Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Not One of My Better Days....

This morning I woke up feeling like crap! Not one of my better days, but it's another day. I got up, let Kitty in and climbed on the couch to nap...if only it was that easy. Kitty was meowing up a storm, so I put her out. Slept another hour and then woke to her meowing at the door. Got up and let her in.

I didn't get much done with the cross stitch today. Just didn't feel like doing much.

I did pull out the eagle pattern and ironed it down. I did the wings.

Top and bottom of the wings is ready to work on. I need to sew down the wings, then I can work on the body. I have it all ready in my project box to work on.

I also basted the flag stars on the Baltimore Liberty block. Now I just need to applique it down. That was also put in the project box. As long as I have these in my box, it will get done. They are things I take with me to the meeting. If I get this part done, then I work on the next part. At least I can get more done this way.

Miss Kitty was quiet today under the table. I couldn't resist a photo!

She's a beauty!

I was able to get a few more stitches in on the cross stitch...but not as much as I wanted. It's getting there though.

I pulled out my SAL piece and realized I didn't have part 10 printed. So, I need to print that out tomorrow.

Patrick went bowling without me. Sucks, because I wanted to go, just knew if I did I wouldn't do any good.

Back to work....Happy Quilting!

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