Sunday, September 18, 2016

Another Sunday....Time Does Fly!

Today I was up early as usual. Really didn't do much. It was a Sunday for relaxing. 

Patrick was up later. He went out and cleaned up some of the garden. He pulled all his beats and I'm taking them to Ruth tomorrow. He brought a lot more tomatoes too. This year was an awesome year for the garden. We ended up with a lot of stuff we normally don't get! I made some tomato sauce that was great the other night with meatballs. I don't know if I'll do that again and freeze another one. We really don't eat a lot of saucy stuff. 

I baked a Chocolate Zucchini Cake. It really did turn out good. It's moist and chocolaty. I was hungry for chocolate, so it worked out great. I grated the rest of the zucchini and froze it. I'm going to make some zucchini bread this week. I've been hungry for that too. 

While the game (Seahawks) was on, I baked the cake and then worked on my cross stitch. 

This area is like confetti and gets to be a pain at times, but this technique has been a great help! I make less errors, if any this way! When I was doing it the other way of doing one color at a time, I would miss a color or I would get the wrong color in the wrong spot. This way I actually pay attention and get the right color in the right spot. There are a couple colors that are so close in color that at times I do get confused but after stopping, looking, and watching what I'm doing, I figure it out. 

Now I'm back to the apron. I go from bottom to top. If I would go up then down, I would probably get confused and found that it's just easier to go from bottom to top. Not sure how I'm gong to do the "split" in the design. There is a lot of "air" or "sky" that doesn't get any stitches. I really, really don't want to get off, so may do the bottom area, work up on the face, then turn the work and go the other way. 

I was thrilled to be able to sit and work on my cross stitch.

I did go to the yahoo group that I'm in to see what they were up to. Some are doing a "Stitch-a-long" that is SAL when they chat. They each do the same piece and stitch along show where they are with that project. I'm thinking that would be awesome! I may have to join one of those! OUCH, here I go again with another idea or another project....calm down, Lynn, stick with what you are doing! 

I did go out this morning and sit down on the deck to pet the Siamese cat that I'm trying to adopt! She loves the attention. We enjoyed each others company for about 10 mins till Patrick got up. She wasn't sure about Patrick but she stayed with me. I fed her and then let her be. She enjoys being around our deck and by the garage. I went out later while the game was on, and she let me pick her up. She loves the attention. I can't wait to get her to come in the house with me during the day, like we did with Charlie. She's a sweetheart! I'm hoping she gets the lovable with Patrick. She might get his attention too. That would be awesome!

We had bowling tonight. I was a little "gun shy" with bowling since I fell on Wednesday. It didn't hurt my game too much, but by the 3rd game I was back to normal with throwing my ball. I bowled a 174, 177, 189. Still have a 181 average so far. I would love to keep that! It's be a couple years since I was that high. 

As I sit here, I'm thinking the day just flew by! I would have loved to have had more time for other things, but time does fly when we are busy!

Tomorrow is another day, and I'm hoping to being enjoying my quilt downstairs. It's back to Happy Quilting!

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