Saturday, June 25, 2016

Hello Saturday!

Woke this morning and make blueberry muffins from scratch. I used the recipe out of the "Joy Of Cooking" book. It didn't have enough "sugar" in it. Tasted "blah." It was okay, just not good enough to call home about. Patrick thought they needed sugar, but he still ate 4 of them!

After all that, we went to the new movie, "Find Dori." It was really good. Almost liked it better than the first one. I love Pixar movies! They are a lot of fun!

We headed to the Spaghetti Factory in Tacoma. Traffic was slowing down around the Dome. On the way home, the traffic going north was even worse then it was when we were going up there. So, I was so glad we didn't want to go later.

I kept forgetting to post this block. This is the block I made for the Challenge at the Council, ID quilt show that is this weekend. It will be interesting to know what others did.

After I got home from supper, I printed out this page to do the coloring. This is the next "scrap" quilt. I was trying to see what I wanted to do. I know I just need to make 4 of two colors and 8 of two other colors.

This is what came in the mail yesterday - the pieces for the above printed paper.

Took those packages apart and found a ring to put the pieces on. This way they are close to get to. I can do them as I go.

This is one of the blocks I got back yesterday. This was done by Ethel M. These are all out of Rebecca Campbell's book. I'll post that information again later.

Mom finished this one.

Bev J. finished this one. It has more pieces to be put on it. I'll do that later. I'm working on my block too. These will all be on point. I want a good size quilt out of all of them.

Last night I was able to get more done on this. I like the way it's coming along and they outlining will be great. I may actually get this done by the end of the summer.

My problem is that I keep seeing that "squirrel" that Donna was talking about. The one where her dog goes running after a squirrel every time he sees one! I'm that way with projects!! Oh, I like that....that will be started soon!....oh, look at that one!, I want to do that too!!.....Guess what?! This one is even better........time goes by and I'm going...Oh, crap!, look at all this stuff I need (or want) to do!!....when am I going to finish this?!......oh, look, I haven't seen that one in awhile, guess I better work on that.....look there, I thought I finished that!...oops, started another project...WHAT HAPPENED TO FINISHING TWO AND STARTING ONE????!!!! Guess I forgot about that part!

Worse yet, I started one project at Seminar, one project with the friendship quilts blocks, two projects for QOV, and how many things did I finish this year?! Not 8 projects, I can tell you!

Oh, well...I'm Happy Quilting!

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