Saturday, January 18, 2025

One Cold Saturday!

This morning, I was up early. I wanted to sleep in but wasn't feeling it. So, I was up early and enjoying my time - all of a half hour before Patrick got up. 

I got the laundry going, baked a cake, and picked up a bit. Not getting a ton of stuff done, but at least today the laundry is empty - till tomorrow when Patrick does he's cleaning. Then I will have sheets, towels and whatever else he finds that needs cleaning. 

I worked on my cross stitching. I wanted to get some more done. 

I decided to work in this area first. I found I was off in a couple areas, so worked on the red and then worked my way in on the off-white area. It's not a lot of white in this area, which confused me at first, then I realized I wasn't paying attention to the changes. 

So, I decided to work off the right side. UNTIL I realized I messed this up as well. I ended up taking the grey's out. This was what I had added, then had to take out. RIP, RIP., RIP. 

Then I went back and corrected my mistakes. I was a row off and it was driving me crazy. The red didn't line up with the grey, so it had to be removed. Once I got that done, then I was on my way again. I did add about 10 stitches to this after I took a photo. I'm working on it. 

We watched our usual shows tonight and I did my stretching. I need to get back out and walk, but when it's in the 20-30 degrees, I have no interest in doing that. I did notice later in the afternoon it was around 50, but still wasn't in the mood. The sun came out, and yet, that didn't help either. So, I'm just enjoying my time in the house. I really don't want to go out in the cold weather, no matter what! We are having embroidery on Monday, even though it's a Holiday. I may find out we may end up canceling it again but won't know till tomorrow. It looks like just Sandy and myself. 

Time to call it a night, with the bed warmers on! At least in a warm bed (maybe) I can dream of being Happy Stitching/Happy Quilting!

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