Thursday, March 13, 2014

Sunny days and busy quilting

Funny how a sunny day can get me out and about. Then again, having something scheduled every day this week, made it even busier.

Yesterday after my physical therapy, I helped my mother clean out three of her quilting drawers. We organized them, throw stuff out, and cleaned things out. This bag is what I ended up with. I was given a few rulers that mom doesn't use anymore. I was also given scrap fabrics, and fabrics she didn't want any more. I'll work on them with the rest of my scraps. I'll cut more squares and strips this weekend - IF my hubby doesn't come up with other things to do this weekend.

I'm also going to do a few 9 patches for the Quilts of Valor. There is also a Facebook page with information on their quilts.

Since I helped mom with her drawers of patterns, threads, projects, etc., I will be going back tomorrow (another physical therapy appointment as well) and help her clean up her fat quarter drawers. We'll clean it up so she can have a "strip" draw as well. We also trimmed my Superbowl Soup quilt and trimmed her Baltimore Christmas quilt to be able to sew the blocks together.

Today was quilting with Haven't Missed A Stitch at Quilter's Junction. I ordered a bolt of black fabric so I can work on getting the Enigma Star quilt pieced together.

I was able to get 7 centers done for the flowers in this block. This is the bell block that belongs to the Baltimore Liberty quilt top. I just need to finish two more centers and then I can do the embroidery. Once I do that, then I can have two blocks done.

I've also got about a yard length done on my Hawaiian quilt. I'm excited about getting that going. I will work on it more tonight, and will take a photo of what is done, so you can see how far it's coming along. I have about half one side done. It really feels good to see that much is done as well as knowing once I get around the quilt, it will be completely done.

I need to work on a Celtic block for a friendship quilt. Not quite ready to get started on that. We all talked about the blocks today. Two of the Celtic blocks were done, so we were able to see how they were done. I'm not sure what to do, but I am going to try it and see what happens.

When I got home, I found a few flowers coming up around the house. I just had to take photos of them!

These were in the back yard.

Had fun taking photos.

I took a photo of one of our trees that Patrick planted in the yard - it was falling over because of all the rain. Funny part is, it is standing up now. If I hadn't taken a photo, I wouldn't have believed it was falling over. Guess a neighbor has been taking care of it. If I walked down there to see, I'd have muddy shoes!

I'm surprised at how much I'm getting done with my UFO's. It feels good to see the projects getting done. I'm going to take my mother-in-laws quilt with me to Retreat so that I can work on it. I'd like to get that quilt done for her. She gave it to me over 10 years ago to finish and I haven't touched it much in over 7 years. We both were doing hand piecing, and I'm thinking the only way I can get it done faster is to piece it on the machine. That would help get one more UFO done. Then again, my guilt wall is looking pretty guilty for me to get moving on that too.  Time will tell. I hope your getting your UFO's done and Happy Quilting!

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