Thursday, November 28, 2024


 As much as I would love to say today was a fun Thanksgiving with just the 2 of us, it wasn't. 

Patrick woke after me. He is still having trouble with his back. On top of that he's stomach is acting up. 

So my day was spend washing laundry and being quiet so he could sleep on the couch. Katt and Phil called. Katt only talked to me because Patrick wasn't up to it. He didn't eat much and betting he didn't drink much either. Teri come over for ice. 

Our Thanksgiving will be this weekend hopefully.  

After playing games all day, decided to work the puzzle I got at the store the other day. It's only 300 pieces, so goes pretty quickly.  I watched "Vera" while working on it. 

Tomorrow will probably be like today.  Really not looking forward to it. I know his chemo is hitting him with side effects again. He's not hungry again. Plus taste buds are changing, again. Watching him go though this eith chemo is hard. He's determined to keep going. So far it's working but he's going through too much suffering at times. 

So, today was not a Happy Day, let alone a day of Happy Quilting!

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