Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Another Wednesday

This morning I was up before Patrick went golfing.  First things before breakfast was getting the black-eyed peas cooking in the crackpot.  The getting my bread ready to cook later in the day.

After walking I decided to watch a show on Britbox. Shetland, which I had watched a few years back. I started from the beginning.  I think I only saw 2 seasons but not sure. 

I worked on my panel. I got this far and Debbie texted me. She wanted to know if I wanted to go to DB for coffee.  I said, 'sure.' She picked me up and we had a good visit.  I brought Patrick a drink back. I Then waited on Nancy's quilt that Colleen finished. 

Once all that was over, I baked the bread.

Turned out really good! 

While the bread was baking, i went on Fire Mountain Beading for more beads. I have an $85 order ready but waiting on Sandy to see if she needs any. When she gives me her order, I will send off for them. I may want to add more too. 

It was a busy Wednesday.  That's what I call Happy Beading/Happy Quilting!

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