Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Had A Day of Cross Stitch.....So I Thought!

This morning I was up and ready to go. Ruth showed up and we went to help Cherrill. I made the mistake of offering to take the dog for a walk with us. That was interesting and fast. We got in 2.5 miles. Took the dog back and then ended up talking to Cherrill for another half hour.

Got back to the house and worked on my needle case. It's slowly coming along.

I finished the button hole stitch (think that's right). I then found the needle minder I got from Pat. I'm going to put it on the case. I just need to figure out how to do that. I have it there right now, and it moves around, but will see if I can get my embroidery to stabilize the magnet.

I got the magnets to hold the pockets closed. I did the two pockets that way. That took care of that part. I need to add a magnet to the scissor case to have it seal the scissors in the case.

After I got that done, I started working on my cross stitch. I then got a phone call and that was a good hour talking to a neighbor that moved to TX. We got each other caught up on what's going on. I was able to get two of my shows watched, but still have a ton more since I haven't had time to watch them lately.

Between phone calls - yep, the phone rang often today - I was able to get about 250 stitches done. The phone rang often today - started when I got home from walking and didn't end till about 3 pm. One one call was for me. The rest was phone numbers that were from all over the US. I let the phone ring, but after awhile it gets irritating! Oh, well.

We went bowling and I bowled a 217, 160, 204. Beat Patrick - so all's good! lol

I wanted to get some time today to make the border of the quilt, but didn't get there today. Wanted to work on the cross stitch but with phone calls and trying to find my cat, I didn't make it. Tomorrow is another day....Happy Quilting!

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