Friday, January 24, 2025

Back To Stitching

This morning, I was up after Patrick again. Then I realized he was wanting to go golfing. He sat with me for a bit before heading out to meet up with Mike. Once he was gone, I watched TV and played for a bit. Then I pulled out my cross stitching and started to work on it. I watched a TV show that I taped, but wish now I watched one of my British shows instead, since Patrick was gone and lately, that isn't very often. 

I was checking my phone, when this "video" came up and had a memory photos. I was thinking this is last year and the year before - or maybe it was two years ago. I can't remember when, but I did like the way it put it together. There were more, but I get impatient and move on. At least I saved this. 

I worked in this area today. The face is starting to come to life. I'm surprisingly getting tired of all the white and face area. I want to do something else. BUT I'm going to get this done. I had this much done when we headed out to pick up mom. 

We picked mom up and took her to Red Lobster. Then the subject came up about Trump letting out the guy that hurt a DC cop and threatened him. Of course, her replay was "Well, Biden......" and Patrick told her a criminal need to stay in prison. If it was a normal person, we'd be in jail right now for a traffic ticket, and yet Trump is out free. (Okay, stopping there, NO POLITICS here!)

When I got home, I pulled this out and got started again. I'm happy to say the lip area is done, and I worked on the right side as well. I did find a mistake and took it out, but it was only two stitches, so nothing to write home about. I will get back to working on the owl, and HOPE it will get me back into working on the white area. 

Tomorrow we are going to a play later in the evening. Charley's Aunt is playing at the Evergreen Playhouse theater. I hope it's good. lol 

My cutting board is still trying to lay flat. I knew it would take about three days or so to get it to lay flat. It's upstairs so that the heat will help with it unrolling. In the meantime, I'm waiting for it to flatten out. Once it does, I can put it on my cutting table and enjoy using it. Debbie said her bedroom where she sews isn't big enough for the cutting table I wanted to give to her. I was sorry to hear that but remembered how small that room is and agreed with her. I may see if Phil wants it, but don't know where he would put it either. 

Today was fun. I was able to get a lot done and be Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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