Thursday, October 9, 2014

Not a Quilting Day so Far!

Today was a busy one at that. I made the Old Fashioned Pear for our quilt potluck today. I had thought it would only take me about an hour to make....WRONG! It didn't add the time that you put the dessert back in the oven for a second time! So, I started the dessert about 9 am and didn't have it done till 10:40 am. Then as I am leaving, Patrick hands me some veggies to take to Phil and Emily. So, I detoured there, finally making it at the quilt shop by 11:30. I ended up behind a driver "grandma" that was making sure I couldn't get passed her. ugh.

We had a great potluck, then I headed over to mom and dads. I went through 8 notebooks mom had. Two of them had old patterns that my grandmother had. I checked out the paper patterns. Now I need to figure out what the pattern was to see if I could figure out how to place them. I didn't want the patterns that are pieced, but I did keep most of the older applique patterns. There was two more notebooks that where for sewing purposes. Told mom to give the book to Alicia, Katt or Emily. It will be a big help with their sewing as it has all the feet used for the Bernina sewing machine. It will work great with teaching what the different feet are used for.

After mom's place, I came home to Charlie and Patrick. Patrick took the day off so he got a lot of work in the yard done. Now, I'm probably going to do more cross stitch then quilting. If the sun stays up longer, I could get more quilting done.

I wish I was having a day of being Happy Quilting!

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