Monday, June 27, 2016

Brazilian Embroidery meeting today.......

Today I was up and cleaning! I wanted it to look great for my fellow stitches. I even made some Krispy treats for everyone. We had 7 members show up. We didn't have the meeting at the church because Julie and Georgie were not able to come. It was an awesome meeting! We sat out on the deck, relaxed and enjoyed everyone's company. We laughed so hard it hurt! We enjoyed the cool breeze that came across the deck.

I worked on the mums. I started another after everyone left. They all were here till about 1:45 pm which was awesome. Just wish I thought about giving everyone lunch!

I love the way it came out. It's laying a lot better than it did before when I was trying to get them right. I may just try and finish them up this week. Once I get those done, I'll be putting beads on ad then it's done! Then I can start working on one of the pieces from the Seminar.

I then sat down to work on some cross stitch to get caught up on my Instagram. I'm a day behind on posting my works.

Funny how I write this out and then think of things to say after I posted it. Think I can remember what it was when I post again?! NOPE....May need to get tested for memory loss at this rate!

We pulled out my grandmother's and 2nd great grandmother's needle case. Made copies of it for the two sisters to get a pattern for me. They are going to get the pattern and then make a couple to see how they work out. I want one like them! It would be so much fun to have one I can use. I could use theirs but don't want to wear them out.

The weather is awesome! It's about 84 degrees. If it gets any hotter, I'll be hiding in my basement! I may even desert Patrick and sleep down there.

Okay, still can't remember what I missed yesterday. I've been thinking of cutting fabrics for the English Paper Piecing pieces I bought.....I can g a lot ready for when I'm out of the house. I may do it yet! I'm still there....Happy Quilting!

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