done by the end of the summer.

My problem is that I keep seeing that "squirrel" that Donna was talking about. The one where her dog goes running after a squirrel every time he sees one! I'm that way with projects!! Oh, I like that....that will be started soon!....oh, look at that one!, I want to do that too!!.....Guess what?! This one is even better........time goes by and I'm going...Oh, crap!, look at all this stuff I need (or want) to do!!....when am I going to finish this?!......oh, look, I haven't seen that one in awhile, guess I better work on that.....look there, I thought I finished that!...oops, started another project...WHAT HAPPENED TO FINISHING TWO AND STARTING ONE????!!!! Guess I forgot about that part!

Worse yet, I started one project at Seminar, one project with the friendship quilts blocks, two projects for QOV, and how many things did I finish this year?! Not 8 projects, I can tell you!

Oh, well...I'm Happy Quilting!

Friday, June 24, 2016

Quilting Friday....

Today I was able to sleep in. I got up and then worked on my family history. Actually Patrick's but I do the work. One of his distant cousins passed away in May. My father-in-law sent the obit. I entered the information and then was running behind.

I got to mom's and was glad to see Judy there. I gave her the book and stuff I got for her at Seminar. While I was there, I worked on the binding of the quilt for QOV. I've gotten about 3/4 of it done. I'll try to finish it this weekend. After everyone left and I tried to leave, mom and me do a few things for her. Patrick and I met up at 3 pm here at home. We decided to go out to dinner. The freeways was packed so we had to take the back roads.

I worked on this last night. I've got the bird cage almost done. I have few more things to do around the edges. I'll roll it later tonight too.

Didn't get as much done as I had hoped. But I did come home with more books! Bev brought her books that she was giving away, so I took some cook books and some quilt books. When I got home there was the 1" Mylar pieces I order. I need to work on the design so I know how they go together. Then I can work on the English method of putting the pieces together. I figure I can put those in the car so I have things to work on when I forget. I'll work on the pieces when I get the chance.

In the meantime, I'm thinking of a ton of stuff to work on! Guess that's Happy Quilting!

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Quilting Day at the Shop (During Shop Hop!)

Today I was ready to go walking, even made it around the corner, before I realized we wouldn't be walking this morning. Ruth had guests and I didn't want to get in the way. Plus it was raining, so I just turned around and came back home.

I relaxed before getting ready to go to the shop for quilting. We had 7 of us there. Kathy H was working at the shop for Shop Hop. There were people coming and going the whole time we were there. The group brought cookies for everyone to have while they shopped. It was nice. I found some QOV fabrics on the clearance shelf, so had to buy some for the quilts we do.

Miss "goofy" is me. I had someone at the group take the photo and she wasn't sure how. I don't know why she didn't get Deanna in the photo! Oh, well. This is the quilt that Donna did for Quilts of Valor. We will probably have it in the fair as well. Then after that we will give it to a Vet. I had to pick up some 3" finished half square triangle paper. Rita had some QOV fabric on clearance and I couldn't pass it up! I need to quit spending!! I have spend so much money in the last month that I'm in need of stopping!! lol

I didn't get any cross stitch done last night, so will be doing that tonight. I am getting behind on my Instagram photos of the cross stitch and what I'm working on. No worries, I'll get caught up again.

I did take the eagle to work on. Ended up doing about 1 1/2 sides of the above quilt with the binding. It won't take long to finish the binding. I'm planning on taking it with me tomorrow. Quilting is at moms tomorrow.

I've been thinking of my Brazilian embroidery all week! I really want to get back to working on those as well. I will have the group over here on Monday. Can't wait to have them come!

Good news is that I'm back at being Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Back To QOV Block.....

Today we walked 3 miles. Not sure how it marked it as 3 miles when we usually get in 2.5 miles. For some reason the fitbit was counting the first mile a lot faster than usual.

After the walk I was off to my doctors appointment in Olympia. That's a good 30 - 45 min trip up north. Traffic was okay. At least it wasn't rush hour. I arrived, pulled out my block, and was called into my appointment room. Spent a few mins working on my arrow before the doctor came in. Went to Group Health in Olympia to check on my medications - didn't get hardly any time in for applique because they are so fast getting prescription stuff moving. Headed home and stopped at mom's to check on the smoker my brothers are wanting for our family reunion. No such luck. Looks like we are going to have to buy another one. ugh.

The arrows are done. I was only able to get one side of one arrow done at the doctors office. I came home after moms and watched some TV shows while working on this block. I finished the second arrow, and got started on the body.

I started putting the tail down and decided I better work on the body first. So, I went and appliqued the two sides of the body. I need to put the head and tail down. I'll take it to the meeting tomorrow and work on it.

Last night I was able to get more done on this. I'm liking how the bird feeder is coming along. Ineed to fill in a few more stitches that got missed. I'll probably work on that tonight.

Donna texted to say one of the QOV quilts has the binding on and she wanted me to stitch it down. Said I would. I'll pick that up tomorrow. I'm starting to think of what I need to do for more blocks for dad. I have a few things to think about. I also need to pick up some half square triangle rolls tomorrow. Then I can get working on more scrap blocks to get another quilt done without having to wait on my applique.

May we all be Happy Quilting!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

An Awesome Quiet Day!

We did our usual walking. I don't know how, but we ended up with 2.75 miles this time. Usually it's 2.5. That's okay, I needed that added to my "extra" walking time.

Got home and just relaxed...and relaxed....and relaxed. Didn't really do much of anything. I did work on Ancestry and sent a ton of emails to possible family matches through DNA. I also worked on MTurk for some more money to Amazon.

I did buy the cross templates and Mylar. I'll be doing those when they come in. It will be nice to use up some of my scraps that way. I am looking forward to getting them. I just hope the Mylar really works when ironing them. I guess I'll find out. I saw  couple more templates that I thought about, but will see if these work first. If they do, who knows, I may buy that set too.

I worked on my cross stitch this afternoon. I was happy to get as much done as I did. I need to get a few more stitches filled in before I can roll it again. I do love the way it's coming out and I can't wait for the outline stitches to go in.

Picked blueberries before we left for bowling. We were ahead by 3 games, but after tonight we will only be ahead by 1. We were bowling a team that had 364 handicap. So, it was hard when we only had 54.

Our apples are looking good. Getting ready to be picked.

As I said before, it was a very quiet day. I enjoyed every minute of it! I'm feeling a little more normal then usual. lol

Tomorrow is a Dr's appointment so I will definitely be Happy Quilting!

Monday, June 20, 2016

It's So Good To Be Home!!

I'm not complaining mind you!

Today I was back on track. We walked 2.5 miles. I was actually up at 6 am because Patrick was getting out of the shower then. He had issues at work and was out till midnight with work. Then he left early today to try and get things working. Poor guy didn't get much sleep. So, since I'd been getting up around 6 am every morning it wasn't easy to try and go back to bed - specially when the phone rang.

So, I walked with Ruth and then came home to pick blueberries that are ready in our yard! I was so surprised because they usually aren't ready for another couple weeks.

It is a full tree this year.

I got a good amount today. When I went out this afternoon for some asparagus I noticed there were more ready to pick. Guess the sun got to them today.

Some of the roses is coming out too. They look like they have been eaten on by a bug. I know Patrick is working on fixing that.

I came in the house after all that, sat down, and started falling asleep in my chair. I got up and laid down on the couch......wasn't long before 2 hours went by. I rarely sleep for 2 hours during the day....let alone take naps! I remember telling mom when I was little that I don't do naps. Guess today was one of those days mom was right! lol

I pulled out my cross stitch to get back on the track. I have projects that need to be finished and I need to work on them. I'm free tomorrow as well. I'm hoping to get more done.

I was working on the third bird today.

Today was the day to get caught up on laundry! I had all my clothes as well as Patrick's for the past week. It felt good to get moving on laundry. I didn't get it all done, but I did get it down to one load left. I'll probably do that load tomorrow. I'm also trying to figure out what dessert to make for Patrick. Luckily we have some still from yesterday, so I can keep thinking about it.

I will work on more of my stuff tomorrow. I'm hoping it's one of those days that I do more of my projects. I want to work on the mums and roses Brazilian embroidery piece. I'm really close to finishing it. I will keep working on the cross stitch. Once the mums and roses is done, I can get back to working on the projects from the Seminar. Looking forward to doing some applique as well. That will get me back to being Happy Quilting!

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Happy Father's Day!! Came Home From Seminar!

Today started off early. We all got packed and ready to leave. We arrived at the kitchen at 7:30 am. We were the last to leave the breakfast table too. Everyone that was there said good-bye to each other. We then started home at about 8:30 am. On the road we went - getting back to the house at 10 am. Thought Patrick was still sleeping but he came around the corner and brought in my suit cases.

While I unpacked, Patrick worked in the yard.

I had a lot of supplies and things to put away. I even worked on putting some floss in the box.

Hard to believe all the stuff I came home with!

We had my parents over for Father's Day. We played games. I showed them my class work and the patterns.

We had hamburgers and hot dogs. It was nice out on the deck and we had our dinner out there.

Tomorrow is a day to myself! I can't wait to relax! Wonder if I'll get up for walking tomorrow. I was falling asleep as we were playing. I was thinking of my kids when they were 2 - nodding their heads because they were so tired. Then the head would snap for them to wake up. I actually felt that bad...but it came back. Hoping I can sleep through the name.

I'm looking forward to being back to working on my quilting and craft projects.....Happy Quilting!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Final Day Of BDEIG Seminar

Today I forgot to set my alarm cock, so at 6:30 am Bev asked if I was sleeping in. Guess at that point it was time to get up. Wasn't really awake, even after a shower. Went to breakfast and still didn't wake up. I must have forgotten my head on the pillow!

Went to my bird class and finished (sort of) my chickadee. It looks like the head is at an angle. Guess he's questioning the other birds. I was so relaxed and did so much better today then the first two days. I borrowed a snap frame. It worked 100% better. I do like the technique and looking forward to doing more. Loretta is an awesome teacher and at times thought she could have been doing something elsse since it was only 3 of us. She was happy to be there to help us out. We all appreciated her being there for us. I did forget my instructions and floss, so headed back to the room for my stuff. Used the lighter yellow on the belly and I liked it a lot better.

After lunch I loaded some of my stuff and get my bags partically loaded. I will probaby get it finished toniggt. We'll load the car before we go for breakfast. Then I helped Jeanette organize her floss. We had our banquets tonight. It turned out awesome. We had a barbershop quartet sing for us. After that was going to stitch but chaned my mind.

Have been thinking of a lot of embroidery that will work on my quilts. Looking forward to adding them in! Looking forward to being Happy Quilting!!

Friday, June 17, 2016

Day 5 At BDEIG Seminar

Today was another early morning with classes. I was nuts when I scheduled 2 class for today. The others had the afternoon off and went to Fabric Depot. Good thing I had classes or I'd have bought more fabric.

My first class was with Debbie Goff. We worked on stumpwork. I had fun. But it wasn't a good starting day for me. I seemed to have stuff missing from what  needed. I managed without it anway. We used wires for the fish fins. Had a blast working on those. When i get home I'll post more photos when I get home.

After lunch I ten went to Rosalie Wakefields class "Ruth's Farewell." We worked on the detached buttonhole stitch. Got a few stitches done. Wasn't able to get more done, but instructions are awesome.

Tomorrow's day is a smal class and then relax. We head home on Sunday morning. It will be good to get home.

Keep up and stay (for me) Happy Quilting!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Day 4 Of BDEIG Seminar

Was ready to go this morning. We had a late breakfast, which was ok with me since I brought my yogurt.

My class was by myself again. Sandy and Jeannette will take the class tomorrow with me, Sandy and Jeannette were together and Bev was on her own too. I took the "Dragon Fruit Cactus Flowers" by and with Debbie Goff. I really enjoy her classes as well as her work. An awesome teacher and designer. She well worth looking up! She has a business in Florida. We worked on doodle cloth to do our work. The best part is not working on the actual design in class so I won't have another project to worry about finishing.

Worked on the bird feeder in the afternoon and decided I will wait till I get home. I'll do the smaller one for the birds.

This is our room. Above is the shared bathroom.

Decided to get back to this one.

Going to take a break to get ready for tomorrow. Looking forward to another day of learning.

Stay Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...