Sunday, February 5, 2017

Rain Turned to Snow This Morning

Was up early this morning. Went and got Kitty out of the garage. We had some TLC time most of the morning.

It had rained all night, then as I was sitting and playing on the tablet, Cherrill called and told me to say home since it was snowing....sure enough, it was. Guess I wasn't looking outside. Just thought the rain quiet. It did, but snow came in it's place.

It was still snowing when I had to take Kitty to the Vet's to be spayed. I feel for her! She was quieter today on the way to the vets. I was told I can call in the morning and see how she's doing. I can call around noon to see when I can go get the snow?! We'll see....I want to get her now! lol

I finished Emilyn's afghan! It's done, washed and boxed up to go! It really turned out good. I like the way it came out. I texted Boo and found out they have a different address, so it's a good thing I asked. I have things to mail tomorrow and this is one of them. I took the photo off MY baby rocking chair. It used to have a ringer on it, so every time I rocked it would make a sound.

I added a few stitches to Nantucket Rose. I was able to get about 150 stitches in today.

Then I worked on my challenge piece. I really need to get moving on this. As one can see, I don't have a lot done for a page that is required. I'll get there. I'm going to work on it more tonight.

I had to get some more food out for the birds. They drank so much in the last couple days that it went almost empty. I walked out there to change the food and this bird let me get close enough that I could have touched it. I hope the new food helps them out in the weather.

This was taken in the early afternoon.

Happy Stitching!

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