Friday, July 31, 2015

A Day At The Thurston County Fair

I didn't get much sleep last night because of the heat....and boy was it HOT!!! When I did get up, I headed to Ruth's to walk. After walking, I came home and got out my list of what I needed to bring to the fair to work on.

Arrived at Donna's about 8:30 am. Love her dogs! They are so much fun!

Headed up to the fair, and parked at the school bus garage to get a ride to the fair. To think I've lived in WA State over 30 years, and I have never been to the Thurston County Fair. It's a very small fair that is really fun! It reminded me of Whitman County Fair on the East side of WA. I really like small fairs like that. It was fun to get around.

This quilt was on display for out QOV area.

So was this one. It brought up some really cool ideas of what we could do with the eagles. I enjoyed seeing all the quilts there as well. I didn't take photos, as I have a whole bag full of quilt photos that need to be gone through.

I worked on this block again today. I still need to add 10 more leaves and the pole top. I did get quiet a bit done. We gave away the quilt I bound, and we gave away another quilt as well. It was awesome to see the look on the Veterans faces that received them. One of the guys wife was teary eyed and that got me a little teary eyed as well. I know how she felt. It's so nice to see them honored. He went through the Vietnam and Gulf Wars. When we told him that was about all we know about him, he said, "and that's enough." I agree. He finally got the thanks he should have gotten when he returned from Vietnam. The other person was serving now at JBLM. He was so surprised and at first wanted to know what was going on. I knew that look right off, as all military have that look when attention is giving in their direction.

I gave Donna the 3" 4 patches I had done. I will work on more. She even said she has more scraps for me. If she keeps this up, I won't need to get fabric for a very long time.

We finally called it quits about 5:30 pm. We were home by 6:15 pm. Around 5 pm it really got HOT in the fair building. I checked the phone and it said it was 93 degrees in Lacey. When we got home, my phone said we were at 99 degrees. Way too hot for me. It's even too hot to have this laptop on my lap!! So, I'm sweating and having a rough time with this heat. I'm thankful that Donna let me borrow her flippers so I would die in shoes. I'm still trying to drink water, but my water gets warm way too fast.

Life is good, and I can get through this! It was an awesome day of being Happy Quilting!!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

It's 97 Degrees Right Now!!!

I'm looking out my window at the thermometer and it reads 96 degrees. No cool breeze tonight! UGH. I'm in front of our fan!!

I did the usual, walking and cribbage. I got skunked again today. Missed it by 2 pegs. UGH! He's skunked me 4 times this month!! Me, only once....

I went to our quilt group meeting. It was getting hot in there as well. Not a place I would want to be in.

I worked on this eagle. I finished the eagle body and the red rose. I also added a couple leaves and the green part to the rose bud. That was basted down. I have more to baste done and will take the green to do that tomorrow while at the fair.

I found the red that I want to use on the firecracker tops. I will put those on tomorrow as well. I'm hoping to get some more done on this one. I'm taking the green with me to the fair to work on. This is part of the Baltimore Liberty blocks.

I pulled 5 basket blocks out of my stack. I will also take these to work on while at the fair. I may not get much done, but I will be prepared. I am also taking the other eagle block with some embroidery fabric to work on. I nee to work on the feathers and the eye. I'm hoping to finish that one as well, and then can give it to Donna.

I may take the squares I have for QOV, and see if she wants to take them. If not, I may figure out what to do with them later.

Today was a good day. I was able to get more done then I thought I would. I'm hoping tomorrow will be even better. I'll be having a "withdrawal" from my games, but that's fine. I'll be better off being Happy Quilting!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Quilt Is Finished, And Ready for a Recipient

I did the usual morning routine. Walking and cribbage.

When I got home, decided I better vacuum and clean up the kitchen a little. I was tired of my "piles." I tend to pile things up on the table and then clean that up when I get the chance. I took the box out to the garage, along with a few garage sale items.

After cleaning, I decided to sit and enjoy a movie that was on. While I was watching the show, I worked on three thread catchers.

I finally got a few buttons on them. I have three more that need buttons, and three more that need to be put together. The yellow one on the right is one I wish I had done the other way. I like the inside better than the outside.

Before going downstairs, I had the binding done on this quilt. It's a QOV quilt. I washed it. It turned out awesome!! I can't wait to see who receives this quilt!

I was surprised today when I went into my facebook account. My dear sweet older brother, Chris, put a really nice comment on the quilts my mother and I make. I didn't think the family really knew what all went into out quilts. lol

I headed downstairs and got back to finishing up the table mats. I'm not quiet there yet, but they are coming along.

I'm almost finished. Need to do the corners and then bind them. I'll try and get some of that done tomorrow. I also need to baste a few more blocks for working on at the Thurston County Fair. I will try and finish up the eagles and work on the Baltimore Liberty block. Not sure if I will get the mats done tomorrow or if I'll be working on the basting for Friday. Depends on what I'm in the mood for.

I was reading a couple other blogs yesterday and laughed! It was funny to find that I wasn't the only one not in the mood to work on much. Each of us did something, but not a lot. Too funny how that worked out.

Garden is growing pretty good, but now the hot weather is back. We hit over 90 degrees again today. Seattle tied the record of most days over 90 degree weather this year. It was recorded in 1958. Now we are going to break that record, because the year isn't over yet. Not looking forward to being inthe fair and cooking! I'll have to take a ton of water.

I wasn't really busy today, but it did seem like it at times. May we all be Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Wasn't in the Mood....

Today was a walking morning with getting my butt kicked in cribbage. I was finally skunked on the last game.

I then went to our Mt. St. Helen's group meeting. I think if I didn't have to get the ruler to Judy, I wouldn't have gone. I got there, pulled out one of the eagles, and worked on it. Trouble was, I wasn't in the mood to do applique - go figure! I called it good about 12:30 and came home. I then sat down and put an ice pack on my elbow and relaxed. After a couple hours of playing games, I called Ruth and asked her if she wanted to go walking. So, we took another walk today.

When I came in the house, I pulled out the thread catchers to start finishing them up. I need a couple for Friday.

I will put the buttons on tonight. I have about three more to sew the sides up. That might not get done till tomorrow though.

I will finish up the QOV quilt. Then I need to wash it and have it ready for Friday when we go to the Thurston County Fair. I'm looking forward to it and will try to get myself ready for doing a lot of applique.

Tomorrow is another day, and I'm hoping to be Happy Quilting.

Monday, July 27, 2015

From One Thing To Another.....

Today I went for my walk, and enjoyed not having to go play cribbage today. I did come home and enjoy Charlie's company for an hour. She hasn't wanted to come in lately. It's getting harder for her to jump up on the furniture. So, she seems to want to say outside. I did pick her up and put her in my lap. She was happy with that.

I went downstairs and worked on 5 more thread catchers.

I sewed them up and then had to leave. I went to the post office to mail out Pamela's winning fabrics. I then went to pick Phil up for lunch. We went to one of the Chinese restaurants in town but it was closed. So, we headed over to another one. We had a good lunch. I really enjoyed my time with him. I then took him home, and headed to moms.

I arrived at moms about 20 mins before having to leave for physical therapy. We were going through her buttons. I left her looking for her buttons. The good news at physical therapy is that it's working. I'm not at 100% yet, but my shoulder is doing great. I've gotten more movement then most people have this stage of "frozen shoulder." I haven't quite made it a year yet, and I'm about 90% out of 100%. I'm improving daily. I do the exercises and they are helping a lot!

Mom went to a funeral today, so when I got back she was gone. She had some buttons for me in a jar, and I looked for a few more. I got about 1/2 a jar worth. Mom had tons of buttons, so I didn't have to go shopping for them. I came home and went back downstairs to work on the thread catchers. I had to iron them so I could sew them up. If one looks closely, one will notice my clean room is no longer clean. So, after this is all over, I will have to clean up my table AGAIN. I was in a hurry, but I did put some of my fabrics away......but not near what I needed to put away.

Tomorrow is quilting in town. I will be between working at home and working at the meeting. I have been working on the binding of the QOV quilt, and it's almost done. I will try and have that done tonight. Guess the catchers will be done at the meeting....or I'll work on my applique! Need to get back to applique. I'm still doing the 9 patches as well. I also have been working on the scrap 4 patches for the QOV quilts. I haven't figured out what I will do, but I can work on it.

This morning while doing the catchers, I did get a few strips in on the table mat. I'm adding more colors, because I've used up all I had of some of the fabrics. I will use another red butterfly strip someone in the corners. I'll also bind them in the butterfly fabric. That is the fabric on the back.

Okay, between laundry, running around, and keeping neighbors happy, I'm still getting stuff done. Life is good, and I'm Happy Quilting!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Enjoying the Day of Sewing

Today we decided to enjoy the day at home. That made my day! So, I went downstairs and pulled out some fabric for another set of table mats. I found a scrap fabric that I thought would work great in the middle of the mats.

I decided I wanted 6 mats, and started cutting the strips. I was able to get this far in about 3 hours. Patrick wanted to go to Red Lobster for supper, which is down in Longview. I noticed I was running short of the colors in this mat, so I asked for Patrick's help. Poor guy had no idea what I was doing. Anyway, he help me pick a couple more colors and I will be putting them on tomorrow. This way takes longer than the strips did. I had to take out two mats, because I was sewing them "backwards." I did end up sewing them from the left side of the foot instead of the right. Good thing I'm left handed, it worked out find. I just didn't want to take out what I put in on the first two strips (x6).

I love Glads! This one is starting to go bad, but I love the color. We had a lot of them at one time, but they keep dying on us from time to time.

After dinner with my folks, I decided to go out and take photos while mom and dad where checking out Patrick's garden.

Because of the hot weather, some of our plants aren't doing as good as they usually do. We've been saving on water, so some of the plants are paying for it.

Even the hanging baskets aren't doing so well. We are keeping them up, but it's getting harder to keep them alive.

At least the grapes are doing great!

They aren't ready yet, but they are doing good. Patrick will have his grape juice concentrate.

Our apple tree is doing great as well. Our pear tree has a disease and needs to be sprayed. So, we won't be getting pears this year.

Tomorrow I'm having lunch with my son, then going to physical therapy. Won't be at moms till after that. I need to get some buttons from her. I gave her two of my fabric catchers. One small and one larger size. I'm going to make more tomorrow. Then I need to get back to working on my applique.

I have still been working on the binding of the QOV quilt. I have it half done. I will try to get it done tonight, but chances are it will be tomorrow. I'm enjoying being Happy Quilting!

Saturday, July 25, 2015


Thank you to Pamela Butcher!! You have won my "tail" fabrics of solids. I am also going to send you a gift for being so kind and offering to take the tails. Since Pamela is also a QOV quilter, I'm going to send some scraps to go with her quilts.

Today was a quiet day, and truthfully, I didn't do much work. I did finish up all the thread catchers, and only two of them need some buttons for them. I'll probably do that Monday when I go to moms. I may even stop by the store and pick up some buttons that will work great for a few more. I did get some coupons from Michael's today, and my use them.

I did work on the binding for our QOV quilt. I'll take a photo of it after I'm done. I need to add the photo to my journal of all the QOV projects I'm working on. I love those clips! I didn't think I would, but I do. I don't like having to move them from where I am to the end, but that's nothing compared to me trying to figure out if I have the measuring right.

I may do a few more thread catchers. I need a couple more for friends. Not sure which ones mom will take, but I want to give Donna a couple as well.

Today, is just a quiet day, and an enjoyable day! Katt called today, and we chatted. I loved it! I do miss that gal! Happy Quilting!!

Friday, July 24, 2015

A Biking Trip......

I woke early as usual. Ruth and I went walking and visited with a couple neighbors on the way. Got home, played a few games till Patrick woke up.

We then got a snack lunch put together. Patrick put the bikes in the truck last night, so we were all set to go biking. We headed over to Phil's to pick him up. It was awesome, I did better today then I have done in the past. I'm getting a little faster than I used to be. I do enjoy riding the bikes. If Phil goes with us more often, then I can really get in shape (wishful thinking!). It was a very enjoyable ride. Phil chatted and the ride seemed to get shorter faster. We were done in 150 minutes, which broke the previous record of 155 mins. It was a 17 mile ride from Tenino WA to Rainier WA.

I finished these four "thread catchers."

I like the smaller ones a little better. The bigger ones are a little "loose" so I'm going to stick with the smaller sizes. I will use the bigger one at my end table. That will keep more in it. I tend to do most of my works here in the chair.

I tend to like this one the best so far. It's from my scraps of Japanese fabrics, and the "pin" for the button worked out great. I had the pins in my draw of "now what?" You know those drawers, the ones that you put nice looking things in, with no clue what you'll ever do with. Most of mine stay there for a very long time. This one, to my surprise, haven't been in that drawer for very long. I did find a couple more buttons in that drawer when I went downstairs to get thread. I found them in another box of "will I ever use these?" I have a good stash of "can't get rid of this," and "when will I ever use these?"

Donna sent me a message today. She asked me to sew the binding on one of the QOV quilts. Patrick and I stopped by and picked up the quilt. I will work on the quilt tonight and this week. Can't wait to see it finished. It's a quilt she put together with blocks that were given to her from Quilter's Junction BOM members. They make blocks and donate them for Donna to put in a quilt.I love what she does!

Today is cloudy and supposed to rain, but we haven't had much. I would love to have some rain. It has been cool, then warms up. We have been getting cooler weather and I'm enjoying it!

I need to get ready to help out at the Thurston County Fair. I need some work that will keep me busy for an all day event. We are going to help out QOV booth. I can't wait to see how will come around that can get a QOV quilt! We are going to give two of them away that day. Looking forward to that day!

I've got three more thread catchers to finish up and then I'll get some stitches done on the QOV quilt! Happy Quilting!!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Off Track AGAIN!

Here I go, getting off track with my projects! I added the two new projects, that I really didn't need to add! All in all, I can't complain too much. I'm actually getting them done!

Last night I finished up the table mats.

They turned out great!

This is all four of them. I like the way the came out. I will be doing another set here pretty soon. I haven't decided what colors yet, or how I'm going to do it. I have a couple ideas, and with more strips from the solids , I may be able to do what mom did.

This is what the fabric catchers look like. I got some buttons from Ruth, and will put them on the ones I have done. This is not a "finished" project. I also cut another 4 smaller ones. Nancy came over to pick up the ruler I bought for her. While she was her, I showed her three of these and told her if she put the button on them, she could pick the one she wanted. She did. She picked one of my favorite prints, but I cut another one with that print so wasn't too worried. Plus, I was able to use up the scraps, so I'm not complaining!

Then as I'm putting them together, I'm thinking I need to make one for Donna, and oh, ya, need to do one for my daughter-in-law (to replace the other one I gave her), and then, lets not forget mom. Oh, yea, there is Emily's grandmother too. Plus I need at least 3, one for my embroidery box, one for my quilting supplies, and lets not forget about one for the end table! Okay, guess I need to make a few more! I will have made 10 and I'm still trying to figure out who's getting them. I may have to make some extra to sell at the quilt show for a donation......ugh, here I go again! I need to check out moms buttons so I can use some of hers as well. Since I have physical therapy on Monday, will check it out then. I should have a couple of them done by tonight.

One I make enough, I hope to get back on track and get back to my eagles, baskets, and work on the center of the butterfly quilt! Here I go again, thinking of all the different things I need to get moving on!

Happy Quilting!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Happy Birthday, Phillip!

Before I start my blog, I want to wish my son, Phillip, a very Happy Birthday!! He's 30 today!

My little boy is no longer little! lol - I have some cute photos of him when he was little, but will have to load them.

This is Phil and Emily on their wedding day. They've been married a year now. So proud of my boy! Emily is a keeper too.

On to my day. Today I spent the afternoon downstairs. I wanted to get some more 9 patches done.

I added two more colors to my stack. It is coming along, but still have a lot more to go. I did decide not to care how I put the "extra" patches together.

I just took what I had extra of and sewed them together. Not sure if I will keep them. I'm thinking of putting them in a bag and selling them at the quilt show for a donation. I have more to sew together as well.

I even got myself another project!! I can't believe I did, but I did!

I made myself a pattern, then I cut some of my scraps for this project. It's for "thread catchers." I liked the one I saw, and find that I liked it better than the twisted one I have. I want one that stays up, and these do. The twisted ones I made, have that twist in the "bag" and doesn't stay up like it should. My collapses. Drives me nuts.

Some of this is my Australian fabrics that a dear friend, Cynda Miles sent me years ago. I have kept it and decided it's time to make something out of them. I will sew this up tonight and will post the finished project tomorrow.

I'm still working on the mats. I have the fourth mat half bound. When it's finished I will post it under "finished projects 2015." Right now they are not done. I wanted to make another set today, but I decided to do the catchers first. I sew a catcher from Pat Campbell, who teaches the Brazilian Embroidery on Mondays. I figured I'd make a few. I was surprised at how fast I could get these 6 done. It will be fun to do these for TAS next year as they are meeting here in Centralia. Our two groups are in charge of that. Now things are good. I'm still keeping busy. I'm getting more and more done as well. Still not as fast as mom, but I'm amazed at what I have been doing in the time I actually do it. lol  Happy Quilting!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Day At The Casino

I took our neighbor Art to the casino today. He looks forward to our once a month trip to the casino. We left first thing in the morning and stayed till after the speed Keno game was over. I didn't do good.

I have been working on the binding of the set of 4 table mats.

Sorry quick photo, so there is crap around my photo. I usually pay more attention. Guess today really isn't my day! lol

I have these two done. Fined the second one last night and started working on the third. I will work on more tomorrow. I'm also going to work on my 9 patches at the same time. I may try and do what mom did with the solids I gave her. I loved those place mats.

I have embroidery to do on the eagle that I finished. Oh, great, here I go again, thinking of all he things I need to do first or next.....oh, well. I couldn't believe I had a dream about making these mats! It was kinda funny actually. I was making two sets, then my mother said I had to the set I wasn't currently working on. I told her I wanted to finish "this one" first, and she told me "No, I want this one done NOW!" After that, I have no clue what was in my dream.....just couldn't believe I was thinking that much about these mats!

I'm looking forward to being Happy Quilting!

Monday, July 20, 2015

First Brazilian Embroidery and Then.......

Today was a blueberry picking morning and then walk. After I was done walking, I headed straight to Walmart (I KNOW!) for some batting on the table mats. I wanted to make a few more to be able to have one the table. I thought mom bought batting, but she bought fleece. I like the feel of it, so I bought 2 1/4 yards for $9. I'm okay with that! No one will know the difference but me. - I know, I hate going to Walmart. I hate shopping there....unless it's before 9 am. They are moving things around, so I added another set of walking steps while trying to figure out where they moved the crafts.

After that trip, I headed to our embroidery group meeting.

I was able to finish the wheat stack on the right. I then started working on the sets on the left. I'm not done, but I had fun working on it. I was helping mom with her stuff as well. This was so relaxing. We have our meeting from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. It was nice to be able to work on this with good friends. We keep getting new members coming in. 

Headed home when I was done. 

I cut up the fleece into the sizes I want for the table mats. Mom brought her table mats that she did after I dropped off some solid color strips. I was amazed at what she did. They were so pretty. She's making a lot of sets to sell at the Feb quilt show in Centralia. I would love to have the ones she just finished! lol 

After I did that, I decided it was time I cleaned up! I had so much stuff out and made a HUGE mess down there. I decided to try and cut some of the scraps I have down there as well. I even cut some of the fabrics that were left over from the place mats I made yesterday - and no, they are not done, I have one done, and putting the binding on the other three. 

I added more squares to my pile. No idea what I want to do with them. If anyone needs any squares, let me know and I'll send them out!

Now I have plenty of room to work on cutting my stuff. The bucket in the middle is the solid colors that still need to be sewing together to make 9 patches. I will be working on those again later this week. I have to take my neighbor to the casino tomorrow. I'd rather be quilting, but I will be a good neighbor. I have way too many scraps. I'm almost thinking of the straps for a set of mats, but then I know me, and scraps are hard for me to do. I have to think about where the fabric goes, and what I'm going to do. I'm not very good at just sewing them together. 

I find myself working on the embroidery work, and thinking of a different way I would to things. It's funny, I almost want to do them my way, being a little backwards to some people.

It's been hot around here again, but today is a nice cool breeze. I'm enjoying the door open with cool air coming through. Charlie finds it cooler out there then coming in here. Don't blame her. Problem is, Cheeto is missing. We haven't seen him in over 3 days, which is very unusual. Poor Scott, he's worried about him. (Neighbor)

We did get bad news today. The group member who got us going in embroidery, and who is a member of my Mt. St. Helen's group has breast cancer. She's very positive and an awesome lady! Prayers are going her way! 

In the meantime, I'll be busy with my many projects! I need to get back to my UFO's and quilting! LOL Will work on it! Will keep being Happy Quilting!!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Back At It Again -

I'm back to starting more projects, as if I don't have enough! Today was HOT, HOT, HOT. So, I hid downstairs all afternoon.

I saw how easy it was for mom to make place mats, so I decided I would make some for our house......okay, another project. Figuring it would take long, I pulled out my strips that were in the basket. I wanted purple, s I pulled out the purple colors.

As I went through my strips, I could not find a lot that I could use on 4 place mats. I then went through my fabrics to see what I could use up as well. That in it's self took time. I pulled out fabrics, then I started cutting. I had to be sure to cut the fabric pieces the same size. Some are smaller than others but it worked out. As I worked on it, I found the center fabric would work out perfectly.

The more I did the faster I got. I will say that I need to buy some batting that is a little thicker and skinnier than what I used. The thicker stuff mom used has the mat lay flatter and nicer.

After a few hours, I was able to get to the binding stage. I sewed the bindings on, and am now sticking them down. I will show the finished project when I have them all bound. I only had enough for 4 place mats. I like the way they turned out. I wasn't thinking before I started the binding, because I put it on from the back, when I should have put it on from the front. Either way, it really doesn't matter, as long as they turn out nice.

I didn't get to sew on the 9 patches, and I did make one heck of a mess. So, tomorrow I will be cutting and putting squares away again. I did use some of my strips but very little. I will look for a backing fabric that I have enough to do 6 place mats and use up some more fabrics. There were times I could not use a piece of fabric because I didn't have enough. I'm happy to say, it was fun working on them. There may be help for me yet! I'm beginning to enough sewing on the machine, but don't get too excited, it won't last long knowing me!

Now I can use up some of my favorite fabrics. This way I can see them on the table from time to time. I really do need more mats, so will probably work on a set from time to time. I may even go and get some batting tomorrow......not that I need to work on it right away.

Best part, it's a quick project (not really) that gets done quicker than a quilt! lol  Happy Quilting!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Saturday's Fun!

Today I woke early, and enjoyed my morning playing a few games before Patrick got up. Then I headed downstairs. The best part of this Saturday is that there were really no plans other than going to my parents for supper and games.

I went downstairs

and started back where I left off. I was able to get some 4 patches as well as 9 patches done. I was enjoying myself, and watching "Perry Mason." I could watch all those shows over and over again!

I cut more pieces out. I have these to put together and I have more strips to make. That bucket is slowly getting used up. I took the extra strips over to moms. 

My stack is getting bigger and longer. I still haven't decided what I'm going to do with all these. It will be interesting to see what I finally decide to do. Should be fun. I need to buy some more black fabric. Thinking the black will be awesome with all these colors. Added a few more pieces to the stash. 

I am looking forward to seeing what else comes out of the solid fabrics. I am going to make a set of place mats for my table. Mom was making a few to sell at the Feb., quilt show. I figured they were easy enough, so I'm going to try that for us. OH CRAP....another idea!! Just what I needed. Here we go again!!

We went to my parents for supper today. We played a game and then we cooked the crab that dad caught while fishing in Seattle yesterday. I love having crab! We had a great meal! I even have some extra for crab cakes. 

I brought home some batting to make the place mats with. Yep, I'm crazy! Now I have more things on my plate!! When am I going to learn?! Another one of those days! Lets see where this leads.....Happy Quilting!

Friday, July 17, 2015

Friday's Day of Quilting

Today I did the usual, walking and cribbage. Patrick took the day off. He wanted to work in the yard, and just "putts" around. Which he did.

I went over to moms and enjoyed a good day of applique with everyone. We had a total of 6 of us showing up. We laughed a lot. Mom had to go to the doctors because she's got a bit that has festered. She got another one on the other leg. Found out whatever it is, she's allergic to it. Doctor told her to quit working in the yard till it gets fixed.

Yesterdays photo. I was working on this today. I have the feathers on the left almost done. I'm thinking of where I want the embroidery to go. I will work on that.

I was able to sell more raffle tickets for the quilt QOV is raffling. It's awesome.

Came home and called dad to see where he was on the freeway. We were going to go back to mom and dads for crab, but he was still on I-5. It took him 5 1/2 hrs to get home from Seattle. It USED to take 2 hours. Because of all the construction on I-5, it's taking longer to get from point A to point B.
There were accidents, fire, and just slow drivers on the road. So, we will have supper with them tomorrow.

Life is good....Happy Quilting!

Presentation Day & Genealogy

 This morning, I was enjoying the morning. I knew I would be busy today, so just played on my tablet.  Then I was off to Dutch Brothers for ...