Saturday, October 12, 2013

Good Morning all!

Good morning all. It's starting out to be a great day, but I know there is more to come in this day! Has to be more, since it's only 8:30 am.

Yesterday was interesting, but informative. I had dad come get me and take me to the eye doctor. It was quick, and with the "fog" in my eye, I was told it was a "silent" migraine. Woo Hoo! This one was SILENT! I told him I could live with those. He also told me he was surprised I didn't have the headache that follows and then the nausea. I told me I don't do things the way everyone else does, and that's okay by me. So, not only do I get regular migraines, I get two different kinds of silent ones! As long as the silent ones come and go, I'm okay with that!

I had quilting at mom's afterwords. It was a full house - no room in the living room for everyone and we were missing two of our regulars. I ended up being in everyone's path and had to move every time someone needed to get a cup of coffee or go to the bathroom. Can't complain, I actually got more done on the friendship block than I would have. I was chatting with dad a good part of the time when I got there, because every seat was taken.

Mom is farther on getting the white on white quilt she's making for a niece who just got married in September.

The above quilt is the one I'm quilting and wanted to show where I am on it. As I was laying it out and taking photos, Charlie decided I was doing that for her.

This is the area I still have to quilt.

As you can see, most of the rest is quilted.

She's having to check it out and see how she wants to lay on it.

After cleaning herself, she gave me a look for taking a photo.

Life is good and she's happy now. Just wait till I move her! That is going to be fun! She has an attitude when it comes to my quilts. I have finished quilts for her to use, but NO, those aren't good enough when I'm working on one.

I'm looking at the quilt now, and noticed that the widths of the quilts have gotten smaller over time. So, one part of the quilt has bigger widths while in the beginning they were further apart. Didn't notice that till just now. Too Funny! I guess I was having fun the more I went on.

I was looking for some good quilt bloggers that talked about what they do. So far I have only found Karen and myself that actually talk about what is going on. The others are more for patterns, cutting or something else that those of us who learned quilting from our ancestors already know. So, I hope I'm not boring, but probably am. No worries, you don't have to read this. ^^^smiling^^^

May we all be Happy Quilting!

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