Friday, September 30, 2016

Quilting Friday

This morning was a go-go-go morning. We walked our 2.5 miles. We walked about .25 miles with Cherrill and the dog.

Came home and got my quilt with supplies ready to go to moms for quilting. Dad had called last night saying my Uncle was coming today. So, I thought I would come home before we went out to eat.....Still haven't learned NOT TO PLAN! We had a good meeting with the quilters. Lunch was salads and I had to remove all the carrots since I can't have carrots. Otherwise it went well. My Aunt and Uncle arrive about the time I was going to leave. Then we talked about where we would go for supper. They wanted to go to a place where Patrick could eat something he wanted. We ended up at Denny's. I checked with Patrick and we could eat early if he didn't have to come get me at home, so I ended up staying at the folks. We all chatting and I played on moms iPad. I wish I had brought my own so I could check out the Instagram! Oh, well.

I was able to get one side of the border done. Now I'm down to 2 more and then I can bind it. Mom had some fabric that worked perfect with these colors and would be printed around the time this was made, so it worked out great. She cut me some pieces for the binding. Now I just need to sew it up and get it ready to put on when I get the two borders done.

I didn't get the chance to work on my cross stitch and fell lost not being able to work on it today. I am happy that I was able to get a border done in just a few hours.

We played games with my folks, Aunt and Uncle. Not much got done and I didn't make it back home. I'm happy to be home, but this weekend Patrick has ideas of what we need to, no sure much will get done then either...time will tell.

Enjoy life, and Happy Quilting!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

A Day Of Stitching!

This morning I was up late. So, out the door late. Good thing Ruth was running late as well. Cherrill called and told me she didn't need us. So Ruth and I got our 2.5 miles in today.

Got home and decided to try and work on the quilt today. I started marking it so I could do the stitching on the border.

I was able to get 1 1/2 of these done. I finished the design on the corner. Then worked on the pieces. It was lunch time when I quit and went back to work on my cross stitch. I will take this with me tomorrow to work on. I need to remember my marking pencils.

Enjoyed a few minutes with the Kitty!

I was working on this area. It's more like confetti then anything! I'm keeping an eye on the different colors. I do like the way this is coming along. I have been able to get in about 600 stitches in over the last 2 days.

Loving the colors that come a live! I also got my pattern from HAED! I love it, and will have that added to work on as well!

I was able to get a lot of stitches in today. I really enjoyed it! Now I'm having to load my FTM (Family Tree Maker) on my laptop. Our computer is about ready to die, and I need my program available.

May we all be Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Had A Day of Cross Stitch.....So I Thought!

This morning I was up and ready to go. Ruth showed up and we went to help Cherrill. I made the mistake of offering to take the dog for a walk with us. That was interesting and fast. We got in 2.5 miles. Took the dog back and then ended up talking to Cherrill for another half hour.

Got back to the house and worked on my needle case. It's slowly coming along.

I finished the button hole stitch (think that's right). I then found the needle minder I got from Pat. I'm going to put it on the case. I just need to figure out how to do that. I have it there right now, and it moves around, but will see if I can get my embroidery to stabilize the magnet.

I got the magnets to hold the pockets closed. I did the two pockets that way. That took care of that part. I need to add a magnet to the scissor case to have it seal the scissors in the case.

After I got that done, I started working on my cross stitch. I then got a phone call and that was a good hour talking to a neighbor that moved to TX. We got each other caught up on what's going on. I was able to get two of my shows watched, but still have a ton more since I haven't had time to watch them lately.

Between phone calls - yep, the phone rang often today - I was able to get about 250 stitches done. The phone rang often today - started when I got home from walking and didn't end till about 3 pm. One one call was for me. The rest was phone numbers that were from all over the US. I let the phone ring, but after awhile it gets irritating! Oh, well.

We went bowling and I bowled a 217, 160, 204. Beat Patrick - so all's good! lol

I wanted to get some time today to make the border of the quilt, but didn't get there today. Wanted to work on the cross stitch but with phone calls and trying to find my cat, I didn't make it. Tomorrow is another day....Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Determined to Finish Quilt

This morning I was able to sleep in about 20 mins. If felt good to get a little more sleep then usual. Since Ruth wasn't walking this morning, I waited a little longer to go to Cherrill's. She didn't walk but I did walk her son's dog that she takes care of. I also spent about an hour and a half with her. We had tea and chatted. She still hadn't heard from her doctors office yet.

I came home and worked on my laundry. I had a load going before I left, so it was easy to get the rest of it going. I played a little on my tablet and decided I should go downstairs to work on the quilt. As I was quilting on it, I was thinking it wouldn't take long to get it done.

When I worked on this area, I was thinking it would only take about an hour to finish the rest of the quilt.....yah, right! I was determined to get this done, so I just kept going.

This part was already done, and I only needed to get the other corner done.

I kept going, as another hour went by, then another.....So, that hour I thought it would take ended up being a total of 4 hours. I was working hard to get it done before Patrick got home! I wanted it off the frame!

I finished it up and started taking out the pins. I had to get pliers to get some out! I had rust in about 3/4's of the pins. I couldn't believe some had rust (or more rust) then others. I ended up with putting all those pins in a "old pins" pill box. That way when I throw them out, they won't hurt anyone.

Brought the quilt upstairs. I'll finish the quilting on the border and then bind it. Now that I know what I did with the top of the border I can do the rest of the borders the same. I'll work on that in the mornings.

Kittie loves her attention! I've been giving her a lot of attention and she's even touched me to pet her more. She's not used to Patrick yet, but she's getting there.

I've been working on my cross stitch at night. I've gotten a lot done lately. I have been having a little bit of trouble with the white. I don't know what it is about white, but it seems to be a little harder to work with when doing the crosses. There is a lot of it, so I'll have to be more careful! I'm getting a lot more done, and it's coming along so well. I really do like this technique because I don't have to go and find where my stitches are missing. This way, they all are being worked on and there isn't any spot without crosses.

Sun is out and I'm enjoying the weather. I wish I could have been able to go out and enjoy it, but since I wanted that quilt off the frame, I had to work on it instead. I did enjoy looking out the window down there when I was working on the border. I also got in a couple shows I hadn't seen in awhile. I didn't get to view the ones I recorded because he don't have the DVR downstairs. We only have it on this TV upstairs. So, I have to suck it up and figure out what is one that I'm willing to watch - or willing to re-watch! Not much out there that I like watching reruns for.

At least laundry got done. I'm glad this week is "my" week. I have quilting on Friday. Other then that, I'm able to work on my stuff.

May we all be Happy Quilting!

Monday, September 26, 2016

Day of Embroidery

This morning I was up and ready to go, like I always am. Had to wait till 7:45 am before we headed to Cherrill's. Ruth and I did get a few steps in before seeing Cherrill. I was able to get her socks on for her, but her back is really bad, so she didn't walk. Ruth and I went around and got 2.5 miles in. I forgot to shut off my phone with the walking timer. I figured it out when I was part way down Jackson Hwy and the phone said, "3 miles" etc. I pulled over and hit the stop button. Sent ruth a message that we walked 3.17 miles! lol

I was able to get moving and get to our meeting about 5-10 mins late. I was having to come back and get my drivers license, otherwise I would have been on time. I also took some tomatoes for everyone. Ruth got some as well.

We had a good meeting. We were teach a new person. She didn't have any idea how to thread a needle or tie a knot. It's been a long time since I trained anyone that new. Good thing Pat was doing all that! I did help when Pat was busy with someone else.

I was there a good hour before I was able to get to work on my stuff. I was helping Georgie with her instructions. We were trying to figure out what the flower looked like. It took awhile to figure out the flower. The instructions were not that good.

I pulled out my needle case to work on. It's been awhile and I've been putting it off.

I made a couple pockets. I need to find a velcro strip or even a magnet to keep them shut. I do have the magnets, so I may just use those!

I sewed the scissor holder in the side. I had to do it twice because the first time it was "folded" around the case. Scissors don't fold. So, I took it out and put it back in. I'm going to do Brazilian embroidery on the outside. I have an idea of what I want to do, but I'll do it when I get started. It's going to be an "as I go" kinda design.

Georgie was talking about doing applique and I told her I have some patterns she could have. I had gone through some of my stuff downstairs and realized there are patterns that I won't ever get to. So, I gave her about 6 different applique patterns. She stopped by after our meeting.

I sat outside with "Kittie" for awhile. She's really something! I love spending time with her.

After spending time with her, I came in to work on my cross stitch. I received a phone call from a distant relative that I sent photos to. She was thrilled to get the photos and I told her I have more. I just found those and sent them but there are plenty of photos here.

Tonight is the debates, so I've got it on. Guess I'm going to close this to see if I like what they have to say....chances are not. Wish we had someone else to vote for!

Happy Quilting!

Sunday, September 25, 2016

What Is It About Weekend?!

Today I was up earlier than I would have liked, but that is normal, so can't complain. Tomorrow is back to helping Cherrill. Ruth will be walking with us as well. I'm going to be running close to being late to our Brazilian embroidery meeting. I'll have to tell Ruth we need to get moving.

I played awhile. Then I decided to go outside and enjoy the weather. It was warm and nice and wonderful!

I was set up with the computer, cross stitch, and relaxing. While Patrick was gone, I started laundry and then I went outside to set things up. Just as I settled in, Patrick came back from checking things at work. He told me he was going to mow the yard. Guess what!? He even told me that it was going to be loud. So, I picked everything up and headed back in the house.

Patrick picked more tomatoes! So, I'm going to have to cook them or give them away!

I worked on my cross stitch and watched (listened) to the youtube stuff on parking and working on different techniques in cross stitch.

I am getting closer to the house that is in the background. I finished up down in the white. I work from bottom to top, using the stair step method. I watched blitstitch's youtube as well. I figured out where I was going wrong. Since he's right handed, it works for him to work from the left side to the right. When I try his technique again, I'll have to do it from the right side to the left. I have to do the opposite direction. I will try that technique again on my next piece. It will be fun to do. He does each stitch as he goes, and I do the stitches across then come back.

Getting more done. Almost to the end of the bush area.

We had bowling tonight. Bowled a 152, 164, 211. So, I keep my average. Trouble is Patrick bowled better than me and is now 1 pin higher in average. I need to kick it up a notch. (smiling)

Happy Quilting!

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Usual Saturday

Today I was up early. Played a little till Patrick got up.

We headed to the casino. Not much happened there. lol We came home and I enjoyed a few minutes with the cat.

I worked on this piece again today. I've started out with adding the brown for the house in the background.

Yesterday I ordered a couple patterns from HAED that everyone seems to order from these days! lol I am looking forward to getting my patterns. It will be fun to work on one of their pieces.

Bad news keeps getting closer to my private little "bubble." I can't believe where our country is going right now. I'll just keep doing my part of helping others and trying to make a life of caring. My crafts keep me going. My crafts have a way of relaxing me. Life is good and I pray it gets better.

We went out to eat with my folks. Their Anniversary is tomorrow.

Mom and I talked about the pattern we ordered. She wanted to know if I had the fabric for the background and I'm going to try and remember to take some of the fabric to her place and see what we can do.

Happy Quilting!

Yesterday - A Busy Day

I'm posting this now because as much as I hate to admit this, I forgot to post for yesterday. I will post more later for today.

Yesterday started out early, by getting up and going to see Cherrill. It was raining so it didn't turn out to be a good day as far as the sun goes.

Afterwards, Patrick decided we'd go to Costco. We headed up to Costco and purchased a lot of stuff we needed. We were home around 2 pm. We decided to sit and watch a couple shows we had taped.

I started working on my cross stitch. It's easier to work on this while watching TV. I'd work on the quilt, but I do enjoy being with Patrick, so just worked on this.

We went to Centralia to see a movie again and have supper but they didn't have the movie they advertised. We ended up at Dairy Queen. I'm okay with that, because we get ice cream when we are done.

Came back home and watched an old movie. It was really good. Another Tony Curtis movie!

Happy Quilting!

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Today Is Thursday

Yep, today is Thursday. I got up and walked with Ruth for a 2 mile walk. We didn't get more in because she had to be at her sisters. We had a good chat and walk. Tomorrow I have to go to Cherrill's around 8 am.

I worked on my tablet. I had the list of floss I needed for the next project. I wanted to use Cosmos floss for my next project. I went to deliver the pots that I had. since I repotted the plants, I could return the pots. I had a quick visit. Then realized I forgot the tomatoes to take to the meeting. I went back home, got the tomatoes and then I went to Safeway to get some food for the pot luck. I forgot my camera and my older quilt for show and share.

Went to the shop and got the floss I wanted but she didn't have some of the colors I needed. I figure I'll us DMC for the ones that I couldn't get. It will work great. I figure no one but me (and who reads this) will know I used two different floss types. I like the Cosmos because it's softer and shiner. It will look great.

We had a lot of show and tell with the "old" quilts. This is one that was embroidered (stamped cross stitch). See Haven't Missed A Stitch for more photos.

I didn't stay long. I really wasn't in the mood to be there. So, I came home and cleaned the washer drawer. Then I got the coke points worked out. Really didn't do that much. I was getting tired while I sat and watched "Murdock Mysteries."

We are watching "Big Brother" that we recorded last night. I'm ready to sit and cross stitch. I did order a pattern and an "addict box" that had linen. So, I'm happy!

We will be enjoying the evening! Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Wednesday Bowling....Among Other Things

This morning I was up and ready to go. I didn't have to go walking till 7:45 am because Cherrill isn't ready before then. She doesn't get up as early as Ruth. Ruth met me at our house and we walked over to get Cherrill. She's doing great! For a lady that had both knees replaced and broke her back in the hospital while recooping, she's doing great. We walked 1,5 miles with Cherrill and then Ruth and I walked another mile.

After that, it was 9:30 am by the time I got back home. It sure makes the morning go fast! I then got on the tablet and played - nothing new there. Then I went downstairs and quilted for about 1 1/2 hours. It was cold, but I didn't bother to put the heat on this time.

I thought I was farther along then I was. I quilted around the center pink/purple border and got that done. I thought I had done that last time but was wrong! I did finish the quilting on the white area before the border.

Next I worked on the darker border piece. There are 6 of them total. So, I have 1 1/2 done. I will work on it some more. I wanted to go back down after lunch but then realized I needed to get those plants re-potted before it got too cold for them in the garage. Plus I need to return the pots to a friend.

I started out with this mess.

Ended up with these all potted. I messed up my hanging plant and it got cut way back because of it breaking every time I tried to move it. It was so pretty with the long leaves, but it was scraggly and I wanted to add more to it. I ended up cutting it way back, taking the parts I cut off and putting them in water. I will plant them in another pot later. If this one dies then I have all the ones in the water and will end up with another plant. I love household plants and there for awhile I lost quiet a few. Then as the last 2 years have gone by, I've gotten more plants back in the house. I just love the way they look and they do help freshen the house a bit! lol

While I was downstairs I found this pattern I bought when we took a cruise to Alaska - back in 2007. I bought it thinking I would make it. I had Patrick help me pick it, as he's picky about what he likes compared to me. I will do this one next after "Nantucket Rose" because it will be quick and easy. Then I'll go to doing the Santa I want to do.

I decided I'm going to put dad's name in the QOV quilts. I will be awhile with his quilt, and I don't want to make him wait forever or not get one because I'm taking so long. Told mom I'm working on his quilt but it's going to take time and I want to have it hand quilted instead of machine. So, I'm going to sign him up for a quilt. That way when his gets done, I'll give it to him on his birthday or at Christmas time. That's my plan anyway.

I was able to get a few more stitches in this piece. I fixed my numbering area that I was off. I figured it out and thankfully it was really easy to fix. I'm loving how this is coming out. I found that I have more followers on Instagram then I'm following. Makes one feel good. I love working on this piece and I only got about 50 - 100 stitches in today. Not as much as I would like.

We bowled tonight. We had our Sunday partners come bowl for our Wednesday partners. I think we took all 4 games. I bowled a 193, 192, 152. That  last game bites! But hey, I'm doing better and it's working for me, no complaints!

Tomorrow is quilting, so I'm thinking I'm not going to stay long. Probably just long enough to say hi and give them some food for the potluck. I need to take photos for the blog, so will do that too. It will be a day of Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

A Day Away From Home

This morning I was up and out the door. No game playing on my tablet, no walking, and no eating breakfast. Actually I did get breakfast but it was at Art's place. He likes to eat breakfast with me when I take him to the casino.

I spent the morning at the casino. It works out great because Art does his thing and I do mine. We meet for lunch and then wait till Keno (speed Keno) is done, and then we head home.

I won big for a 50 cent bet! This is what had me going all morning. I had my ticket that the casino gives me, and I didn't have to put any money of mine in. I like that when that happens.

To think I could have bid more and got a bigger bet, but I don't do that! I'm a 50 cent bet person! It helps me stick around for awhile!

Came home after stopping at mom's. I found out dad is going in for more tests. So, we are starting all over again....prayers please.

Got home and spent time with the new pet - "Kittie."

She likes to play hard to get. Once I get her to stick around, she loves attention.

She was playing shy.

Patrick cooked supper and now we are just sitting here relaxing. I'm feeling good that I could bring some money home. I got my floss organized for my cross stitch. Now I'm excited to get some more cross stitch done tonight.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow where I can take part of the morning and work on my quilt. Then in the afternoon I can cross stitch. Who knows, I may get that quilt done yet! It's soooooooo close to being done, and what do I do.....take my time working on it! Go figure! One would think I would get my rear in gear and go down there to finish it up!! Oh, right!, we are talking about Lynn, which usually comes to "in your dreams!" Oh, well - Happy Quilting!

Monday, September 19, 2016

And Another Week Begins

This morning I didn't want to get up - couldn't sleep last night so I got up and worked on my cross stitch for a while. Went back to bed at 12:30 am! Patrick was up, and I was wanting to go back to bed. I should have, since it was raining and Ruth decided we wouldn't be walking. I waited till about 8 am and went to Cherrill's to help her out. We walked but we didn't get very far, we only walked about 3/4 of a mile. Hey, any walking works for me!

Came home and went downstairs. Decided I needed to get moving and get that quilt off the frame.

I had a lot of this part done, but I had to move my chair to the other side of the quilt to quilt in the border. I'm not filling in the board, I'm just getting the stitches in on the shape.

I was able to get 2 of the 6 "mounts" in the border done. I was able to get more quilting in on the inside of the quilt. It's gotten me to half way! I'm thrilled. I really need to work on the border area and then I can pull the quilt off the frame. For the 2 hours I was down there, I was able to get a lot of quilting done! Hopefully I can get back to it on Wednesday, since I have plans for tomorrow.

I stayed down there till about noon. I even turned the heat on, because it was cold in the house. I forgot to shut it off when I came back up. I cleaned the oven, so between the heat downstairs and the heat up here, the house warmed up for me! Woo Hoo.

Had to take a photo of what's left of my plant. It's slowly changing. It's funny how new ones are on the plant and it's almost getting too cold for the plant! This is the first year we have been able to keep a fushia alive!

Even the plants in the pot are still going strong.

Miss Kitty was around today. She didn't come around me much. She's loves attention but very "gun shy" and jumped every time I moved.

I put part of the afternoon in on this cross stitch. It's coming along great. I did find where i messed up on my counting 10x10 area. I did one area 12x9, so now I'm having to fix what I did wrong That's okay because I didn't mess up where the floss goes, just the areas I was in. I'm loving the design. I was looking at Santa when I was downstairs.

I need to find a sampler to work on as well. Not crazy about them, but I did join a group that is a sampler group, so I need to do a few samplers.

As I type this, I'm yawning! So, I guess tonight is going to be an early night for me. I'm still getting stuff done and having a blast working on all of it! Happy Quilting!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Another Sunday....Time Does Fly!

Today I was up early as usual. Really didn't do much. It was a Sunday for relaxing. 

Patrick was up later. He went out and cleaned up some of the garden. He pulled all his beats and I'm taking them to Ruth tomorrow. He brought a lot more tomatoes too. This year was an awesome year for the garden. We ended up with a lot of stuff we normally don't get! I made some tomato sauce that was great the other night with meatballs. I don't know if I'll do that again and freeze another one. We really don't eat a lot of saucy stuff. 

I baked a Chocolate Zucchini Cake. It really did turn out good. It's moist and chocolaty. I was hungry for chocolate, so it worked out great. I grated the rest of the zucchini and froze it. I'm going to make some zucchini bread this week. I've been hungry for that too. 

While the game (Seahawks) was on, I baked the cake and then worked on my cross stitch. 

This area is like confetti and gets to be a pain at times, but this technique has been a great help! I make less errors, if any this way! When I was doing it the other way of doing one color at a time, I would miss a color or I would get the wrong color in the wrong spot. This way I actually pay attention and get the right color in the right spot. There are a couple colors that are so close in color that at times I do get confused but after stopping, looking, and watching what I'm doing, I figure it out. 

Now I'm back to the apron. I go from bottom to top. If I would go up then down, I would probably get confused and found that it's just easier to go from bottom to top. Not sure how I'm gong to do the "split" in the design. There is a lot of "air" or "sky" that doesn't get any stitches. I really, really don't want to get off, so may do the bottom area, work up on the face, then turn the work and go the other way. 

I was thrilled to be able to sit and work on my cross stitch.

I did go to the yahoo group that I'm in to see what they were up to. Some are doing a "Stitch-a-long" that is SAL when they chat. They each do the same piece and stitch along show where they are with that project. I'm thinking that would be awesome! I may have to join one of those! OUCH, here I go again with another idea or another project....calm down, Lynn, stick with what you are doing! 

I did go out this morning and sit down on the deck to pet the Siamese cat that I'm trying to adopt! She loves the attention. We enjoyed each others company for about 10 mins till Patrick got up. She wasn't sure about Patrick but she stayed with me. I fed her and then let her be. She enjoys being around our deck and by the garage. I went out later while the game was on, and she let me pick her up. She loves the attention. I can't wait to get her to come in the house with me during the day, like we did with Charlie. She's a sweetheart! I'm hoping she gets the lovable with Patrick. She might get his attention too. That would be awesome!

We had bowling tonight. I was a little "gun shy" with bowling since I fell on Wednesday. It didn't hurt my game too much, but by the 3rd game I was back to normal with throwing my ball. I bowled a 174, 177, 189. Still have a 181 average so far. I would love to keep that! It's be a couple years since I was that high. 

As I sit here, I'm thinking the day just flew by! I would have loved to have had more time for other things, but time does fly when we are busy!

Tomorrow is another day, and I'm hoping to being enjoying my quilt downstairs. It's back to Happy Quilting!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Coming and Going Today

I was up early today. We got moving around 10 am. We headed to the casino first, bringing home $10 more than we went with! lol

Came home and enjoyed a few minutes with the cat. Then we sat and watched a movie with Aubrey Hepburn. Love her movies!! We had a good time together, just sitting and getting stuff done.

I was able to get more cross stitching in. It's coming along. his area is a little more complicated at times. I keep having to double check my colors. I can get off track so I have been marking each row s I go to make sure I don't do a row twice.

So, I believe I have about 200 stitches in today. That could actually be less. I'll have to think about it.

We went down to Kelso for supper. We went to Red Lobster. Came home and now we are just relaxing again. We have been watching "Tiny Houses" on TV. It's interesting how some people can fit all there stuff in a tiny house. My craft room would take up a tiny house!

So, now I'm back to enjoying my day and cross stitching! Quilting is coming! Happy Quilting!

Friday, September 16, 2016

A Day Behind

I completely forgot to do the blog last night. That is unusual for me. Decided there really wasn't much to blog about, so let it go. This will be for both days.

Yesterday I couldn't sleep in - because I could if I wanted to - so was up at the usual time. Funny how that works. On days I have a schedule to keep, I want to just stay in bed and sleep. The days I don't have anything to worry about AND I can't sleep! UGH

I didn't have to help my neighbor yesterday, so I just relaxed most of the day. Didn't get much at all done. I enjoyed the afternoon with the cat. I also had to prepare supper for the oven and then baked some dessert. I over cooked it a little. It said to put it in for 15-20 mins, so I did 17 mins. Guess I should have stayed with 15 mins. Oh, well.

Last night we went to the store for house plant you think I could find any?....NOPE. We had checked Walmart the other day and they only had two that would cost me $20, decided not to get them. We went to Sunbirds, and NOPE. Then we went to Goodwill and found some bowls that will work. One is a cookie jar. I'll deal with it! After that we went to Factory Outlet for our Seahawk shirts! They had a big sell and Patrick and I bought 2 shirts each. Trouble was, this is a yearly "tent" sale and so we ended up waiting in line for half an hour. I normally won't stay in line that long, but I did move around while Patrick waiting in line. I couldn't believe it! That line was long when we got there and it was just as long when we left. There are a LOT of Seahawk fans!!

Today I was up and running when Patrick got up. I went to the neighbors and helped her with her socks, then we walked a mile. She did really good. Ben (her sons dog) was busy and I was throwing his toy around for him to ware out! We had a good visit and then I left to get ready to go to moms. I had to get my stuff ready and then out the door I went. I took Ruth her stuff, called Ethel and told her I was on the way. Picked Ethel up and then went to moms.

This is mom's quilt. She's starting to work on the border now. It's really pretty too! This was P#'s BOM awhile back. She did awesome!

I worked on another one of the friendship blocks. I have a couple more to do. I was getting close to finishing this one. I'm not sure if I'll work on this in the coming week. Hard to say. I do have quilting on Thursday and that may be when I do. But then again, it's potluck next week. We'll see.

I came home and the cat was here. I was thrilled!

She's gun shy but she does love a pet! I have been able to get closer to her, and she has even let Patrick get close to her. She follows me when I go somewhere, but she won't let me get close to her when I'm walking around.

If I move to fast, she's off. But she is a lot of fun to have around.

So, tonight I really want to get moving on my cross stitch. Had a great day with friends, and I even bought a 20 1/2" square ruler from Judy. I came home with 3 more books. We had an awesome visit and I actually did some quilting stuff. I need to quilt on the quilt downstairs, but I'll get there!

Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Another Day of Bowling

Today started out with me not wanting to get up. I walked over to the neighbors and we walked a little farther today then we did yesterday. She said she has someone coming tomorrow so I didn't need to come back till Friday. Friday is quilting and I'm not sure if I want to go. Trouble is I found out today that I need to pick up Emily's grandmother and take her to quilting. Guess we'll see how that goes on Friday.

After spending time with the neighbor, I walked over to the Siamese kitty at our other neighbors. She was awesome! She even followed me home. I gave her some of my tuna fish that I was having for lunch today. We had a nice time out on the deck.

She's a beautiful cat and I'm trying to get her over to our house. I love this cat. Trying to decide if I want to take her to dad's or keep her. Time will tell. She's so much fun, but she's very "gun shy" so I think someone mistreated her a little. She does know what "no" means as she took off like a shot when I said "no" very low. I was surprised to see her take off like that. Patrick got her to let him pet her, so that's a start. We spent the afternoon together on the deck.

I did get a few stitches in on my cross stitch.

Sorry the photo is sideways. I'll work on it later.

We had bowling tonight and I landed flat on all fours! I came to a complete stop and fell! Didn't feel that great. I hurt my knees and one of them is bruised badly. Oh, well. I'll be feeling it for a day or two. I didn't bowl so good. Dropped my average by 8 pins. I'll get back up there, but it didn't feel good tonight. I was doing all kinds of weird things!

Life is good and I'm working on the cat as well as my cross stitch. I also have the next one in mind! Can't wait!!

Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...