Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Enjoyable Day of Projects

I'm breaking records today! I actually slept till 8 am this morning. It really felt good. I fed my kitty and came back in the house to enjoy my time to myself. Funny how I'm getting to enjoy that more and more. Tomorrow I'll be out of the house a lot, so might as well enjoy it while I can.

I pulled out my applique and worked on my block. I have a feeling mom is about 2 blocks ahead of me.

I first decided to baste the stems to see if I could get them done today.

After putting the first part on, I basted the second part. It's to go off the fabric, so only had to do it to the seam allowance.

Next was to work on the "flower" area. This one is the one that has a lot of circles. I put the first part on.

Basted the light green next, and realized I didn't like the way the looked. So I put the other fabric (bottom) there to see if they worked better.

It did and I put them on. I will probably baste the next pieces on so I can take them with me tomorrow to my appointment. Need something to work on.

I enjoyed some TLC time with Miss Kitty. She loves attention but she hates to come in. She has to have the door open to feel safe I guess. So, I give her a little attention before letting her go and shut the door.

I then worked on my cross stitch for a little bit. I was able to get about 100 stitches in. Will take a photo tomorrow after more stitches are in. I do have a photo on Instagram if anyone really wants to see what I did.

Nothing exciting has happened around here. It was quiet and fun. Got a lot done considering. Happy Quilting!

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