Thursday, October 13, 2016

Bad Weather Coming

Today started out early as usual. I was off to pick up Ruth, but the weather was rainy. We didn't end up walking because the rain was coming down. I went to visit with Ruth and then came home. I worked on my games for a bit. Then got ready to go to my quilt meeting.

I stopped off at Walmart (yea, I know, I NEVER go to Walmart!), which actually made it twice in one week...ugh! I picked up some balls for Miss Kitty to play with. I got a few things I needed as well. HOPEFULLY, that will be enough for the next year!

Stopped at mom and dads to chat with mom. Dropped off the notebooks for the quilt we are working on together.

I headed over to the quilt shop to see all the gals, but no one was there. The weather was kicking up with the wind and rain. Everyone called to say they wouldn't be there, except for the two I missed by 5 mins.

I went back to mom's after buying $32 of fat quarters! I didn't realize fat quarter prices went up! Laughing. I took the purples to mom for the quilt we are working on.

I then came home and pulled out my block. Mom has her block 1/2 finished, so I figured I better get moving on my block. At this rate, she's going to have them all done before I even get one block done! I will finish this leaf and then go back to my cross stitch.

I did this one this afternoon.

I also was enjoying my time with Miss Kitty. She's a lot of fun and has started to climb in my lap by herself. She actually came in the house, and I thought she left. Then when Patrick showed up, she freaked out and wanted out right away! So, we calmed her down and let her out. lol

The wind and rain is due to hit hard about 7 pm tonight till 6 am tomorrow. Everyone is prepared for a bad storm coming in. We pulled out our candles and lighters. This is going on all weekend, so it will be interested which one actually hits us!

Happy Quilting!

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